Vomiting in labour


Well-Known Member
Jan 13, 2011
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I didn't with my previous 3 labours, although felt quite nauseous with last one but they gave me an injection shortly after arriving in the delivery room.
However watching OBEM and seeing how many women have their sick bowls to hand I'm starting to get worried - I've quite the phobia about it and want to try and labour at home as long as possible again before going in but don't want to chance being ill.
So I'm just wondering if it happened to you whether first, second labour or beyond?
Thank you!
I vomited in both my labours despite having the injection in my first labour but I think mine was because I struggle with low blood pressure and it kept dropping even lower. I know lots of people who haven't vomited in labour, I dont think it's too common to vomit so hopefully you will have a vomit-free labour :hugs:
Thank you :) I hope so too! I had epidurals relatively quickly once I got to hospital with #1 and #2, just when things were getting too painful so it was easy going from there. With #3 I stayed home as long as I could and was 7cm when I got to hospital in quite some pain by that point, I wonder if my intolerance to pain is what does it! Just worrying it might happen, despite not happening again so I thought I'd get other people's experiences :D
I didn't vomit in any of my 3 labors. With my 3rd I did get a bit nauseated though. I think it was because I ate around 12 or so when I was getting close to 8 cm dilated. I was just really hungry and my lunch tray was a bunch of liquids so I downed it pretty quickly (jello, juices). I didn't ask for meds for the nauseated as it was short lived.
I didn't with my previous 3 labours, although felt quite nauseous with last one but they gave me an injection shortly after arriving in the delivery room.
However watching OBEM and seeing how many women have their sick bowls to hand I'm starting to get worried - I've quite the phobia about it and want to try and labour at home as long as possible again before going in but don't want to chance being ill.
So I'm just wondering if it happened to you whether first, second labour or beyond?
Thank you!
I have hyperemesis in the first half of my pregnancies and throw up daily multiple times... I have never thrown up in labour! Some women find the gas and air makes them nauseous but I didn’t. Anyways for someone who barfs a lot, everyone was sure I’d throw up in labour but I never have! You probably won’t this time around either.
I remember throwing up in triage when I was examined with my first. Then with my second it happened just before we left for the hospital but it was barely anything from what I remember.

I'm expecting it again this time but with being induced I'm paranoid my partner will see :( I think it was just my stomach clearing out beforehand.
I had HG all the way through both pregnancies and labour so yes I was sick during both labours and I have a very high pain threshold so it wasn't down to pain - I was still being sick after my daughter was born they wouldn't let me go until I kept something down :wacko:
I guess I didn’t vomit in labour technically but soon as my second was out I vomited. I don’t remember feeling nauseated though it just came right after I was done labouring, couldn’t eat much that night and the day after.
Thanks all...this has in no way allayed my fears :rofl: Guess there doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason to it, hopefully it will be 4th time lucky for me...eek. I guess it would be worth it in a way
Thanks all...this has in no way allayed my fears :rofl: Guess there doesn't seem to be rhyme or reason to it, hopefully it will be 4th time lucky for me...eek. I guess it would be worth it in a way
I think you're right, theres no rhyme or reason. My sister had 3 and didn't vomit at all during labour, I had one and vomited on every contraction until I got to the hospital and they gave me an antiemitic - very amusingly I was kneeling on my mums couch (the cushion covers had just been washed and replaced moments before) when I contracted, vomited and waters broke at the same time:rofl::rofl: makes me laugh whenever I think of it!
I vomited with my first. But not with any of the others.
Some womon poop as well but that's not happened to me yet lol.
I was violently sick after all 3 of my babies. The tea and toast was never able to stay down for me :haha:
I didn’t vomit but couldn’t eat anything for the whole thing as felt sick. Then I’m even worse after as I have to have the injection to deliver my placenta which makes me feel even more sick
I vomited with my first. But not with any of the others.
Some womon poop as well but that's not happened to me yet lol.
I pooped with my first, had no clue, no one told me! I only found out when I was in the bath and a little bit floated by :shy: My ex OH then took delight in telling me all about it....
But I would much rather that happen again!
I was violently sick after all 3 of my babies. The tea and toast was never able to stay down for me :haha:
I'm sorry to hear that, I love the tea and toast bit, aside form new baby it's probably what I look forward to most lol. I'm sorry you weren't able to enjoy it though :(
A sure sign I am in labour is, I am sick.
Then when moving into the next stage of the labour, I am sick non-stop.
It is actually really annoying because I contract with no breaks from early on and that happening plus throwing up is the worst combination. I can't focus probably on my pain.

As soon as the baby is out, it's all over. haha.
I didn't vomit with my first, but with my second i gave birth, they brought me a cup of tea and toast and i vomited all over the bed.

i was on the hormone drip for contractions with both pregnancies.
I never vomited with any of my three natural labours. I did vomit after my cesarean while I was being stitched up which they told me was very common due to the medications (and I suppose is why they don't want you eating before planned surgeries. Mine was unplanned.)
Throwing up in delivery is not a big issue. But getting the baby out is. When the time comes, it happens in a rush.

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