TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

I like Tori, Tyler, and Lexa. Hubby likes Jada and Love.

Our only mutual name is Sloan - neither of us are obsessed with it but it's a name neither of us hate and would be "okay" with.

Middle name settled: Elizabeth
Dream I felt that way when I was pregnant with my second. It took longer to bond with her than I expected but omg I did and I love her to pieces. It will be fine once she’s here. You’re going to eventually wonder what you were so worried about :)

I am not really disappointed, I think I was just SOOO convinced, that I was already mentally planning for my son, so it was just that initial “oh, not a boy?” Feeling.

I had my first OB appointment today. He said “welcome back! Has it even been a year?” :haha: I said nope! We have come a long way from IVF to Surprise! Lol then I told him “I just wanted to give you another chance to deliver my kid!” He laughed at that and was like “I KNOW! When I saw your name on the board I was like dang it!!” Haha third times a charm maybe?
Oh Dream I love some of your names. Is DH dead set on disliking yours?
Speaking of IVF, you have some embabies overseas right? Any plans for what you will do with them?

DH hates Tyler, which I get, it's obviously a boy's name but I still really love it. He strongly dislikes Lexa because we live in such an 'Alexa' world. Even though she's not in our house, she's everywhere and DS is always saying "Alexa, play spiderman theme song" "Alexa play Go Go Power Rangers theme song" "Alexa, repeat!" LOL He doesn't like the similarity.

I'm not sure why he pooped on Tori, but he did. Womp.

FX your OB gets to deliver #3. I was lucky enough to get my OB for #1 but her birthday is the day after my due date and she warned me early she would be taking a few days off so chances are not super high, depending on when I deliver.
Lexa is so cute! We have Alexa too but I see it as a completely different name. I also love Tori and think Sloan and Jada are pretty too. Picking names is harrdddd though!!!

Tb; your OB better clear his schedule for the week when you're due lol. Have you told anyone yet? So excited for you!!
Yes there are 8 frozen Embabies over there! I had planned on getting one if we decided on a 3rd… I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I feel very weird about all the options of what to do…it’s a little stressful to think about honestly.

I love those names. I can see the Alexa thing annoying her later on in life too. But I love the name! Do you mind Lexi? Or does that just change it to something you don’t love? Names are so hard. Having a third girl is going to make this extra difficult ha.

I kind of just casually tell people here and there lol but I think I’m going to skip announcing on social media again. It was so cool that I surprised so many people waiting until I gave birth to tell a lot of people I just didn’t see in 2021.
Yeah I almost want to induce to make sure he’s there :haha:
Hi girls, just checking in! How much longer Dream? What's coming up next for you Tb?
35w1d today - lower back pains are getting to me. I think I overdid it with cleaning yesterday and my body is saying no thank you.
My next OB appt is next week at 36w2d - then I start seeing her weekly (I feel like shit will feel very real once the weekly appts get going....eeek)
Wrapping up work next Friday at 36w5d
Have a very intimate (12ppl) sprinkle brunch on May 15th at 37w

I thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink we're settling on Sloan Elizabeth, but really, who knows...
I love it! Those names go together just beautifully!! I bet you're counting the days until next Friday :D

AFM; it's the 1-year anniversary of when my midwife thought I had a miscarriage. It's weird how I still think about it every few days or so. Still can't believe she made such a huge mistake.
I remember that like it was yesterday Sunny. When I logged on and saw that you in fact still had a perfectly healthy baby cooking! God's precious miracles
I woke up in the middle of the night topless last night. My husband swears he has nothing to do with it (I leaning towards believing him) but I have ZERO recollection of taking off my clothes and throwing them to the side last night. I am HOT all the time though, especially at night. Just weird I don't remember doing it LOL
Lol that's hilarious :D I was always hot too during those last few weeks. Just one more day until maternity leave, right?
Yep! My last day of work. Verrrrry good feeling.

Seeing my OB next Wednesday again at 37w3d. I plan to pack my hospital bag early next week and put my foot down with hubby about getting the infant car seat out of the garage and the bases installed in our cars. I just realized too I guess I need to pack a bag for my son. The plan is for either my mom or sister to watch him while we're in the hospital. I hadn't really thought about having his stuff ready until now.
Ahh dream I can’t believe you are at your weekly appointments! So exciting and I LOVE the name! I also forgot about packing a bag for my oldest haha luckily it ended up being my mom coming over to my house. I think now is probably a good time to get that base installed lol

oh gosh Sunny, I remember that and I remember actually tearing up on my couch with joy for you when you found out that was a mistake!! Ah and now your precious girl is with you.

I am 14w now. Had another ultrasound at my OB appointment at 12w and baby have been doing great. I’m really truly considering doing a home birth this time but I’m just trying to find a midwife. Idk. I like my doctor and I like science but my births… the 35 min car ride to the hospital is the worst and longest part lol I’d love to just have a peaceful labor
@Dream143r hows it going?? You’re at an “any day now” point if she hasn’t already made her debut! Think about you
Hey Hey Hey - Yep "any day now" status. She's still cooking, I've just finally finished packing my hospital bag lol but at least I'm ready to go now.

I see my OB tomorrow, she will check my cervix and see if there's any action. I've been feeling a bit of pressure but that's about it. I'm not expecting much.
I'm 1cm dilated, so not much going on. My blood pressure is creeping up a little bit so we're doing an ultrasound on Saturday to see how baby is doing. If everything is fine my OB will let me go 7-10 days overdue. If anything is off with the placenta or fluid we will schedule an induction. Really hoping to just let this one come on their own. FX
Omgg tomorrow is your due date, right?! Would be nice if baby made her debut then. How did your ultrasound go? I forgot; how long was labor and delivery with #1?

Tb; yeah I bet #3 will be even faster than the others so in a way, home birth might be your safest option if you want to avoid a car birth lol. Are you starting to show yet?
Eek! Just remember you can go from zero-10
Pretty fast so don’t let that throw you. But I hope she comes soon! What did they say about your ultrasound?

I am starting to show a bit. Still feel like I’m in an awkward stage though. I’m 17 weeks so I guess it’s normal but I still feel like I’m in denial lol
40w2d still preggo.

My doc didn't call me so that means all was fine with my scan on Saturday. I have my 40w appt on Thursday.

I could consider a sweep on Thursday to maybe get things going and try to deliver Friday when she's at the hospital. (that's my OBs next 24hr hospital shift, I would love for her to be my delivering doc again)

I'm afraid of starting that slow BS fake labour again tho. With my first I did a sweep on a Thursday afternoon which starting a slow false yet completely agonizing labour and didn't deliver until Sunday afternoon.

Or I can skip the sweep again this week.

Either way if I make it to my Thursday appt I think she's gonna schedule me an induction sometime before the 15th. Cause she said 7-10 days over is all she's comfortable with.

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