The Bad Mothers (Guilt Free) Confessional Thread

:blush: i took Rhiannon to baby clinic to get weighed and forgot to change her bum before setting off, of course when i stripped her, she had a wet nappy and her mummy (being the organised muppet she is) totally forgot to take the changing bag out of the car :dohh:...had to put the wet nappy back on the poor little thing...lucky the clinic is only 10 mins by car from home... my mantra all day has been "nasty mummy" lol.....
ok here's mine.. Oliver fell asleep on the sofa next to me the other day...and i must of fell asleep also cus all of a sudden i woke up to find him layin on the floor on his back, legs in the air cryin..poor thing rolled off and i felt soooo guilty, i was in tears!He was ok, just in shock more than anything. :( x
DH is away at the mo and my friend stayed for a few days. On top of this we're working on a new routine and haven't quite got it yet... excuses excuses.

Went out for a walk and part way round Charlotte started screaming blue murder. Couldn't fathom out what was wrong until my mate said "maybe it's because she's not had any milk since this morning". :dohh:

Anyone else want this to be a sticky thread? :lol:
Oooh you are so easily pleased :lol:
My confession for the day is poking Jack in the eye with my thumb nail and making it go blood shot, partly his fault for being silly when trying to dress him, but i felt awful
Softy she is

I wouldn't have stuck it :rofl:

:rofl::rofl::rofl: You guys make me laugh! Those things are so funny! (well not at the time)...

My son (2)...has done the pooing thing in his cot (and the eating it too I might add) and thought it was funny when he saw the look on my face (eeww!!)...I had decided that I wanted to sleep in an extra hour...gave him toys to play with and thats what happens!

But recently, we took one of the sides of his cot off...I put him in his cot to see what he thought and proceeded to fall out and bump his head! He had a lump the size of a 50c (Aus)...:dohh:

Then just a few weeks ago (details in thread named 'just wanted to share') he swallowed a marble while I was making a coffee for my mother and me...he was in his high chair he wouldnt get in my way in the kitchen! :shhh:

Lastly, last night he ate the cats food (dry biscuits luckily!)! He Honestly likes the stuff! Coz he will grab a handful and bring it our into the lounge giggling! :lol: He eats the cat's dry food like saltanas! :sick:

Talk about bad mummy for not watching him! Although mummy tends to blame daddy, coz the cat food incedent happened while I was cooking tea! :shhh:
:blush: I just remembered another moment of bad parenting! :blush:
But this time it was DH!
Jayden is now 2, but when he was about 1 month old his carseat was a special capsule that you can clip into a base that stays in the car! Well, Id had a C-section and couldnt lift hubby had to put him in...
I was going to do some shopping and we turned round a corner which leads onto the its quite miniute I hear the baby screaming only to find him in his capsule but on the otherside of the backseat!
Needless to say I pulled over imediately and proceeded to give him lots of :hugs: :hugs:!

Daddy got a blasting! :hissy::hissy: :lol: :lol: Poor daddy!
Well, the other night i put callum to bed (in his cot, side right up) and i goes downstairs. No sooner had i got downstairs that i heard callum screaming, runs upstairs and here he is on my bed with nicole!!! Given that callums cot is not in my bedroom it was rather scary!!!

How she had managed to pick him out of his cot and carry him into my room is a mystery!

All she had to say for herself was that "you've got to share your baby with me, and i wanted to cuddle him in on your bed"

That is just the most gorgeous thing I've heard in a while. Bless her. Scary, yes, but just too adorable. I have so much to look forward to. No biggies with DS yet. First day I took him home and carried him up stairs I tripped up.. lucky no damage to either of us - just my first panic of, 'oh sh...I'm gonna be rubbish at this'

And yeah, we've done the falling off the bed thing already. He hasn't learned his lesson tho - he crawls to the edge of the bed and then looks back at me grinning before changing direction. Sneaky blighter.

And to think loads of adverts are aimed at killing germs and bugs and everything, but how many stories are about our kids eating poo and worms and sweets off the ground with no ill effects? ;oD
Done the not atatching him properly into a carseat and letting him fall off the bed.
On monday he has his first taste of mud and today bless him he crawled/shimmied (he's abit ruff with crawling still) his way off the porch step which i feel so bad about, i should have watched him properly. :(
ooh..I've got a real knack for nipping him under the chin when I zip up his coat. I should only buy button coats..
Ive been in such a grumpy mood today, but finding this thread has had me laughing out loud for the last 5 minutes, thanks girls! I may as well add one of my own while here, my little boy is 6, but when he was about 4 I opened a door and didnt realise he was behind it, caught his big toe under the door. I felt so bad about it, ended up having to take him to the chiropodist (sp?) to get half the nail removed! He still mentions it...Im sure he is deliberately trying to make me feel bad! lol!
Ouch that sounds harsh! ^ poor little thing

This thread is funny:rofl:
I think we all laugh with relief at this thread. As well as it being genuinely funny. It may sound morbid/odd, but as someone currently suffering with PND, I find these stories give me something to look forward to. Not that I'm looking forward to causing my child harm - gawd..hole..dig....but when you're mind set is that your child is a burden..then these funny stories make you realise that your child is an exciting part of you life..good and bad. funny and sad. not sure if I'm expressing myself properly..but I'm looking forward for the first time in a while...does that make sense?
Right i've got another one.
But its not one of mine this time, its what my parents did to me.
Firstly i got told off my grandma that for my 1st birthday i got a badge on one of my cards so my dad put the badge on my coat, pinning the badge THROUGH the skin on my neck. And he didnt even realise why i was crying then my grandma realised thank god.
Then secondly when I was 4 my mam told my dad to let me "cut" my apple, which i used to do every night with those blunt baby knives, i'd basically whack at the apple quaters until i dented them then eat them. Well my dad in a dopey moment wanting to get back to the football gave me a chefs knife and a whole apple, i whacked not really knowing any different and chopped the top of my left middle finger off. Which led to a night in hospital and a huge bandage and it being sewn back on.

I use this to tell myself that when Alex eats mud he reallly isn't that bad off.

Aw this thread is great!

Few days ago kyle was screaming with colic..I tried changing him in lotsa positions and the one that calmed him for 5-10 mins was across my legs on his tummy. I thought this would be a great chance to drink the tea OH had just made for me and I reached down to get is and spilled some on kyle..I felt soo bad..luckily his t-shirt and vest musta soaked it up before getin to the skin, he never even budged! But ooh the look I got from daddy was not good lol :lol:

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