Are you having any symptoms? Until AF arrives, there is always still hope. Even without symptoms, I've seen so many women not get a BFP until after AF was already late, and they haven't always had symptoms that soon. Fingers crossed for you hun!
I was pregnant in December but had mc at 5 weeks and I've got all thwm symptoms again but this time round my boobs are so sore it hurts to take my bra off even. The nipples are darker and the bit around my nipple is spre and red and has raised bumps. If I press my nipple it's like behind my nipple that hurts. I've had shooting pains in them. I never get sore boobs ever so this is what's making me think. .. I also wee constantly and am falling to sleep in the aafternoon. tmi got watery cm too and been having mild cramps since around 6 dpo mainly my right side. I'm going crazy! I've been feeling sick and have bloating now. Af due Monday.
Implantation usually happens around 7-10 dpo, but can range from 4-13 dpo. Once implantation occurs it takes a few days to have enough hCG (pregnancy hormones) to trigger a positive result on a test, sometimes longer if the test isn't a very sensitive one. This means that a first positive result could show up any time between 7-17 dpo in a normal pregnancy.
Ah thank you ! I will do that it's the waiting game ! I tested using Internet cheapies haven't used any brand ones I've heard good things about Frer but don't want to spend money on it if I get bfn on cheapy test. No sign of af yet. My cycle ranges from 28 days to 32 average of 30 days. We shall see.
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