Hay hon.
No that's not the nub but I think the bottom one I see the nub and if it is then ure having a baby boy..
I've screen shotted the pic i mean and have done a red line pointing to the nub.
Looks just like my sons when I had a scan at 13+4 wks.
There are Facebook groups that do gender prediction for both ramzi and Nub and there free.
They seen really accurate as well. I've seen maybe one or two where they were wrong but out the other thousand I have seen they have been spot on.
So I'm gonna say

Let us know when u find out hon.
I can not believe ure nearly 13 weeks. How as that gone so fast. Doesn't seem long ago at all that u was posting ure very first faint lines.
Time is flying.
We will be ttc again from May. I'm really excited but nervous it won't happen because of being 42 now.
Hopefully it will and hopefully it won't be hard like it was with Harley.
I'm fully expecting to have at least one chemical. But hope I don't go through recurrent chemicals or a later miscarriage. Just want to fall with a healthy baby. Even if it does take 11 cycles like last time. Hoping it won't be any longer than that tho.
Do u still post in the 2ww testing group. I'm on there now but obviously when we start trying I will be on there much more. Be good to see you so we can all see how ure pregnancy is doing.
Hope ure feeling well.