10 month old and neither crawling or pulling up


Proud Mommy to Alexander
May 12, 2014
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So my son will be 10 months on August 5th. He currently rolls around and pushes his way forward on his belly. The vast majority of the time when he's on his tummy, he's supporting on his hands. He will occasionally try to get into the crawling position but only holds it for a couple of seconds before his legs are flat on the floor. He'll also sometimes push himself backwards trying to get his knees under him. He seems to have good muscle tone and can lie on his tummy for really long stretches of time. I've tried having him stand on my lap and he puts weight on his legs.

I don't know if he's also delayed because the first 3 months didn't have tummy time as he was suffering from breast milk jaundice so was constantly sleeping. I had to 95-98% of the time wake him for feeds. Also I was late in removing his activity center which I think was encouraging laziness. Within days he was working a lot more on rolling onto back and tummy and is now pretty good at it although he prefers to roll left:dohh:

I should perhaps also mention that I'm letting him develop his skills naturally so haven't taught him to sit or anything. Just letting him have lots of free play on the floor.

I'm not sure if I should be concerned or not and when to start getting him checked?

The 4 other babies in the Mommy Group I'm in are all currently pulling up (3 of them crawled while it looks like one will be skipping crawling). It's leading me to feel like I almost can't meet with them anymore because by the time we start meeting again after the summer, they'll all be well on their way to walking while my son may not be crawling yet or perhaps he may have started to. I know all babies develop differently but I just feel like it's hard to be the one in the group where your baby is the one developing "slower". Advice?
My eldest didn't crawl until just gone 11 months and walked at just after 18 months. He was by far the slowest physically in my baby group and it was difficult as they'd all be toddling while I'd be lugging him around! We were kind of expecting it as his dad was very late also. However he's now the most active child ever! It's difficult but it's hard to get them moving before they're ready or want to.
I wouldn't worry. My son was the same! He bum shuffled at around 11 months and didn't walk until 18 months. He also never crawled. He was also very late learning to sit himself up and pull himself up. He is now a very active and healthy 5 year old! 😁 x
He was by far the slowest physically in my baby group and it was difficult as they'd all be toddling while I'd be lugging him around!

Yes I'm also finding it difficult:nope: Here's everyone else in the group showing off pics/videos of their baby crawling or pulling himself up (funny enough all the babies are boys in my group:haha:) and here I am with my son just rolling around:dohh: Doesn't help that 2 of them were quick to crawl, the one that's older by 1 month crawled at 7 months and one of the others crawled at 6 months:wacko: The one who's baby is skipping crawling just tells me that babies develop differently and I know that logically but just find it so difficult to see them all speed ahead of my son:nope:

Truth be told I'm a bit stressed if my son doesn't crawl as it's supposed to be a good "brain exercise" for babies according to my in-laws.
My cousin is turning one next week and he has very recently gone straight from just sitting and rolling to crawling, pulling up and walking all at once so your LO may well suddenly master crawling or just get up and walk one day. All the time he's trying and bringing his legs under he's working the muscles he needs even though he isn't actually crawling yet. I personally wouldn't get too stressed about it he'll get there in his own time and catch up to them, just because they've reached certain milestones at a younger age doesn't necessarily mean your LO is delayed. I'm not sure what your in laws mean about brain exercise, I didn't crawl because I fell on my face the first time I managed it. I could read properly and count to over 100 before I started school and I now have two degrees and international certification in my field of work so not crawling didn't seem to do my brain much harm!
Truth be told I'm a bit stressed if my son doesn't crawl as it's supposed to be a good "brain exercise" for babies according to my in-laws.[/QUOTE]

They're talking rubbish - I never crawled, just bum shuffled, and I managed to graduate university and do very well on quiz shows!! Haha!!
my 4 year old son never crawled at all. ever. i was getting worried, but he was a big chubby baby, and started pulling up and cruising around 12 months and walked at 14 months. he's the brightest little boy, funny, smart and top of his class. don't worry (easy to say) but your little one is just fine. they all develop at their own pace! my 2nd boy crawled at 7 months and walked at 10 months. totally different but they're both smart, healthy boys in the end!
My son started crawling arou s 10.5 months and walking about 16 months. From what I remember his pediatrician wasn't concerned at all.
My son NEVER crawled. He did this butt scooth thing by dragging himself by his heels but he never crawled. At a year he just stood up, took a few wobbly steps and has been walking ever sense. He's almost 16 now, no star athlete by any means but totally fine.
my second was exactly that. I was very worried. There's a difference between not crawling and doing everything else and not crawling nor pulling up. So for me at the time I decided to get a second opinion and have her checked out just to be sure because like you she wasn't pulling up or crawling by 10 months. I brought my dd2 to physio and thank goodness I did! She was delayed in gross motor skills and did need some help in catching up. After 7-8 sessions she was walking and the rest was history! However if I hadn't brought her she would have been very very late. I say when in doubt have it checked by a physio. Ask your pedi for a referral. I'm so glad I did and didn't listen to everyone saying it was fine.
I'm kind with laila here, even my very slow to move baby (Sophie) was pushing herself up off the floor into a seated position by 8/9 months. It sounds like he might have low muscle tone?
Maybe try a happy medium between natural development and encouragement? My youngest DD LOVES music, which I generally play on my tablet in the play room. The first time she crawled was to check out the tablet , sat slightly away from her, since one of her favorite songs were playing. No help given she just wanted the music lol.

If you are comfortable with it there is coordinated 'playtime' that he is the perfect age for. Just games and play centered around muscle strengthening. One is face to face time, playing 'peak-A-boo.' When he is interested he will happily try to pull up and reach your face. Another is just to place him standing on your lap and let him bounce. It is not really pushing him but giving him motivation to reach his goals.

If neither work for you always mention it to his pediatrician and go with what makes you comfortable. Both of my girls have been right on track or way ahead physically but behind with speech. My oldest didn't catch up until she was 2. Even if you were to 'push' him there are no guarantees since they'll do what interest them at this age. Good luck.
He has been to a chiropractor a few weeks ago and she loosened him up in his neck and hips. She's now said he's fine and doesn't need more sessions.

I don't think he has low muscle tone, he's super strong when he's struggling in my arms or on the changing table. He's also able to support himself on his legs/feet.
Do you take him swimming? The pool would give him some buoyancy and might strike an interest in learning to move more independently.
Do you take him swimming? The pool would give him some buoyancy and might strike an interest in learning to move more independently.

We haven't gotten around to it. I was supposed to go with the Mommy & Me Group I'm in but some of them canceled and it was never rescheduled:shrug:

Luckily he's suddenly now getting up on all fours and rocking:thumbup: He will try to go forward sometimes but more lunges forward. Don't know if that's normal for them at first????
Yes the rocking is a normal precursor to crawling. My daughter did it for a few weeks before she crawled.
Yep, my son did the rocking thing at 4 months, he would end up going backwards and getting so frustrated! Sophie didn't do it I think, she doesn't do anything until she's 100% sure it will work the first time. Emma just used to sit there on all 4's and not move, then flop to her tummy. They were all very different but all took their first steps at 11 months which I find unusual!
I was thinking if his lunging forward movements are normal at first. It looks a bit odd:haha:
OP, if it helps, DS3 has been crawling on hands and knees a week, Prior to that he commando crawled. I think my little guy is around the same age as your little man from memory. He's currently been pulling himself up and standing but in the last few days, trying to walk around furniture. But in comparison to my other 2 boys, he's a lot smaller too. On the other side of the coin is DS1. He was JUST under 9lb at birth and he was a fat, porky little baby and he had no head control for months - he had a fat head. :haha: So for him, holding his head up while on his belly probably happened for him around 7-8 months rather than the 3-4 months that DS2 and DS3 were. Also keep in mind, DS1 was sitting up much later so as a result, he was crawling, standing, pulling himself up to his feet and walking with the aide of furniture a lot later too as he had a lot more weight behind him his muscles needed to support. As a result of this, a so called friend told me that I 'better take him to the doctor because he's behind developmentally' which had me panicking!! Needless to say, her husband heard the comment and he did his nut at her because she has no medical qualifications to make such a comment
and told us not to worry because he had more to support and he would get there in his own time. I think pulling himself up and walking around furniture was around 12-13 months (6 weeks he was pushing himself around the floor on his back and the nurse thought we were full of ourselves until she saw it herself). He wasn't walking independently until about 15 months. He's just turned 9 in July and he's still a chunky kid. Don't stress too much. Every baby is different. He will get there! :)
Hi, I didn't want to read and run. I just wanted to say that I'm on my 4th boy he is 7 months and only just started rolling back to front,and only does that now and again and he is no where near crawling. All my boys have been different. I chat with a few ladies on here and some of their babies are not far off legging it round bless them 😁.I would really try not to worry too much and just enjoy your little bundle. My first little boy was really late with everything and I really worried and it's hard not to compare. My last little boy was walking 12 weeks after his little cousin who is 6 weeks younger than him. It would be such a shame for u to spend time worrying about what others think then afterwards think why was I worrying..that's just talking from experience. I just don't care at all now , my little baby will just do what he wants when he is ready. I don't think it's helps that I have a toddler running round so we often tend to pick baby up so not to get hit by flying planes or trains lol..I honestly think your little man sounds like he is doing great x

Also the in law comment I agree is rubbish 😣!

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