Hello everyone
I havent been on here since my first and shes coming up to 5 now, recently we decided we are going to try for number 2, I came of cerezette a week ago and had my withdrawal mid week and had cramps all week ! Not nice. I had a worrying pregnancy first time round so if I do concieve its going to be same again. It took me i think 31 days before first af, Iam 7 days in and the wait is just hurrendous !
I havent been on here since my first and shes coming up to 5 now, recently we decided we are going to try for number 2, I came of cerezette a week ago and had my withdrawal mid week and had cramps all week ! Not nice. I had a worrying pregnancy first time round so if I do concieve its going to be same again. It took me i think 31 days before first af, Iam 7 days in and the wait is just hurrendous !