13 days late, 50 hour induction, Baby James is here!


James' and Juliet's Mama!
Jul 1, 2010
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This is kind of long, but I wanted a good record for me for the future. Sorry!

2pm Went to doctor’s appointment at 10 days overdue. Blood pressure 146/92, tried other arm and other cuff 172/97. Told that if all other tests go well today I will be induced tomorrow, otherwise I will be induced tonight. 1 cm dilated, ultrasound showed I had enough amniotic fluid. Had membranes stripped (very uncomfortable!). Urine was clean for protein, and blood work only showed low in potassium. Passed the non stress test, booked for induction next morning.

Arrive at hospital 6:30 and in room by 6:45. A nurse put in a heplock for my IVs (I would be needing penicillin and most likely pitocen). She explained how she hadn’t done one in a while, and it did not go well. :/ She also tripped over my connections to the fetal monitor jerking my belly! 7:45 cervix still at 1 cm, cytotec placed vaginally. Then I had too many contractions for the second dose, but they calmed down, so got second dose of cytotec vaginally at 12:45. Walked up and down the halls to try to get contractions going better. Bounced on a ball. Played cards with my mom. Same above nurse offered me juice, when I asked what kinds she listed them all and then told me I couldn’t have any due to my gestational diabetes! Listened to the newborns cry in the hall so I cried too. Too many contractions again, at 6 pm still 1 cm, almost 2, membranes stripped which was horrible!! 9:30 told not doing anything until morning, got sleeping pill.

1 am contractions spaced out got cytotec orally and again at 6:50 in the morning. Next doctor came on (one from Monday) and she checked me, still at 1 cm 30 hours into induction! Had been told this whole time would not start pitocen until 3cm, but doctor decided it was our only option at this point. Got my membranes stripped again! Nurse from Monday came in to congratulate me on having my baby, I cried into my lunch! There were 6 moms in labor the day before and I was the only one that didn’t have my baby! The nurse that made me cry got permission for me to take a walk outside (I didn’t want to, but my husband and mom thought getting out might do me some good). Went outside, sat in the sun for 10 minutes and went back in. 1:40 started pitocen and was up to 4 units by 3:30. Contractions were starting to get uncomfortable. At about 4:30 I felt a pop but nothing really happened. I started breathing very “primitively” according to my mom, very raw. Then I started crying with my contractions and almost hyperventilating. At 4:45 the charge nurse, Dinks, and my other nurse, Becca came in to check on me. Dinks helped me breathe slower and asked how long I’d been like this, my mom and husband said about 15 minutes. Dinks asked if I wanted pain medication, I said yes, so she said she’d have to examine me. I went to the bathroom, came back, felt like I’d peed a little after I went to the bathroom. 4:55 she examined me, said I was still at a 1 and would I like her to see if she can insert another finger to make me 2. I agreed, but it hurt too much once she started so she pulled her finger back out and that allowed my waters to escape! There was light meconium in my waters, but it didn't effect anything. Well, no going back now that my water had broken! I got phentonal, a narcotic in my IV and my penicillin was started for being GBS positive. The narcotic really helped, but only for an hour, got another dose at 6:20. Then they told me I could get my epidural! I’ll love Dinks forever for her and Becca getting me my epidural early, even though I wasn’t 3 cm yet! The anesthesiologist will be a hero of mine forever. Dr. Rueben was awesome! Becca and Dinks started running around to get everything ready for the doctor. He was like a rockstar, everything prepared for him and then after he was done he just left and they cleaned it all up. 6:50 got my epidural. He was a little fit man that decided I should be a foot back on my bed towards him so he scooped up all 180 lbs of 9 months pregnant me and moved me a foot back while I was trying to figure out how to wiggle backwards. He then shoved me into position and started to get to work. I could hear my mother crying and was trying to reassure her. (This was the only time she cried, which was a miracle!) Got my catheter and went to sleep soon after. A few hours into sleep Dr. Rueben came by to check on me, I was feeling pain still despite pushing my button, so he upped the epidural for me, wonderful man! 11:30 I was checked and I was 5cm and 80% effaced. Still -2 station, where he had been every time he was checked before.

5am I was fully dilated and +1 station! They set up the delivery cart and I was told at 5:30 we’d start pushing! My night nurse was alright, she was the one that started me on pushing. Didn’t really like her method. “Now, I’m not going to be mean, but I’m going to tell you what you need to hear.” “You’re not pushing hard enough, push harder, this isn’t going to get the baby out, you’re not doing enough, you need to get angry, you need to get sweaty, this is hard work, push harder!” So not motivating for me! My husband and I had insisted from the beginning that he would stay up near my head and wouldn’t look down there during birth. I was having such a hard/horrible time though he felt the only way he could support me was to hold a leg and be an active participant in the process. He said he probably could have avoided looking, but since he was there he watched the entire thing. At 6:30 and 7 am they increased my pitocen. At 6:40 my doctor came in and I pushed with her and the nurse (and husband and mom and dad in the room – dad sat in a far away corner!). They decided I couldn’t “feel” enough so they turned off my epidural. Then EVERYTHING started to hurt. My hips, my legs, my back so much I had a harder time pushing. At about 7:15 had a nurse shift change. LauraJean came on and she was wonderful. The night nurse was asking what the baby’s name was as we weren’t telling till he was here, and we still didn’t tell her, then on her way out she said my first hour of pushing wasn’t very good, so it didn’t count. We tried the squatting bar but I couldn’t hold myself up at this point. They suggested I hang over the bar, where my heplock/IV started dripping blood all over the bed and all over the floor, so they had me lay back down to fix it. My husband at one point went and puked in the bathroom loud enough that everyone looked at the door. They asked me if they should check on him, I told them they could if they wanted, but I wasn’t getting up! They said they were really here for me only, and after a few minutes he came back out and grabbed a leg. He said it wasn’t so much the sight, but the smells. I have to agree between the poop (I could smell it, not see it) and the blood and everything else. WOW the blood! The doctor kept stretching me through each push and it hurt, but I knew she was trying to prevent tearing. 4 rounds of penicillin gave me a reaction: I itched all over my chest and inbetween each contraction I was scratching my chest/boobs/arms/upper back like I was trying to strip myself of my skin! (It left a terrible rash that itched for a week after birth too! As well as having thrush) At 7:30 the doctor told me that after 2 hours of pushing the baby was STILL at +1 station – that he hadn’t come down at all, and that I shouldn’t be hurting this much. She asked if I would like to push for another half hour or hour, I said no. He hadn’t moved? I was done. I needed a c-section and they needed to cut him out. I wouldn’t push anymore, obviously nothing I was doing was working. I hurt too much, and they just needed to get him out. So she went and booked the OR, but came back telling me it would be an hour, so I said the F word (quietly) to the great amusement of my parents who giggled afterwards as I don’t cuss in front of them. I told them they needed to knock me out, that I couldn’t be in this much pain for an hour. I held onto my husband, wrapping my arms around him making horrible sobbing noises (though there were no tears?). The doctor decided I could have my epidural back, but didn’t know how to turn it on. So she started asking if anyone did know how to turn it on. LauraJean said she knew, but wasn’t allowed to do it, so the doctor had her do it and said she would take credit for it (bless both those women!). My body decided I couldn’t not push, so I just sat there pushing. Once things stopped hurting so much, I continued to push, and amazingly enough started making progress. I remember every third push they told me I was doing a good job (but the first two were never that strong) and I remember wanting to puke every third push! I was told he looked like he had red hair! OMG! I really WAS making progress. They came in and told my doctor that the OR team was ready, she told them to be on stand-by but not to open anything. Good News! I asked for a vacuum assistance, but she told me he wasn’t low enough, so I kept on pushing. A little bit later she did break out the vacuum and had another nurse come in (seemed like policy, two nurses and a doctor for a vacuum). She told me I’d still have to push too, I said I understood. So I pushed and she pulled, then the vacuum popped off! Blood splattered all over her scrubs and face and she started falling backwards as she was pulling so hard! She’s 35 weeks pregnant herself so the idea of her falling was pretty scary! My mom and a nurse each caught one of her arms. Another nurse was wiping off her face and the doctor shooed her away so she could continue to help me saying “this is why we wear scrubs.” The second time with the vacuum was a success! She helped me get his head out. She pulled the amniotic sack off of his face and unwrapped the umbilical cord from his neck. Next set of pushes and James Lee was out at 8:43 am (50 hours after getting to the hospital and 13 days late!) weighing 7 lbs 12.7 oz. 8:48 husband made the ceremonial cut (as they had already cut his cord). He was put on my chest and rubbed down. Mom thought he looked like Alien (the movie) coming out as his head was so long!). We were all surprised at just how blue/white he was until the nurse rubbed him down with a towel while he was on me. Then he got some skin to skin time on my chest. That was wonderful. Mom and dad left for a few hours. The doctor spent about 30 minutes sewing up my 3rd degree tear. When she was done she said “good as new” haha, I feel RUINED down there. She also told me the following births would be easier. (She’s pregnant with her 3rd boy).

My nipples cracked and bleed, but with help from a lactation consultant they’ve healed and we’re doing great breastfeeding. By 8 days postpartum I’ve lost the 23 lbs I gained during pregnancy! James is so handsome and I love him more each day. At his 4 day appointment he was already 7lbs 13 oz, so he’s putting on weight great! He sleeps A LOT but only likes to sleep on people’s chests. Birth was horrible, but I plan on having at least one more. I just hope the doctor was right, and next time will be better/easier. I'm still not feeling great due to the tear, but it does feel better almost every day.

I'm sorry your labour was a tough one :hugs:. congratulations on your gorgeous little boy!

Sorry your labour was tough - sounds awful!

But he's beautiful :) well done & congrats!
Sorry to hear u had a hard and long labour but the outcome is the most precious thing in the world he is going to be a wee heartbreaker when he is older xx congrats mom xx
What a story, well done! He's beautiful x
What a long tough labour, congratulations on your little man, he is gorgeous! xx
He is beautiful! My first labor was long and hard. My second was much easier and the third was a breeze. They are worth every bit of it. Congrats Momma!
Did you get any sleep in those 50 hours?
Awe, he's so precious!! Congratulations honey!! Sorry your labor wasn't so easy though!! :hug:
What a story...50 hours?! You brave BRAVE woman! He is gorgeous, and worth every minute I bet! Congratulations xx
love love love that photo of him in his carseat. he looks so small and cuddly! where did you get his outfit?
Congratulations - hope you recover quickly x
Awwww he's so tiny and gorgeous Hun.I've been looking out for this,sooooo pleased for u.congratulations mummy xxxx
i am out of breath reading that but well done you! congratulations on your handsome little man :) x
Did you get any sleep in those 50 hours?

I got a sleeping pill the first night and got some rest. The nurses came in several times during the night to hook me up to the monitors, but I slept inbetween. The second night I had an epidural and was exhausted, so I slept some despite the blood pressure cuff going off every 30 minutes. :thumbup:
love love love that photo of him in his carseat. he looks so small and cuddly! where did you get his outfit?

It's a Carter's outfit, I got it at Burlington Coat Factory :thumbup: Came with a matching bib too! He is pretty cuddly, but doesn't seem so small to me since I know how he got out he seems HUGE!
i'll say the next labour has to be easier - it doesnt sound like it could get harder! But well done you're a real trooper to manage 50 hours of labour. Congratulations x

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