♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

@aymz1983 My cousin threw up during her 3 hour test and didn’t want to repeat it. In they end they just let her check her blood sugar 4x a day and she ate as if she had gestational diabetes. Her one hour test came back high though.

I’ve just been to an appointment and got to see baby girl! She is HUGE and measuring 2 weeks ahead. I also had a consultation with an anaesthesiologist because of a past back injury. It seems like because I have narrowing in my spinal column there is a change an epidural won’t work on me. They have told me to mentally prepare for a natural birth.
@Teafor2 that's what I have been worried about :/ I'd be happy to test daily as often as needed but just can't do the actual test.
Glad you got to see baby girl! How do you feel about potentially having to go natural without epidural?

@daniyaaq that's lucky you have been able to get out of them!
So I was supposed to have my rearranged glucose test today but I just couldn't make myself go. I've decided I am not going to rearrange, I was literally up from about 3am worrying about it and when I was asleep before that I was dreaming about it!
I am sure that I'll get a telling off from midwife and consultant but I will literally do anything else they ask of me I just can't do this. I know it seems weak but without going into all the ins and outs why, the anxiety was just stressing me out too much.
Has anyone else here not had their glucose test? I only have 57 days until due date and as I've mentioned before they were talking about getting him out early so potentially only 35 - 42 days away (I am on a days countdown now, weeks just seems forever away lol). I am sure I will be fine in that time, I am showing no signs of GD, I never had it with any of my other children, I am confident that I'm only being asked as a risk factor.
Urg. I feel bad though but I just can't!

Sorry for the mini rant, hope everyone is doing ok, @Skye75 how exciting you have a date! And @IsabellaJayne did I read you have one too? We will be seeing babies born here soon yay
You could ask for a random glucose and hba1c instead of a glucose tolerance test if you don’t want to fast ?
@aymz1983 My cousin threw up during her 3 hour test and didn’t want to repeat it. In they end they just let her check her blood sugar 4x a day and she ate as if she had gestational diabetes. Her one hour test came back high though.

I’ve just been to an appointment and got to see baby girl! She is HUGE and measuring 2 weeks ahead. I also had a consultation with an anaesthesiologist because of a past back injury. It seems like because I have narrowing in my spinal column there is a change an epidural won’t work on me. They have told me to mentally prepare for a natural birth.

I’m assuming you are from the USA ?
Epidurals are much more common there and I think they are sort of standard. In the UK they’re not as common although a lot of women have them. Is there any other pain relief they can offer?
I had my first with just gas and air and my second with nothing. No it’s not nice but it’s a good pain because you’re getting something positive out of it so worth it end the end! Xx
@aymz1983 I have never even been offered a glucose test in any pregnancy. I haven’t in this one either. Never even a mention of it. I see loads of women having theirs at antenatal all the time. They’ve never mentioned it to me so I’ve never asked. Yes 11th December c-section as it stands. If BP remains stable the week before they may push it back a week or 2. We shall see.
@aymz1983 I have never even been offered a glucose test in any pregnancy. I haven’t in this one either. Never even a mention of it. I see loads of women having theirs at antenatal all the time. They’ve never mentioned it to me so I’ve never asked. Yes 11th December c-section as it stands. If BP remains stable the week before they may push it back a week or 2. We shall see.
You’re only offered it if first degree relative has diabetes. If your bmi is over 30 and if you’ve previously had GD. If you have PCOS if you’re of Asian ethnicity x
I always have to pipe in when the GTT is talked about… sorry! I’m Canada it’s standard to test all pregnant women. I know it’s an awful test… but can I tell you, I have been positive 4 times and I have zero risk factors.

I exercise almost daily (not when I’m pregnant because of Hg) I am 5’5” 115 lbs, eat really healthy and have no family history, and if I had only been tested by risk factors I wouldn’t have been tested. Who knows what could have happened to my first baby if I hadn’t been tested. My friend’s sister had a stillbirth because of undiagnosed GD. GD can happen to anyone, not just those with apparent risk factors. So if you’re skipping your GTT, I would highly recommend testing yourself at home as your Dr would like!

@aymz1983 @Mummyto293
I actually would prefer to go natural without an epidural, but I also know I have a curved tailbone which could stall labour or cause a lot of back labour. I just wanted to know my options and since I’ve never given birth before I don’t know how I’ll be with the pain. Usually I handle pain quite well... even my broken back (which included a shattered vertebrae) was initially overlooked by doctors because I didn’t seem to be in much pain when I went in to the ER. But broken bone pain isn’t the same as labour pain, so you never know! Just wanted to be aware what my options were so I don’t get any surprises later.
I always have to pipe in when the GTT is talked about… sorry! I’m Canada it’s standard to test all pregnant women. I know it’s an awful test… but can I tell you, I have been positive 4 times and I have zero risk factors.

I exercise almost daily (not when I’m pregnant because of Hg) I am 5’5” 115 lbs, eat really healthy and have no family history, and if I had only been tested by risk factors I wouldn’t have been tested. Who knows what could have happened to my first baby if I hadn’t been tested. My friend’s sister had a stillbirth because of undiagnosed GD. GD can happen to anyone, not just those with apparent risk factors. So if you’re skipping your GTT, I would highly recommend testing yourself at home as your Dr would like!

I am more than happy to test myself at home 1000 times a day if that's what's needed, I just couldn't do the regular test :)
You’re only offered it if first degree relative has diabetes. If your bmi is over 30 and if you’ve previously had GD. If you have PCOS if you’re of Asian ethnicity x

thatll be why I’ve never been offered it then. Weird @Reiko_ctu , in the UK it’s not routinely offered and I’ve never ever been offered it. Weird how it varies from country to country.
Just back from growth scan and seeing consultant, baby is approx 4lb 6oz, tummy is measuring 4 weeks ahead :haha: legs and head on 50 centile, tummy 97 centile
Doppler and placenta all looking good, just my blood pressure isn't as controlled as they would like, back again on Friday for my normal weekly check up.
Anyone struggling with low iron and haemoglobin? Mine has been fine thus far, and then yesterday I had a blood test and both came back very low. I don’t see my ob again until November 8th, but I’m thinking I should start supplementing before then.
@aymz1983 @Mummyto293
I actually would prefer to go natural without an epidural, but I also know I have a curved tailbone which could stall labour or cause a lot of back labour. I just wanted to know my options and since I’ve never given birth before I don’t know how I’ll be with the pain. Usually I handle pain quite well... even my broken back (which included a shattered vertebrae) was initially overlooked by doctors because I didn’t seem to be in much pain when I went in to the ER. But broken bone pain isn’t the same as labour pain, so you never know! Just wanted to be aware what my options were so I don’t get any surprises later.
You can totally do an unmedicated birth! You go mama!! If you have a higher pain tolerance, a lot of times when you get to the point you’re asking for pain relief, it’s too late in the game anyways and baby will be there soon. For me I usually have about 45 mins that’s really intense and then baby is there.
Anyone struggling with low iron and haemoglobin? Mine has been fine thus far, and then yesterday I had a blood test and both came back very low. I don’t see my ob again until November 8th, but I’m thinking I should start supplementing before then.
You can usually just grab some from the pharmacist if you tell them your blood results came back low. Also another thing to look at is copper because it is a helper to iron I think.
So growth scan and follow up consultant today, although no consultant just one of the other registrar doctor people. She's going to book me in for a fasting glucose blood test which is much better :)
All looked ok with baby, but he's lost a little weight since 28 week scan. Measuring just above 10th percentile. So will have to wait until next scan at 36 weeks to see what is what but of course now I worry. I know scans aren't bang on with measurements and weights but she did take several measurements of the same things so it's not like she took one and moved on. Is this common, to have baby lose a bit of weight but be ok?
Very long story short - I tried to refuse my GTT for very legitimate researched reasons and they threatened to kick me out of the practice in my 3rd trimester if I didnt. The thought of trying to scramble in my last few weeks of finding a new OB Im comfortable with basically forced me to take it. I of course passed with flying colors as I knew I would. Sore subject and Im so disgusted with how they handled it. They refused any alternative testing to check for gd. They used to be so good and caring treating everyone as an individual and now theyre money hungry and treat everyone like cattle. Im definitely not going back after bub is born.

@aymz1983 how long since your last scan? If its only a week maybe measurements are off, if its been like a month I would be a little concerned. Did the Drs not seem bothered by it? Waiting another month for the next scan I guess its nothing overly concerning?

Ive always been mildly anemic - and more so in pregnancy. The first pregnancy they didnt bother to check my levels until 28 weeks and I felt a ton better after starting iron tabs. So second and this time I just started taking with first positive test.
And @Teafor2 neither of my epidurals worked fully. My first it only numbed one leg and half my bits, 2nd it was only in a few min before babe came so it wasnt really effective either. Im planning to try totally without since I basically did last time. And Id like to be able to move around and get up if I want.
I had a epidural and it didn't touch down there. I felt everything. But when I had our 2 year old my epidural was amazing and I cudnt feel a thing.
Wanted to try and go without this time but I ended up hyper stimulating because of the pessery to induce labour. Was the worst pain I have ever felt so had to have epidural.
@Rach87 it's been 4 weeks since last scan. I haven't had the full summary back yet so don't know exact measurements. Looking at 28 weeks, est fetal weight was on 49th and yesterday was just above 10th (est 2lb 10 at 28weeks and 3lbs 15 at 32 weeks). They said not too concerned as still just above the cut off to be worried if that makes sense? Next scan at 36 weeks so another 4 week wait.
@aymz1983 ohhh gotcha - sorry I read it as he actually lost weight like he got smaller! I was thinking like how are they not concerned?! Lol ok, well babies do have growth spurts so maybe they caught it right after one last month, and right before one this time? Will they be checking the placenta or having you do nst’s to make sure all is well in that area?

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