WTT for #1 thread

Hi People,
My OH and I are 25, married 18 month. WTT until I qualify and get my first teaching job next year. Hope to start TTC around October next year. We think it could take us a while as I have recently been diagnosed with PCOS. Cant wait to set eyes on our LO but kind of nervous etc.
Hello everyone! I've been around for a few months now, but will "formally" introduce myself here anyway!

I'm k.mcmahan2010, or Kimberly if you wish :) I'm 19, DH is 26 and we have been married for 15 months. I have no idea when we will TTC (although we are like half NTNP, at least when DH forgets the condom. :haha:). It's not a topic DH likes to talk about to much, even though I know he wants kids. He worries about finances quite a bit and seems to think that it takes millions of dollars a year to raise a baby. LOL

We bought a home last November and have just paid it off a couple months ago. It's a 2 bed/2 bath and has an extra room that right now we are using for the cat to get away from the dog, but could easily be turned into another bed room if need be (although it's kinda small, but definitely do-able). I only plan to stay in this house for a few more years and DH knows this, and agrees, but it's a hard pill for him to swallow since he has just redone all the insulation and is in the process of redoing the roof and a few other projects. Haha.

I'm working on my A.A degree for early childhood education and will finish that next May!! And then hopefully next August I will start my B.A. but I'm hoping to do that fully online because the only school I could do my B.A. at is the one I'm currently going to but the education adviser is an airhead and has screwed me over, and I hate driving to the campus (even though it's only 15 minutes from my house, it seems much further).

Ok I think that's it...at least for now! :kiss:
hi im sarah,
i am 19 years old oh is 20. soon to be 21 :)
we have been together 4 and a hlaf years :D and lived together for 1 ! we live in his parents spare flat down the road.
Im waiting until we are married and a house is bought ! so this might take a while :(
Hi all, I'm Lucy! I'm 19 and so is my OH, we've been together for about a year and a half :flower: WTT because we're both at university getting and education and I'd like us to be married first.
Great to meet all you ladies! :hi:

Does anyone else feel a little embarrassed when your OH catches you on this forum? I feel like he thinks I am a crazy baby lady when he sees me on here. I got a little upset yesterday because he said that I talk about babies a lot - it made me feel like all this time I had been sounding like a baby obsessive. :cry:

He wants to try for a baby too but we have both agreed we'll get married first. So I think that when I bring up the baby subject he thinks I am nagging him to get on and propose. I'm just so excited that we both will try for a little family one day! I'm going to try not to mention babies around him for at least a week... it's going to be hard!

This broody feeling has been so strong since around August, I wonder if it's hormones or psychological? Maybe my ovaries have noticed my eggs are running low and sent a memo to my brain. :haha: Do any of you girls know what causes broodiness? When I look it up online tonnes of stuff about poultry come up! :dohh:
Hahahaha! I have no idea what causes broodiness, but it must be something to do with hormones, surely! :p

DH catches me on these forums all the time now, and he's used to it. I've told him he's got nothing to worry about, and that I'm not trying to pressurise him. We know now isn't the right time for a baby.
Hey everyone, I'm in Scotland, I've been with my OH 4 years this new year, we're both 23 and have lived together for nearly 3 years.

We both work full-time, have a dog and seem to be on the same page (most of the time!)

I don't actually have a TTC date, we both want to be married first but I'm still waiting for the proposal! :haha: I get broody ALL the time but know deep down that now is not the right time for us.

We have the following targets before we TTC: Get married, save some money and a holiday to Florida next September...
Great to meet all you ladies! :hi:

Does anyone else feel a little embarrassed when your OH catches you on this forum? I feel like he thinks I am a crazy baby lady when he sees me on here. I got a little upset yesterday because he said that I talk about babies a lot - it made me feel like all this time I had been sounding like a baby obsessive. :cry:

He wants to try for a baby too but we have both agreed we'll get married first. So I think that when I bring up the baby subject he thinks I am nagging him to get on and propose. I'm just so excited that we both will try for a little family one day! I'm going to try not to mention babies around him for at least a week... it's going to be hard!

This broody feeling has been so strong since around August, I wonder if it's hormones or psychological? Maybe my ovaries have noticed my eggs are running low and sent a memo to my brain. :haha: Do any of you girls know what causes broodiness? When I look it up on-line tonnes of stuff about poultry come up! :dohh:

I get you! I feel like all I want to do is talk about babies! I too said that I'd stop talking about it...lasted 2 and a half days until I freaked out and told him I couldn't do it! He was quite calm and told me it will be ok...everything will be fine!

I'm at the point of thinking that he's using the reverse psychology trick on me! AND ITS WORKING!!!! :nope:But he's cool about it all...

I have a niece and nephew and haven't always been broody! A couple of months ago I went insane for the need to be pregnant /have a baby and it was killing me! Seriously affecting my health! So I set some goals: set up my cake business, get my thyroid thing sorted out and have a birthday and Christmas before trying, start talking about it again after our 3rd wedding anniversary... so August! And I was content!

These last few weeks have been torture broodiness wise (where did it come from!!??) I see my husband with the kids and just melt...and they love us! I so want that for us! (but I'm worried that will all stop when we have our own :()


Oh, look..there's me panicking again...I'll stop now... I'm off to investigate the possible causes of broodiness!


Cake x
Great to meet all you ladies! :hi:

Does anyone else feel a little embarrassed when your OH catches you on this forum? I feel like he thinks I am a crazy baby lady when he sees me on here. I got a little upset yesterday because he said that I talk about babies a lot - it made me feel like all this time I had been sounding like a baby obsessive. :cry:

He wants to try for a baby too but we have both agreed we'll get married first. So I think that when I bring up the baby subject he thinks I am nagging him to get on and propose. I'm just so excited that we both will try for a little family one day! I'm going to try not to mention babies around him for at least a week... it's going to be hard!

This broody feeling has been so strong since around August, I wonder if it's hormones or psychological? Maybe my ovaries have noticed my eggs are running low and sent a memo to my brain. :haha: Do any of you girls know what causes broodiness? When I look it up on-line tonnes of stuff about poultry come up! :dohh:

I get you! I feel like all I want to do is talk about babies! I too said that I'd stop talking about it...lasted 2 and a half days until I freaked out and told him I couldn't do it! He was quite calm and told me it will be ok...everything will be fine!

I'm at the point of thinking that he's using the reverse psychology trick on me! AND ITS WORKING!!!! :nope:But he's cool about it all...

I have a niece and nephew and haven't always been broody! A couple of months ago I went insane for the need to be pregnant /have a baby and it was killing me! Seriously affecting my health! So I set some goals: set up my cake business, get my thyroid thing sorted out and have a birthday and Christmas before trying, start talking about it again after our 3rd wedding anniversary... so August! And I was content!

These last few weeks have been torture broodiness wise (where did it come from!!??) I see my husband with the kids and just melt...and they love us! I so want that for us! (but I'm worried that will all stop when we have our own :()


Oh, look..there's me panicking again...I'll stop now... I'm off to investigate the possible causes of broodiness!


Cake x

Glad I'm not the only one out there crazy broody! The silly thing is that he was up for trying in August, and when I was convinced I was pregnant I freaked out a bit and thought "what will my family think, I should have got married first! I wont be able to finish the project I am doing if I am pregnant!" Then when AF came I realised it wasn't the right time, and we both agreed that we would get married first. I don't have a TTC date but I am hoping he'll propose to me before next year. We're off on holiday together soon so fingers crossed he'll pick a moment then? I think if I had a TTC date then I would be a little less crazy... maybe. :blush:
Great to meet all you ladies! :hi:

Does anyone else feel a little embarrassed when your OH catches you on this forum? I feel like he thinks I am a crazy baby lady when he sees me on here. I got a little upset yesterday because he said that I talk about babies a lot - it made me feel like all this time I had been sounding like a baby obsessive. :cry:

He wants to try for a baby too but we have both agreed we'll get married first. So I think that when I bring up the baby subject he thinks I am nagging him to get on and propose. I'm just so excited that we both will try for a little family one day! I'm going to try not to mention babies around him for at least a week... it's going to be hard!

This broody feeling has been so strong since around August, I wonder if it's hormones or psychological? Maybe my ovaries have noticed my eggs are running low and sent a memo to my brain. :haha: Do any of you girls know what causes broodiness? When I look it up on-line tonnes of stuff about poultry come up! :dohh:

I get you! I feel like all I want to do is talk about babies! I too said that I'd stop talking about it...lasted 2 and a half days until I freaked out and told him I couldn't do it! He was quite calm and told me it will be ok...everything will be fine!

I'm at the point of thinking that he's using the reverse psychology trick on me! AND ITS WORKING!!!! :nope:But he's cool about it all...

I have a niece and nephew and haven't always been broody! A couple of months ago I went insane for the need to be pregnant /have a baby and it was killing me! Seriously affecting my health! So I set some goals: set up my cake business, get my thyroid thing sorted out and have a birthday and Christmas before trying, start talking about it again after our 3rd wedding anniversary... so August! And I was content!

These last few weeks have been torture broodiness wise (where did it come from!!??) I see my husband with the kids and just melt...and they love us! I so want that for us! (but I'm worried that will all stop when we have our own :()


Oh, look..there's me panicking again...I'll stop now... I'm off to investigate the possible causes of broodiness!


Cake x

Glad I'm not the only one out there crazy broody! The silly thing is that he was up for trying in August, and when I was convinced I was pregnant I freaked out a bit and thought "what will my family think, I should have got married first! I wont be able to finish the project I am doing if I am pregnant!" Then when AF came I realised it wasn't the right time, and we both agreed that we would get married first. I don't have a TTC date but I am hoping he'll propose to me before next year. We're off on holiday together soon so fingers crossed he'll pick a moment then? I think if I had a TTC date then I would be a little less crazy... maybe. :blush:

Maybe...maybe not!

I did stop before I got to DH suggesting we start in JANUARY!!! :shock:
That's why I'm freaking out... I thought we had settled on 11 months and now its only 3 months away!

Him bringing the date forward has only made me more crazy!!

OOOOh...Holiday... where you going? :)
Paris! It's my birthday too - can't wait! :flower:
3 months until you TTC - wow not long at all then! How exciting! How long have you been broody for?
Paris sounds loverly and romantic!:winkwink: Er... Id say that I've been nuts...I mean broody for about three or four months... Properly broody...like ...cant-stop-thinking-about-having-a-baby broody!

ts not long, no, but I wont see my doctor till next month and I cant take folic acid and vitamins until I do so Its not the 3 months I'd want t be on all the vitamins for so maybe I'll just wait a bitty longer...

Oh the joys!
Great to meet all you ladies! :hi:

Does anyone else feel a little embarrassed when your OH catches you on this forum? I feel like he thinks I am a crazy baby lady when he sees me on here. I got a little upset yesterday because he said that I talk about babies a lot - it made me feel like all this time I had been sounding like a baby obsessive. :cry:

He wants to try for a baby too but we have both agreed we'll get married first. So I think that when I bring up the baby subject he thinks I am nagging him to get on and propose. I'm just so excited that we both will try for a little family one day! I'm going to try not to mention babies around him for at least a week... it's going to be hard!

This broody feeling has been so strong since around August, I wonder if it's hormones or psychological? Maybe my ovaries have noticed my eggs are running low and sent a memo to my brain. :haha: Do any of you girls know what causes broodiness? When I look it up online tonnes of stuff about poultry come up! :dohh:

My mom told me that my husband basically told her that he thinks I'm baby obsessed because I'm on this site all the time (which isn't entirely true, I usually just have this along with FB and a couple other websites open at the same time, whether or not I'm actually using them.) So I try not to mention babies around him to often and I try to remember to close out of BnB when he's awake/home...just so he doesn't think he has a crazy baby obsessed person for a wife. LOL
Hi all. I wasn't on BnB all weekend but am thrilled to see that this thread has been started (thanks BeeLT!).

I guess I'm a bit late introducing myself but, well, hello! I am Nightdaze (or Denise if you like!) and I have been with my DH for almost 8 years, married for 7. He is from the UK, I am from Canada, we lived in London for quite awhile but now we're back here and have a lovely little house that is ready to be filled with a family!
We are going to start TTC around Christmas, my cycle has been a bit off the last couple months but I'm hoping that my fertile days will be sometime around the holidays. I think there is a small chance that we will have a go at TTC 1 cycle earlier though...both of us are getting a little bit impatient - but it really isn't long now.

In the meantime I am trying to lose a little bit more weight and am ridiculously busy in every area of my life so hopefully the next couple of months will fly by.

Nice to meet everyone!! xoxo
Phew, I'm glad I'm not the only crazy broody woman on here!! My OH hates me being on this website, but I don't think he realises that I talk about babies less when I get it out of my system on here :haha:

:hi: Nightdaze
Fun! :happydance:

My name is Olivia and I'm 22 years old. I'm a stay at home wife :laundry:
We have two dogs and we love them dearly and treat them like our own kids.

I was diagnosed with Lupus when I was 18, but have been in remission for about 3 years. It might be a little more difficult for me to get pregnant, and I will be considered high risk.

I'm so glad I found BnB and I am a little obsessed with it!

Love reading about every one on here
My DH likes that I'm on here too - but before I used to talk about babies...now I talk about all the things I learn on BnB!
When I first came on here me and OH had a little argument because he thought I was weird and baby obsessed. So I didn't come on here for ages. But then the broodiness became overwhelming and not being able to talk to OH about it meant that I caved and came crawling back to BnB. I just go on it from my phone now, but I'm sure he at least has a feeling I'm on here xx
DH doesn't know I'm still here... :blush:

He was really wired out when I was on a wedding planning forum (despite the fact we were engaged and planning a wedding!)

He knows I joined here when we had a pregnancy scare back at Easter, but just hasn't realised I'm still here! But I wouldn't have stayed if WTT didn't exist :)

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