12 1/2 month old won't stand alone is it the jumperoo or wood floors to blame?

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Hello ladies, my dd has been crusing for a couple of months now and strayed crawling 7 months, pulling up 9 months cruising 10 months however she refuses to stand alone or even attempt to walk. She has 3 push a long walkers that she pushes along crawling but never attempts to stand up on and push. She cruised the furniture but only a long it never lets go to move to another one ie sofa to chair. She is very cautious of things like she will only climb 2 steps look back then climb back down as if she is scared. I have 2 boys who were both little dare Devils are were up the stairs as soon as they could crawl lol so this to me is very unfamiliar.

Today, she did actually stand up to her push along walker she then turned her head to me to see if I was looking (which I was) and i praised her but she just laughed then sat back down as if she knows I'm on to her about wslking and she is saying I can do it I just don't want to.

Anyway, since she crawled early and pulled up early Im not worried about her motor delay as such but I'm hoping that it is not the jumperoo tbst has hindered her walking? I'm hoping it it is just the hard wood floors and eith Her been a cautious little girl she just does not want to fall. I can get a huge rug if that's the case. Thinking about it now she has never pulled herself up and fallen she only ever attempts if she is sure where as my other 2 were always pulling up and falling down, tbat said we had carpet in our old house. What are your thoughts? Any exerience with jumperoo and delayed wslking/wooden floors ??
I'd not get a rug as it's more dangerous for tripping up on for her. Sounds like she's doing fantastic to be honest. She's not delayed at all in her attempts and does sound more she will wait until confident before attempting things :thumbup: the fact she is cruising is a great marker of how well she's doing. We have hard wood floors, it hasn't been an issue with my son. He has walking issues and was late but that's not to do with the floor. I do keep barefoot when he was small I case he slipped with socks on x
It's still early days, my oldest crawled at 9 months but didn't walk until almost 17. She was stuck on the cruising stage FOREVER!! She got there in the end though. I know walkers ( the ones that you stand in, not the push along ones) are not good for encouraging walking but I haven't heard the same about jumperoos.
Thank you for the reasurence. To be honest I too think it's more a confidence thing but I'm unsure why she lacks confidence because I constantly praise her, she gets loads of love and attention. We co sleep and she is close to me breastfeefing through the night and she feeds still 3-4 times a day so I would expect her confidence to be pretty high. I know when she was born my 12 month old lost loads of confidence but he's getting it back now (but that's another story) I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't know why she is not confident is see no reason.. any way I'm just glad it's not the jumperoo i got rid of it at 11 months when I read that she was only supposed to be in their 20 mins a day! She had been going in it an hour in total each day she loved it and I mean loved it! It was the only way I could give my 18 month ds some one on one mummy time as she was feeding constantly at the time and he was left out a lot in those early days, anyway sorry for the essay lol and thanks again (mothers guilt hey)
I think you're reading too much into it and giving yourself a hard time unnecessarily. It's probably not confidence so much as she just isn't developmentally ready yet. It's not just the physical strength they need, it's also the coordination and that develops at different stages for different babies.
My dd didn't take steps until she was absolutely sure she would be able to walk, and then she was running within a couple weeks. I just figured she's like me and not a risk taker- wants to make absolutely sure she can do something before she makes a serious attempt.
She sounds like she's doing perfectly fine. My daughter stood on furniture and cruised at 8 months. But she didn't walk until 15 months and didn't stand up on her own without holding on to anything and then walk confidently until 16.5 months. She definitely didn't start walking with her trolley/walker until after a year, even though she'd been cruising everywhere for months before that. 15 months is the average age to start walking, so sounds like she's well on the way to walking soon, and I wouldn't worry. There is some evidence that those jumperoos can delay walking (there was some research that came out about them awhile back), but as long as you are only using it for short bits of time (to entertain her for 10 minutes while you do the dishes, not for 30-60 minutes at a time), I can't see it doing any harm. Basically, just let her do what she wants and don't make a big deal of trying to encourage her or push her to walk. She'll do it when she's ready. Nearly all my friends' babies were walking well before mine was at 15 months, but my daughter is definitely pretty developmentally advanced for 2 years, so it doesn't mean anything if they aren't an early walker. Sounds like she's right on time.
She sounds like she's doing well. Development stages are just so variable. My DD walked at 9 months and DS at 13. He still does not like to walk because it's too slow for him.
My ds Belly crawled early but didn't all fours crawl til 9 months then as soon as he did that he was pulling up and cruising. I thought he'd walk early but he didn't til 15 m when he literally skipped the wobbly hand holding and 3 steps fall over and went straight to doing 10-15 steps. Xx
shes probably just not ready hun <3 give her time. when she is ready and confident enough she will do it. xx
I think some babies are just naturally more cautious. We have wooden floors and jumperoos for both daughters and neither were adversely affected. DD1 pulled to stand at 6 months, crawled at 7 and cruised at 8. She was walking, but very wobbly at just over 9 months - it took her almost 1.5 months to get properly steady on her feet walking so was 10.5 months before i would say she was confident.
DD2 pulled to stand, crawled and cruised at the exact same age as DD1 but took no proper steps until 10.5 months. She turned 11 months last week and is now a confident walker, so in the space of 2 weeks she went from only cruising to walking well. You could tell she could have taken steps a few weeks earlier but i honestly think she held off til she knew for sure she could do it. Now theres no stopping her. It sounds like your daughter will be the same xx

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