Welcome to 'Trying To Conceive Over 35'

i'm reading a lot of posts online and especially about pregnancies and so on (as you can see) and i was always intrigued in reading what woman are saying about babies and pregnancies. i have also tried to pay attention to threads like this one when women are trying to conceive over 35 years old and you know what i have noticed? those women who are positive about it - they get it, those who don't - they don't. generally i think that mind is a very powerful tool and in case you have problems conceiving over 35 years then yeah, most likely you have some. but if you don't - you'll be all fine. personally i know A LOT of women conceiving and giving birth over 35 years old and they are fine. there are nearly no difference 35 and 25. it is all in your mind. i wish you good luck you mommies...

Couldn't have agreed more! So true
Hello ladies, I'm new on here. Please help me out here. Your advice is much appreciated. My Fiance and I did the deed a day after clearblue showed the peak smiley. We did it twice that month, the day after clearblue peak smiley and the following day after. We couldn't do it before ovulation because he is always working and sometimes he works over 16 hours a day. Anyway to make a long story short, I've been charting for the first time, and every morning my BBT is 98.4 until today 11DPO I had a dip, my BBT 97.9 and about 7hours later during the day, I went to pee and after wiping I notice a very very light pink bleeding with clear CM which have now stopped. My period was due on April 14th. Please advise. Thank you to all.
Just completed first round of clomid 150, cd 23 says not ovulated, but had cd 12 scan with 2 mature follicles and 1 almost mature. Next cycle we are adding ovidrel strigger shot.
Totally new to this!- so please bare with me :)
I'm a mom of 5 children: 4 pregnancies ( the last two were twins :)

Hello. Im 35 years old. I'm usually very regular. 28 days the majority of the time, but 26-30 is normal as well. This last month I had my period at 26 days- which tho rare to be that early- not super unusual. Well my period only lasted 2 days. It was not very heavy tho. Then it suddenly stopped.( I am usually a 4-5 dayer). I continued cramping tho. So the last 2 -3 weeks I've had bad headaches on and off, nausea, and extreme moodiness. Last week I thought I was due to ovulate but I didn't have my usual mittelschmertz and no egg white discharge as is the norm. Well then, two days ago on cycle day 17 I had brown discharge twice when wiping. Then yesterday the 18th I had a bit of discharge with a streak of blood in it twice when wiping. Last night my hubby and I BD and today I am cramping and more discharge with blood in it. Also lower back pain. My bbs have been very sore and achy these last few days as well. I'm wondering if stress could cause all of this? My previous 4 pregnancies however I had a 'false period' -( implantation bleeding). Is there any advice/ thoughts you could give me? I think I'm going crazy ;) Thanks so much for the time!
Hi Everyone! thanks so much for sharing your stories. I'm 44 and trying to conceive my #3 baby... I didn't realize that we started this journey in January! Since then I've had a failed IUI and a cancelled IUI (due to immature follicles). Now my doctors are talking about doing a Superovulation IUI, but that would start in September at the earliest since we will be vacationing around my ovulation time in August. Last month, my husband and I decided to keep track of my ovulation and decided to give it a whirl.... I'm on CD 22 and may be experiencing some possible early signs??? Of course, really wanting to be pregnant I always worry that it's all in my head... but I have super tender breasts (more than usual at pms time), and I can sleep at the drop of a hat..... and the most controversial possible early sign is that after reading about others who got a positive HPT after getting a positive OPK, I thought "why not try?" I have 3 left over sticks.... and it's pretty dark.... not quite as dark as what I would expect from a positive OPK, but nearly there.... Thursday is 10DPO and I am planning on doing a HPT then. That is when I got the first faint positive with dd#2..... thoughts?
Well, this forum does seem way quieter than it was 3 years ago! Nobody checks in anymore?

Well, for those that do.... I read a number of articles siting some research about some women ovulating more than once in a month... super interesting... I'm wondering if anyone has personal experience with this? or any anecdotal stories to share?
Well, this forum does seem way quieter than it was 3 years ago! Nobody checks in anymore?

Well, for those that do.... I read a number of articles siting some research about some women ovulating more than once in a month... super interesting... I'm wondering if anyone has personal experience with this? or any anecdotal stories to share?
Hi I'm new here and I DO. I did just that this cycle. First from my right ovary mildly then the next day from the left rather harshly. I thought I'd lost my mind but it happened within 24hrs.

I'm 39 and turn 40 in 6 months. This will be my second child in 6 years but my first child with my Husband. We are excited but cautious.
Hello me and my wife recently did two rounds of ivf. ( shes 43 i am 47 ) The first time there was 3 follicles but no eggs. The second time there was 3 follicles and one egg they successfully put my sperm with her egg everything looked good they replaced the embryo inside of her but we was unsuccessful at getting pregnant. She is completely heartbroken i need advise on what to tell her. I hate seeng her like this i am afraid to say the wrong thing but i am turning in circles on what to say. Can someone please help.sorry for the lack of medical terms and types of meds i just know it was a very aggressive treatment she just went through 2 shots in the morning and every night for 7 days.Also i hope this was the right place to post this very new to this. Thanks for your understanding.
Hello me and my wife recently did two rounds of ivf. ( shes 43 i am 47 ) The first time there was 3 follicles but no eggs. The second time there was 3 follicles and one egg they successfully put my sperm with her egg everything looked good they replaced the embryo inside of her but we was unsuccessful at getting pregnant. She is completely heartbroken i need advise on what to tell her. I hate seeng her like this i am afraid to say the wrong thing but i am turning in circles on what to say. Can someone please help.sorry for the lack of medical terms and types of meds i just know it was a very aggressive treatment she just went through 2 shots in the morning and every night for 7 days.Also i hope this was the right place to post this very new to this. Thanks for your understanding.[/QUOT this is her first child i have children from previous marriage
Well, this forum does seem way quieter than it was 3 years ago! Nobody checks in anymore?

Well, for those that do.... I read a number of articles siting some research about some women ovulating more than once in a month... super interesting... I'm wondering if anyone has personal experience with this? or any anecdotal stories to share?

i have just had this happen to me! i had the mirena taken out sept 1st. i have been using the digital smiley face ovulation detection. got a flashing face (high) on the 3rd and 4th, then a solid smiley (peak) on the 5/6th. i then got my period 17/18/19th. I have now had flashing smiley faces since 22nd (8 days). waiting for that damn solid smiley again.:wacko:
Hi i just wanna know if anyone is in the same boat as me. Im at DPO 10 and ive been having strong food aversions to eggs and sushi, i cant even think about them or i get really nauseated. Im constipated- TMI but still... i get occasional head aches, my skin is beautiful and clear which never happens this close to AF, i feel exhausted but hen when i sleep im tossing and turning. Im really emotional, i almost cried for no reason, then i was pissed off then i was happy. I took a test to day and got a BFN, but i think it may be a bit too early??
Hi newbie here , I'm 39 in march and fiancé has low sperm count after a failed vasectomy
Trying to conceive number 3
I have two girls and he has two
Had a faint positive two days ago but when I went to see about my coil being removed I was told it was negative and a chemical
Heartbreaking but at least we know we can do it !!
Ok ladies, I used to be in here a few years ago... trying to conceive, I had 2 miscarriages and decided enough was enough.

But I need your advice desperately!

Ok I had AF 16 days ago, quite light, but for some reason, I kept thinking I was pregnant. I took a test 2weeks ago, a negative. So I left it.
Then yesterday at work I kept getting this strange smell, I asked other workers if they could smell it? None did.
I recognised that smell, its like old leather and exhaust fumes. The only times I have ever smelt it before was when pregnant.
So I came home from work and dug out an old hpt test and still a negative.
But as I type this the smell is getting worse... Its there nearly all the time!
Plus my wine tastes funny and my dinner to!

So here it is, I am 16 dpo (if it really was AF) no other symptoms, negative test.

Could I be?
New here!

DH and I officially started TTC this week and I'm full of questions about every aspect (well, maybe not every aspect lol).

Looking forward to reading your stories, advice, and everything else!
Hi ladies, new here :)

I am 40, I had three mc over a period of a few years, mainly at 5-6 weeks. From what I read this is when a large amount of progesterone is needed. Has anyone else had this and then moved on to a successful pg? Did you get hormonal support?

We are trying for baby #2.

We are ttc in March again. Want this so badly, but so scared of mc. Seeing a high risk obgyn 17 March.

thank you :)
I just wanted to tell my story in case it helps someone else. I am currently 40 years old and 28 weeks pregnant with my first child! I have suffered 7 miscarriages since I was 35. Two of which were blighted ovums that had to be removed. Honestly I was never actively trying to get pregnant but if that is what happened then that was great. I really never thought I could have children because I had never even become pregnant before the age of 35 -when I met my current fiance. I was wrong! After 7 miscarriages I came to the conclusion that I could get pregnant just not carry the baby. Lo and behold I found myself pregnant again in November (I was 39) and didn't have much hope. We went to the dr and saw a heartbeat at 5 weeks!! We had never even seen a heartbeat before in any previous pregnancies. I spent the entire first trimester a nervous wreck. I even spotted at the time my first period should have been so I thought it was over. Well let me just say this has been a textbook pregnancy and I am so grateful. I did nothing differently than I had been doing other than I started drinking shakeology. Not saying that's what have me a good egg, just saying that's the only thing different about my daily routine. Bottom line is, getting pregnant and having a healthy baby at 40 even after multiple losses is possible!! Ps I had NO medical intervention even though it was suggested. I will not say that being pregnant at 40 is easy though...I'm tired!!!! Good luck to everyone ttc

Hi there,

Congratulations! I have had 3 mc since 35. We are trying for baby #2. May I ask what shakeology is please? :)

My last mc was 17 Dec 2016 and I had to have a D&C. Will try again in March. I just want this so badly. I stayed on folic acid and preg vits as I thought it can't hurt and may actually help with my eggs. I want to take progesterone and whatever else I can to ensure that baby sticks past 5 weeks...
Hi folks.
Relative newbie to the boards but not to motherhood.
I have a 20yr old from a previous long term relationship. After my partners death in 2012 I met someone new in 2015 who is younger than me (34) & wants to be a dad for the first time ☺
I'm hoping, at 45, I can make his dream come true.
Been watching my past few cycles like a hawk, think we got our BD timing right this time, according to the opk, now waiting to see.
Currently 12dpo, AF due anytime soon too, so confused by the odd pale brown/pink-red bleed I'm getting the past couple of days.
Past two periods have been heavy due to a fibroid but if what I'm experiencing now is AF she is alot lighter than usual when she starts.
Keeping fingers crossed for everyone on here that you all get the results you're hoping for ☺❤
wishful one: im 3rd cycle TTC age 44. We used the SMEP method this month with one day of preseed. I have a 21 year old son and my bf is 43 and doesnt have any kids and I really want to be able to give him this gift. We got tested and I am still fertile and his sperm is pretty much on the lower normal side but good motility and he is taking fertilaid to help in that. Hoping this month is a BFP. I am 4DPO.
Hi Ladies, I see that this page is not that active. We must be quite a few ladies and need to support each other.

How is everyone doing today? Are there any further developments with TTC? Anyone got a BFP yet?

Is there any advice that you would like to share on what you are doing to get that BFP? :)

All I can tell you is that I am seeing my high risk doctor on 17 March and that I have my progesterone ready! And I told my husband I will be giving him a schedule for ttc in March LOL

I look forward to hearing from everyone.

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