DS2 turns one in a couple of weeks and having always been in the same cot and been put down awake for many months at night and for naps he's suddenly started screaming as soon as I start to bend over to put him in. He's also waking up earlier from his nap and his night's sleep is more variable. He dropped to 1 nap a month ago and he's got his molars coming through but it seems more like separation anxiety that has just come on really suddenly. I know DS1 went through a stage of early waking at this age but I don't remember this apoplectic screaming on being put down. Anyone else had this did it just settle on its own or did you change anything which helped?
Aargh it's just the worst timing as he starts settling at nursery tomorrow as I go back to work next week...
Aargh it's just the worst timing as he starts settling at nursery tomorrow as I go back to work next week...