Thinking of taking Royal Jelly


Jul 11, 2011
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Hi ladies!

A friend of mine has recommended for me to take Royal Jelly and Bee Pollen to improve egg quality and reduce PMS... Does it work?

How do you take it?
So far I have seen Royal Jelly capsules and Bee Pollen capsules at Holland & Barret online. what is the dosage I should take? (If I finally decide to take them)

She said it helped her TTC, an she delivered a healthy baby girl at the age of 43.

What´s your say on this ladies?

I've also read that royal jelly increases the quality of the eggs. So, I've decided to take it for one cycle to see how it goes. I ended up with a long, anovulatory cycle (56 days). My cycles are usually around 35-40 days, but never before have I experienced a cycle longer than 45 days.

Anyhow, the cycle after this one I had intermediate bleeding (also never experienced before), so the gyno put me on Provera. She explained that I have low progesterone and probably a relatively high estrogen. Since royal jelly has estrogenic effect, this further increased my hormone imbalance, causing bleeding etc...

So.... royal jelly would be a good idea if you have low estrogen. If, however, you don't know your hormone status, I think it's better to leave it alone. I'm still trying to get me cycles back and I took it this March-April.

I've also read that royal jelly increases the quality of the eggs. So, I've decided to take it for one cycle to see how it goes. I ended up with a long, anovulatory cycle (56 days). My cycles are usually around 35-40 days, but never before have I experienced a cycle longer than 45 days.

Anyhow, the cycle after this one I had intermediate bleeding (also never experienced before), so the gyno put me on Provera. She explained that I have low progesterone and probably a relatively high estrogen. Since royal jelly has estrogenic effect, this further increased my hormone imbalance, causing bleeding etc...

So.... royal jelly would be a good idea if you have low estrogen. If, however, you don't know your hormone status, I think it's better to leave it alone. I'm still trying to get me cycles back and I took it this March-April.

Thanks for your reply. Its so good to know! Since TTC every one around me is recommending me to take so many suplements that i have never heard of that i am getting all confused!!
The worse is when they star saying: due to your age you should take.... grrrr!!

Wow hear of primrose oil messing up some girls cycles as well.

I think you are right, until my doctor tells me i have hormone problems i will just forget about all suplements except folic acid!

I've also read that royal jelly increases the quality of the eggs. So, I've decided to take it for one cycle to see how it goes. I ended up with a long, anovulatory cycle (56 days). My cycles are usually around 35-40 days, but never before have I experienced a cycle longer than 45 days.

Anyhow, the cycle after this one I had intermediate bleeding (also never experienced before), so the gyno put me on Provera. She explained that I have low progesterone and probably a relatively high estrogen. Since royal jelly has estrogenic effect, this further increased my hormone imbalance, causing bleeding etc...

So.... royal jelly would be a good idea if you have low estrogen. If, however, you don't know your hormone status, I think it's better to leave it alone. I'm still trying to get me cycles back and I took it this March-April.

Well said! I was gonna warn about the same thing...(estrogenic)
Did you try good ole progesterone for a little while, or only the pill to get normalized?
To starsign: no I haven't used anything besides Provera, although I think that some natural progesterone cream might be a good idea. It's tempting to try just about anything. I have a friend who swears on Maca (got pregnant on that cycle), then another one that recommends vitex, and so on. But I've decided to first do a complete hormone profile before trying anything new (any supplement or progesterone cream might give me false results). I'm just waiting for this cycle to end, so I can get day 3 tests done. I would also like to check FSH and AMH (if possible; I'm not sure they do AMH tests here).
You'd be best to speak to your doctor about it first.

I do take the Holland & Barrett Royal Jelly with bee pollen and have done for about 3 months now with no negative effects but I have very carefully researched every supplement that I take and that my DH takes and have discussed all with my doctor before taking any.
I was interested to read this post. I started to take RJ 3 months ago and my last two cycles I have not o/v'd. I was really worried I was pre-menopausal. Do you think this is because of the RJ?
You'd be best to speak to your doctor about it first.

I do take the Holland & Barrett Royal Jelly with bee pollen and have done for about 3 months now with no negative effects but I have very carefully researched every supplement that I take and that my DH takes and have discussed all with my doctor before taking any.

I think that is the wisest thing to do. To talk to my doctor... my reason to take it was that i read that is really good for people who have PCOS. although my case here is strange as before i was 30 I was diagnosed with PCOS and a year ago i had tests done including laparoscopy and they told me i didn't have PCOS!!:shrug:
I didnt think that disappeared! Never mind as doctors dobt seem to agree on that, i think Mcwooly that your adcice is great as dont want RJ to have a negative effect on my cycles!
I have read RJ is good for PCOS :thumbup: I'm afraid I don't know much about the syndrome so not much help sorry.

Not sure what supplements you take but I did read Vitex (Chasteberry/Agnus Castus) was good for PCOS too so it might be worth a look too if you've not already.

I know some doctors don't have a clue what can help or hinder in terms of TTC.

If you temp or use OPKs and can't get answers from your doctor about RJ then you could possibly try it for one cycle monitored by yourself to see how it affects you.

RJ has loads of health benefits but if they negatively affect TTC then it's pointless taking at the moment.

Good luck in getting your answers
To starsign: no I haven't used anything besides Provera, although I think that some natural progesterone cream might be a good idea. It's tempting to try just about anything. I have a friend who swears on Maca (got pregnant on that cycle), then another one that recommends vitex, and so on. But I've decided to first do a complete hormone profile before trying anything new (any supplement or progesterone cream might give me false results). I'm just waiting for this cycle to end, so I can get day 3 tests done. I would also like to check FSH and AMH (if possible; I'm not sure they do AMH tests here).

What you'll be getting is a snapshot, but it's definitely is a good starting point. You may want to look at doing a hormonal profile based on symptoms like this one here. Using that and the dr's results, you'll be better equipped to know what supplements may help.

Maca, btw, seems to be a great solution for those with low adrenals or pituitary function- it serves to indirectly amp the production/output of the sexual organs. Vitex seems best for those who have PCOS or lower progesterone levels- it serves to increase the stimulating hormonal levels.

Maybe using a profile site like: will help in addition to the dr's. results.
I just posted this on someone else's thread .. so please excuse the cut & paste ..

I was taking Royal Jelly ... I'm 39 and was worried about the quality of my eggs. Not sure if the RJ played a factor but my RE was thoroughly impressed with the quality of my eggs ... I'm a member of Hethir Rodriguez's website and I love her youtube channel. She is sponsored with ads but I love her healthy, organic approach to fertility ...

I started taking it a couple months before I had my first IUI ...
I was taking Royal Jelly and EPO and stopped both because I feared they might delay my ovulation (they did in fact although I cannot say which one). They both have estrogenic qualities (not what I need). It can be so tempting to add stuff every cycle, but it's a bit of a shot in the dark.

I was recently reading that a lot of these problems can be reduced with proper vitamins and minerals (B6+complex, magnesium, Vit D, C, Iron, etc.). We just don't get enough of what we need in our diets and then we deplete what we do get with things like soda, stress, coffee, etc. I found out I was terribly deficient in Vitamin D last time I had my physical - most people are - but Drs. have just started testing. As soon as I started taking Vit. D my energy levels shot up. I was cramping consistently after ovulation and during my 2WW since I got off the pill. I added a B-complex along with my prenatal and have had no cramping this cycle.

I've cut out everything except vitamins and minerals and am doing acupuncture to try to bring my hormones into balance. This is the first cycle off BCP that I don't feel crampy and moody.
I am taking Royal Jelly as I tested low in estrogen, have thin uterine lining/light periods, and am on Clomid (which may worsen the lining further and possibly egg quality). From the research I did it seems that RJ can help with all of those... decided to give it a go for a couple of months.

I take one 580mg cap of freeze dried RJ (says is equivalent to 2000 mg fresh) as soon as I wake up, and then a quarter teaspoon of fresh RJ late afternoon after I haven't eaten for 2-3 hours (apparently supposed to take it on an empty stomach). I can tell you that the fresh stuff tastes like a combination of vomit, petrol and chalk! (or something to that effect) Extremely nasty. But the fresh stuff is supposed to be better/more effective. I mix it with a little honey, but.... yeah.

So we'll see!
I'm going to acupunture at the moment and she told me to try Apimist which improves your quality of eggs. Its very expensive but the best on the market. It's in paste form and you spread it on toast. I'm going to buy some if i don't get my bfp this cycle because you need to take it for the 1st 2 weeks of your cycle. Good luck x
Interesting Jodes, had never heard of that before... says it is a combo of Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis and Honey? How does it taste? Hopefully more 'honey' than 'Royal Jelly' anyway! :D
Interesting Jodes, had never heard of that before... says it is a combo of Pollen, Royal Jelly, Propolis and Honey? How does it taste? Hopefully more 'honey' than 'Royal Jelly' anyway! :D

i've only just started going to acupunture this week and my dr recommended it to me but i was too late to try it this month so i have no idea what it tastes like :shrug: I sure hope its tastes more like honey :haha: otherwise yuke!!!
Yeah FX. I've got to find a way to make that RJ palatable - can't add too much though cos the empty stomach thing. But man, seriously, quite possibly one of the nastiest things I have ever put in my mouth!

( :haha: )
I have some but quit taking it. You are supposed to take without food with and not in warm liquid for effectiveness. I find the stuff kind of gross plain. On a bisquit would be fine but I guess it's less effective that way.
I took it for the entire cycle I got my BFP on. I did NOT like the taste...and it was a challenge to get it down without gagging 2x/daily.
I couldn't imagine eating it on it's own so i suppose a biscuit would have to do :flower: Wow congrats mbababy :hugs:

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