My son will be 13 months old in a few days and he either constantly ignores me when I talk to him or he doesn't understand anything I say.
I read that by now my son should be saying a few words and he should understand basic commands. He will hand me things if I gesture for him to but just looks at me blankly if I say 'give it to mummy'. He doesn't even understand 'no' and hardly ever responds to his name. He babbles a lot but doesn't say any real words at all and doesn't really communicate with anyone.
Although, he is very social and likes to play with other kids and will smile and laugh with people.
He will copy me when I clap and very occasionally he will wave if people say 'bye-bye'.
I have a friend whos little girl was answering questions like 'what noise does a sheep make?' at 13 months and my son isn't even close to that.
I know all kids develop at different speeds but I don't think I'd be a mum if I wasn't constantly worrying about something..
He's my first and I find myself always reading about damn milestones and panicking if he's not meeting them
Is this normal/ okay?
I read that by now my son should be saying a few words and he should understand basic commands. He will hand me things if I gesture for him to but just looks at me blankly if I say 'give it to mummy'. He doesn't even understand 'no' and hardly ever responds to his name. He babbles a lot but doesn't say any real words at all and doesn't really communicate with anyone.
Although, he is very social and likes to play with other kids and will smile and laugh with people.
He will copy me when I clap and very occasionally he will wave if people say 'bye-bye'.
I have a friend whos little girl was answering questions like 'what noise does a sheep make?' at 13 months and my son isn't even close to that.
I know all kids develop at different speeds but I don't think I'd be a mum if I wasn't constantly worrying about something..
He's my first and I find myself always reading about damn milestones and panicking if he's not meeting them

Is this normal/ okay?