Unexpected and freaking out


Jun 12, 2020
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Hi everyone. I just joined this site today. My names Isla. I just took a pregnancy test last night and it was positive. I’m freaking out! My boyfriend and I are 16.

About 2 weeks ago I started to feel a little nauseous but only threw up 1 time. I thought I was just sick with something. Then I noticed I was having major mood swings and thought my period must be coming. But I checked the dates and realized I already missed a period and the period before that was really light and not normal either. I just decided it was probably something else, like being sick or stress or something. I still kept worrying that I could be pregnant but tried to just forget about it. Then this weekend a had a ton of clear discharge (tmi I know) and my boobs were hurting and they look real my puffy and I can’t really tell if they look bigger but they look different.

I only took one test and am hoping it’s wrong. I think I’m going to go get another test today or maybe 2 more tests. I just feel like maybe something else could be causing it.

I wasn’t on birth control but we always used protection except a few times when he pulled out. I just can’t be pregnant.
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Hi there, hope you get the outcome you’re wishing for. Just wanted to say I had my first just after turning 17, pregnant at 16. I broke it off with her dad during that time so I was a single momma.

I’m now 25 and she’s now 8, I still graduated and built a pretty darn good life for us. It was hard, but I love being such a young momma now. If you are pregnant, it’s ok to be scared, it’s ok to have bad days - even a lot of them - but it’s not the end of your life. Just the beginning of it actually. <3

ETA- my parents of course weren’t happy, but they absolutely fell in love with my daughter and have been nothing but the best of support for us x
Sounds like you are definitely pregnant. I would let your parents know so you can start getting prenatal care asap. Please find a good support system for you thru this! This will be challenging, but you can do this!!
Hi there, hope you get the outcome you’re wishing for. Just wanted to say I had my first just after turning 17, pregnant at 16. I broke it off with her dad during that time so I was a single momma.

I’m now 25 and she’s now 8, I still graduated and built a pretty darn good life for us. It was hard, but I love being such a young momma now. If you are pregnant, it’s ok to be scared, it’s ok to have bad days - even a lot of them - but it’s not the end of your life. Just the beginning of it actually. <3

ETA- my parents of course weren’t happy, but they absolutely fell in love with my daughter and have been nothing but the best of support for us x

It just feels like the end of my life. I never thought this would happen to me, which I know sounds really stupid. If I really am pregnant, I don’t even know how far. I don’t know if the period I had was even a real period or not. I just turned 16 in January so I would still be 16 once the baby was born *if* I’m actually pregnant. My boyfriend turns 17 in a couple of months. I haven’t even told him yet. I don’t even want to say it. I just was awake basically all last night just looking up stuff online and trying to think of what to do.
Sounds like you are definitely pregnant. I would let your parents know so you can start getting prenatal care asap. Please find a good support system for you thru this! This will be challenging, but you can do this!!

Do you think based on my symptoms and 1 positive test that it’s like 99% sure I am pregnant? Are tests ever wrong?? I know I saw online they usually don’t give false positives. I’ve seriously been praying for anything else that could cause this.

I can’t even imagine telling my parents. They’ll be so mad at me. I’ve sworn to them so many times that we weren’t having sex.
Oh hun, your parents probably know you're having sex anyways. I had my oldest when I was 15. He turns ten this year. I found out on new years and kept it a secret for about a month because I just didnt know what to do or how to say it. Well my parents knew and brought home a pregnancy test and made me take it. I just want to tell you that you have options and the sooner you talk to a dr the sooner you can find out what those options are for you. It is difficult no matter what you end up doing but you will probably be suprised by the people around you and who ends up supporting you.
After I decided I couldn't go through with termination I told my parents I would do adoption. (They just did not want me to have a child) well I kept looking at adoptive families and my mom was hiding things in the basement the entire time. When I broke down and told her a month before I was due that I couldn't do the adoption either she said of course you cant hunny I can see it in your eyes. And she brought up all the baby stuff she had been buying and told me she was going to support me no matter what I chose.
This is just my story but you will make your own and whatever you choose will be right for you!
Oh hun, your parents probably know you're having sex anyways. I had my oldest when I was 15. He turns ten this year. I found out on new years and kept it a secret for about a month because I just didnt know what to do or how to say it. Well my parents knew and brought home a pregnancy test and made me take it. I just want to tell you that you have options and the sooner you talk to a dr the sooner you can find out what those options are for you. It is difficult no matter what you end up doing but you will probably be suprised by the people around you and who ends up supporting you.
After I decided I couldn't go through with termination I told my parents I would do adoption. (They just did not want me to have a child) well I kept looking at adoptive families and my mom was hiding things in the basement the entire time. When I broke down and told her a month before I was due that I couldn't do the adoption either she said of course you cant hunny I can see it in your eyes. And she brought up all the baby stuff she had been buying and told me she was going to support me no matter what I chose.
This is just my story but you will make your own and whatever you choose will be right for you!

I don’t know, I think I was a pretty good liar when they pressed me about it, but maybe they know and just don’t want to admit it.

I’m going to the store to get another test and will take it today when I get home.
Pregnancy tests are pretty accurate. First step is to tell your boyfriend and family. Then 2nd step is to go to your obgyn for a check up. I think once you see that little baby on the ultrasound itll help a little. You can do this!
I took 2nd test about 20 minutes ago and it was positive.
I took 2nd test about 20 minutes ago and it was positive.

Awww hunni you always think it never happens to you but it does, I had my first when I was 17 I got told at 15 I couldn't have babies, she is now 14 and as a parent of that age you don't want to think of your kid having sex (older obviously) but we no it happens and if I ever found her in this situation I'd love to think she can talk to me, yes I'd be upset but I'd support her, you have to do the right thing for you sweetie but please please please don't stress yourself and tell your partner and parents and take it from there, as said above you have options and again please don't go through these options alone xxx
So I made a post a little bit ago and noticed it said it was waiting for moderator approval. Then I looked at the rules (yeah should have done that sooner) and I’m guessing it’s because I mentioned a certain word that isn’t allowed here? So I’m making this post assuming my last post won’t be allowed. And I’m sorry for not reading the rules earlier.

I couldn’t even say that I was pregnant to my bf. I literally feel sick saying that I’m pregnant. I mean I know I took 2 positive tests but it doesn’t feel real to me at all and every time I try to really imagine this happening to me I serious feel like I’m going to throw up. I was up until like 3 am last night looking stuff up just trying to rationalize that it could be ANYTHING else. I know that sounds really stupid after I took the tests but oh well.

So since I couldn’t even say it, I texted my bf a pic of one of the tests and he was like “wtf is that? What are you telling me?” I still couldn’t even say I was pregnant. I just said the test was mine and he was like “you”re pregnant?” Then like 10 minutes went by without a response from him at all. Then he comes back and said it’s all okay. I’m thinking how can he just say it’s all okay?! Then he said he can afford a you know what. So I told him I don’t know what I want to do. I want this all to go away but I don’t feel like I can decide right this second. I can’t even accept that I’m truly pregnant yet. He was like “you’ve got to be kidding me? You want a baby right now? You want to tell our parents?” And of course my answer to all of that is no, but I’m too freaked out to make any decision so quickly and apparently he didn’t even have to think about it. He said he doesn’t really understand why I’d consider anything else and he’s really sorry this happened hit we can’t have a kid and the answer is simple.
Awww sweetie you have to decide what's best for you no one can decide for you only you I no you must be so freaked out but trust me us ladies are amazing and so strong, whatever you decide is what's best for you, sending huge :hugs: xxx
I can’t imagine making such a big decision at your age, I’m sorry you have to go through it. My best word of advice to you is to be very very sure about what you decide to do, and don’t let anyone pressure you. You need to feel confident in your choice because it’s a very big decision that will affect you forever - no matter what you choose to do.

Hugs, we’re here to talk it out
I agree with what the ladies above said, whatever you choose it is your choice and no one else's and do not let anyone pressure you into something you are not comfortable with. If you have a good friend you can talk to it might be helpful. My best friend was the first person I told and she just listened she didnt talk back or give me advice she just let me get every single thought out of my head. It's hard no matter what you choose to do. *big hugs to you*
It just feels like the end of my life. I never thought this would happen to me, which I know sounds really stupid. If I really am pregnant, I don’t even know how far. I don’t know if the period I had was even a real period or not. I just turned 16 in January so I would still be 16 once the baby was born *if* I’m actually pregnant. My boyfriend turns 17 in a couple of months. I haven’t even told him yet. I don’t even want to say it. I just was awake basically all last night just looking up stuff online and trying to think of what to do.

I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I would really recommend talking to somebody close to you, aside from your bf, or seeing a doctor to confirm things/ get information - I’m not sure where you are located, but after age 13 here appts are confidential if you’re not ready for your parents to know quite yet...

talking to somebody will help immensely, it is a very scary, very intimidating thing, but it does get better. <3

My daughters dad also immediately assumed a you know what, I made sure I made the best decision for myself, others may not agree, but at that point I had totally excluded him from everything. I needed to talk with those less biased and who were closest to me.
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I am prolife, I'm not going to hide that. I do understand you're still young and this can definitely be a scary and unsure time. Sometimes thinking getting rid of the "issue" will be a quick and easy, but it's not. You cant change the fact that you are pregnant and there is a little baby in there. Even after the procedure, the baby may not be there, but the thought will always be. I really encourage you talking to your parents or your dr. Some areas even have free clinics for ultrasounds and awesome resources for this difficult and unexpected journey. I know you are young and the thought of a baby is almost impossible, but know that adoption is another great and awesome gift to give a family that so desperately want one!
As a mother of a teen mom let me tell you her story.

She was 16. He was 19 but we were told he was 18. They were dating for 8 months before we found out he was actually 19 because he slipped up and said something about buying a vape and I asked to see his license because at the time you could buy vapes and such at 19 but not 18.

Anyway, he was over every day. They were always going on dates and going off with friends and doing stuff together. I talked to them about safe sex and even bought them condoms! One day she told me the condom broke and she needed the morning after pill. So his dad actually offered to pay the 50 bucks to get the pill for her so I let him.

Then several months later she became so grumpy about everything, sleeping all day, eating foods she normally wouldn't eat and had all the symptoms. So I asked her if she could be pregnant. They both SWORE they used protection every time and there's NO way she could be pregnant. So a few weeks go by and she's still doing the same thing so I made her pee in a cup and I used one of my tests for her (her dad and I just had her little brother so I still had some tests left over from trying to get pregnant with him) the test immediately turned positive.

I asked her what she wants. She said she didn't want it and wanted to get rid of it. So we made the appointment. Went to it. Found out she was 13 weeks and the cut off was 16 weeks. So I assured her in the office that I would support her with whatever she decided. We had 2 weeks to think about it and she still wanted to do it. I tell her to wait one more day. So we made the appointment, paid the almost 700 dollars and went home. Got up the next morning and she's crying and saying she can't do it (I knew she couldn't and knew she would have regretted it the rest of her life)

Fast forward to today, they are still together she's an amazing mother he's an amazing dad. My husband and I don't have to pay for anything (of course we do but don't have to they take really good care of the baby)

That baby, my grandson, is the best thing that could have happened to us. He's a piece of our lives that we didn't know we needed and I couldn't imagine my life without my grandson right now. He's 10 months old now.

She got her GED and is now in college going to be a nurse.

It hard. REALLY hard. But it's not the end of the world. You can still finish school you can still accomplish your goals. It'll just be a little harder and take a little longer but you can do it. My daughter did.
So I haven’t told anyone since i told my bf. I’m not comfortable telling anyone else, even my friends or best friend. It feels like if I say it then it’ll be real and I am too scared that somebody will tell somebody else and suddenly many people will know.

I’m trying to figure out how far along I am. The last period I remember was sometimes in the first week of May but I don’t remember the exact date. I think it was like end of April through first few days of May. I looked it up and it means I’m 6-7 weeks?

sorry I had to edit this post because this site acts weird on my phone when I try to quote somebody’s message and specifically respond to a post.
I’m so sorry you’re going through this, I would really recommend talking to somebody close to you, aside from your bf, or seeing a doctor to confirm things/ get information - I’m not sure where you are located, but after age 13 here appts are confidential if you’re not ready for your parents to know quite yet...

talking to somebody will help immensely, it is a very scary, very intimidating thing, but it does get better. <3

My daughters dad also immediately assumed a you know what, I made sure I made the best decision for myself, others may not agree, but at that point I had totally excluded him from everything. I needed to talk with those less biased and who were closest to me.

I didn’t know that some places allowed minors to go to the doctor without their parents knowing. I’m in the US and i just looked it up and in my state the doctors have to keep it confidential and can’t give any information to parents without the minor’s consent. But I don’t know how I’d go to the doctor without my parents knowing since I’d have to use insurance. I guess I could go to some sort of crisis pregnancy center but those places scare me. I feel weird going there. I’m also sort of scared to go to the doctor without my parents....I’ve never gone to any doctor without one of my parents with me.
Eventually your parents and everyone else will find out. Better to tell them now so you and baby get the best care possible. :flower:

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