Wanted: Buddy on Cycle day 5 today!


Proud mum of 2
Apr 24, 2008
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Hi ladies, I am on my first month of TTC following a m/c on 15th April and I am on cycle day 5 today, would love to share my journey with someone in a similar situation :D
Hey babes,

Wish I was on CD5 so I could be yours!! :cry:
Hi! Well, I'm on CD 6 so I don't know if that qualifies?


Yaya xx
Hi! Well, I'm on CD 6 so I don't know if that qualifies?


Yaya xx

Hi there, well, we are almost synchronized - would love to be cycle buddies :hugs: Are you TTC no. 1 ? I have a DD who is 14 already to my first marriage and I am ttc no. 1 with my hubby of nearly 2 years. OOh just seen you are in SA - what's it like there?
Hiya golcarlilly

Yes, I am TTC number one. Been off the pill since Sept 2007 but only ttc since Feb of this year. My man is 23 years older than me and has a 19 year old son. We have some special ttc 'issues' as a result! I am hopeful for this month though! Been drinking carrot juice like crazy to try and increase my cm!! I actually have a detox headache today as a result!! :rofl:

I'm in Cape Town; it's lovely here but winter at the moment so quite miserable, grey and rainy. It is not called 'The Cape of Storms' for nothing lol!!

Whereabouts are you?? Did you fall pregnant with yr first easily??


Yaya xx
Hi I am in the North of England, it is very hot here at the moment (but not usually !!) I came off the pill in July last year and started ttc in October - took me 6 months this time where it only took a month with my DD but then I was only 23 and I am now almost 39! we have an age gap relationship too but the other way - my hubby is 30, he doesn't have any kids so it was even worse when I m/c I felt really awful for him as it would have been his first. The m/c was really bad and lasted 40 days! but anyway finally I find myself back to normal and as soon as :witch: has flown off I will be ttc like mad!!

Never heard of the carrot thing, I read that grapefruit was s'posed to do the same thing?
Sorry to hear about yr loss hun. :hugs:

Yes, grapefruit juice is also supposed to be good -- I loate grapefruit though so am not about to try it anytime soon lol! Other things that are supposed to be good: green tea, good old plain water, oats, Evening Primrose Oil. Because I am so bored on CD 6 I am going crazy on all these silly 'health' foods, drinks and supplements. :rofl:

How long is yr cycle normally? Mine is quite short -- between 24-27 days. I am hoping to ov by Monday next week. I know they say that yr cycle can change after suffering a loss -- two girls that I know found that their cycles shortened and they ov earlier than usual. Are you doing anything this month like temping or opk's?


Yaya x
Thanks Yaya, it was horrible but I feel ok now although my hormones are a bit all over the place since AF started!!

I love grapefruit so think will up my consumption of it!!

Before my m/c I was 28 day cycle and could tell when my ov was as had really bad pains for a couple of days a month after coming off the pill, I had the pains 10 days prior to my AF this month so am hopeful that my cycle has returned to normal already! I have no idea about the temp taking idea do you?
Yes, I am a bit of a charting/temping addict I'm afraid! :rofl: This month is my fifth one temping. From charting I have worked out that my cycles are normal and have no obvious problems so am going to carry on this month and then put my thermometer away next month if I still don't get a :bfp:. I feel quite at peace and ready to just let it happen in its own time at the moment. In other months I have been all worked up & desperate -- not pleasant!

I would highly recommend temping if you've never done it because it really gives you so much insight into your body. Fertility Friend online gives you a set of 'lessons' for free and allows you to chart online. But it's definitely not for everyone and some say it makes them more stressed out.

Big :hug:

Yaya x
I think I am gonna give myself a few months before thinking about trying anything, friend of mine was going to try the temperature/cm method of contraception but I have persuaded her otherwise as I am not really sure how successful it would be for that purpose and her OH really doesn't want any more kids! I do think for ttc purposes it sounds fairly reliable though.

I am going to be mega stressed about the whole thing cos of m/c I just know it and prob will drive hubby mad!! How is yours being about it all?
I actually practiced the 'Fertility Awareness Method' (FAM) as a means of contraception for about 8 months a few years ago -- it is actually highly reliable if you stick strictly to the 'rules'. Much better than using synthetic hormones! I only went back on the pill because I developed adult onset acne and it helped to clear it up.

Hee hee! My man is such a romantic -- he says I must just 'stop worrying' and forget about everything in the hopes that a magical :bfp: will appear to surprise us! Wonderful idea but as a woman one simply can't 'forget' about ov and cycle days etc!! I don't tell him all the in's and out's of charting though -- he thinks we only make love when we're 'in the mood'!! :rofl: I can't wait to surprise him with a postivie hpt one day! I think for men the whole 'pregnancy' thing will always be mysterious and kind of romanticised. For us it's obviously very different!!

Yeah, I think you are wise to just take it easy for now. I think we should be kinder to our bodies as women -- often it seems like they become the enemy or something when we are TTC!


Yaya x
Men have no idea what we have to go through do they!! No, to be fair my OH has been brilliant about it all, in fact he probably worries more about being able to conceive than me, especially since I already have DD.

I just so want to be pregnant again soon and just hoping against all hope that nothing will go wrong this time!

Do you work? I am at work at the moment, I am a PA for a textile company and I have worked here for 3 years, it is not very exciting but I have to stick with it in order to get maternity benefits!!
I'm sure you'll get yr sticky bean soon hun. :hugs: Let's hope June/July is a bumper :bfp: month for all of us ttc!

Yeah, I do work but am lucky enough to work from home most days. I am a researcher, which I enjoy -- am addicted to gathering information lol! How many months maternity leave do you get? SA is very bad in that respect and most women are lucky if they get 3/4 months worth. I hope to be able to take a lot more than that though, even if we struggle financially. I want to spend most of the first year with my baba.


Yaya xx
What do you research? not fertility? :rofl: sounds great working from home, wish I could! what does your OH do? mine works in the family business which is wipes - baby, patient, cleaning wipes etc.. (very exciting!) but at least it means he can take lots of paternity leave!

I will get 6 months paid (but only about 1/4 of my salary) and then another 6 months unpaid if I want it, I really really want to take as much time as I can but we just bought a house last year so not really sure if we will be able to afford longer than 6 months :hissy: will just have to see how things go.
Actually I do research in the broad area of women's health so not too far off from fertility actually!! :laugh2: My Oh is a professor in Psychology at the local university. He is taking a 'sabbatical' next yr which means that he gets to work from home on his writing/research which will be great if a baby arrives! I will have him right here with me! Although he might not get too much writing done! :lol:

Hope you're having a good evening. It's cold here so I am making veggie soup for supper and then we are watching a DVD. What r yr plans?

Night night
Yaya xx
Im day 6 today! Im still regulating after my mc i think as...

i had a 28 days cycle while on the pill
came off pill and had af 31 days later
then got :bfp:
had a blighted ovum
had d & C at nearly 13 weeks
had 1st af after 5 and a half weeks
had 2nd af after mc at 32 days (still bleeding)

Im not supposed to be ttc until sept/october as im at uni and dont want to be leaving mid term. Saying the want to be pregger again is sooooo bad.

Me and oh bded without protection last month and im hoping we will this month. My oh gets freaked out with the whole ttc thing and then after the mc i think it scares him admitting that we are ttc. We have a 2 yr old that was unplanned so fingers crossed we bd this cycle.

I think around ovulation i mite get him drunk:muaha::rofl:
Hiya Porkpie, so glad you are back - and we can be cycle buddies too :happydance:
Actually I do research in the broad area of women's health so not too far off from fertility actually!! :laugh2: My Oh is a professor in Psychology at the local university. He is taking a 'sabbatical' next yr which means that he gets to work from home on his writing/research which will be great if a baby arrives! I will have him right here with me! Although he might not get too much writing done! :lol:

Hope you're having a good evening. It's cold here so I am making veggie soup for supper and then we are watching a DVD. What r yr plans?

Night night
Yaya xx

Hi Yaya,

How are you today? Hope your veg soup was good - are you vegetarian? what film did you see? We had a quiet evening, did some gardening (we are growing our own veg) and then watched some comedy programmes on tv, much of the same planned for tonight - what an exciting life I lead LOL

I'm good today. Feeling pretty chilled actually. CD 7 and it looks like I'm entering my fertile phase but am surprisingly feeling very laid back about everything. It's nice! (And unusual for me you should know!)

Our soup was lovely; I'm not a vegetarian but am trying to eat healthier at the moment. So lots of fruits & veggies; I feel better for it I must say. How wonderful that yr growing yr own veggies! I've always wanted to do that & love pottering with plants & gardening. You obviously have green fingers -- hence the name and avatar!!

We ended up not watching a film last night but have it booked for tonight. It is called 'Atonement' and I have been dying to see it for ages. Have you seen it? It's got the very yummy (I think) young James McAvoy in it!! :happydance:

Welcome to Porkpie! Love the name btw!! Have you managed to get any unprotected bd-ing in yet!? :rofl:

Hope you ladies have a lovely evening. Golcarlilly: enjoy yr telly! Dh and I are off to walk our doggie in a minute or two.


Yaya xxx

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