I'm sitting here at 11 days overdue and starting to lose hope that I will go into labor on my own. I've had 2 membrane sweeps, go for long walks daily, do exercises on my birth ball, acupuncture, drink red raspberry leaf tea, using breast pump twice a day. Have been having sex regularly but since husband went to an area with zika during the pregnancy, we have to use condoms so it's probably not helping things.
I'm 1cm dilated, 80% effaced, cervix is soft but posterior and I am starting to doubt that I will go into labor before my scheduled induction in a few days.
Anyone overdue and go into labor on their own before their induction? I would really appreciate some hopeful stories. Thank you!
I'm 1cm dilated, 80% effaced, cervix is soft but posterior and I am starting to doubt that I will go into labor before my scheduled induction in a few days.
Anyone overdue and go into labor on their own before their induction? I would really appreciate some hopeful stories. Thank you!