13 month old completely ignores me

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My son will be 13 months old in a few days and he either constantly ignores me when I talk to him or he doesn't understand anything I say.
I read that by now my son should be saying a few words and he should understand basic commands. He will hand me things if I gesture for him to but just looks at me blankly if I say 'give it to mummy'. He doesn't even understand 'no' and hardly ever responds to his name. He babbles a lot but doesn't say any real words at all and doesn't really communicate with anyone.
Although, he is very social and likes to play with other kids and will smile and laugh with people.
He will copy me when I clap and very occasionally he will wave if people say 'bye-bye'.
I have a friend whos little girl was answering questions like 'what noise does a sheep make?' at 13 months and my son isn't even close to that.

I know all kids develop at different speeds but I don't think I'd be a mum if I wasn't constantly worrying about something..
He's my first and I find myself always reading about damn milestones and panicking if he's not meeting them :dohh:
Is this normal/ okay?
I don't have a child this age so no real experience but I did wonder if he startles or reacts to loud noises?

My little brother had glue ear when he was a toddler, initial hearing tests as a baby were fine then his hearing deteriorated. He had grommets put in when he was about 3 or 4, until the. He had barely spoken or communicated. He needed a little speech therapy but was speaking normally really quickly.
I think his hearing is fine. He always hears when people come in our front door before I do and makes his way out there to greet them. He startles at loud noises and always hears when people are opening food anywhere near him :haha:
Is it just with you that he doesn't respond to his name? Or does he do that with other people as well? You said he completely ignores you but then you also said that he passes you stuff when you gesture, so he's not totally ignoring you.
My son didn't do a lot of talking at 13 months, boys are usually slower with talking then girls. So it could be normal that he isn't talking very much yet. I would make sure that you constantly talk to him. When ever you are handing drinks or food or toys just talk about what you are doing. (Here is your cup of milk) Read books about animals and ask him to make the sounds with you that the animals make. Listen to children's songs like ABC's, old mac donald had a farm etc. Just keep talking to him and he will likely catch on when he is ready.
My son was 3 before he started doing a lot of talking and now he doesn't stop. My 2 year old girl however talks a ton now already. It can be perfectly normal. He is still really young yet to expect lots of talking from him.
He doesn't really respond to his name when anyone says it and he hears it a lot.
I suppose what I meant was that he totally ignores me when I talk, but he does respond to a few gestures.
You could always take him to the doctor's and see what they say about it.
My son is 15 months and pretty much the same. He will wave bye bye if I do it to him, but in a situation when someone is actually leaving and I suggest it, he looks at me like I'm crazy! He will shake his head for no, cannot nod, and says mum, dad, ok. The rest is mumbles with his mouth fully closed. I think it's an age where they're so busy physically they don't have time to stop and listen. He's trying to get to grips with walking/running/climbing at the moment so I'm sure the rest will come. It's hard but try not to worry too much. Perhaps speak to your hv about it if it's really concerning you :hugs:

Oh, the only time I get a proper response from him is when I say "are you ready for your bath"? He usually runs and hides :haha:
That sounds perfectly normal to me. My daughter didn't say her first word until she was 13 months and then her language skills exploded. She also didn't follow commands that young but did so just fine a couple months later. Now she's very talkative and can use fairly complicated words, like helicopter or penguin or spider in context. Most of our baby friends were just the same. We do have one that was an early developer like your friends baby, but that definitely wasn't the norm. Sounds like he's doing perfectly fine.
We've had similar concerns. My son's receptive language just recently exploded (he'll be 15 months next week). He understands a ton now, but still doesn't say much (expect banana because he asks for it every morning). His pediatrician said don't worry unless he doesn't have 6 words at 18 months. Do you use a lot of nicknames? Sometimes that can alter their understanding of their name. Has he hit physical milestones early? My son was a really early walker--his peers that have great communication all walked late. I think the brain can only focus on so much!

I can definitely empathize with your concerns. As long as you are talking, singing, and reading a lot, you're doing what needs done. :) He'll get it figured out! Do you do baby signs? It might be worth trying!
Hi. My little girl is nearly 19 Months and like you Im a worrier. She wasnt very interested around that age either. Would only respond 50 per cent of the time. If she was playing with a toy or watching tv she rarely responded. I think she only said dadda and mamma at 13 Months too. I was convinced she had autism after googling. Anyway, now she responds everytime i call her. Comes in from a different room if i call her and responds to lots of requests e.g go and get a ball, shut the gate. She also has about 50 Plus words. So try not to worry and stay off google. Maybe have a word With your HV or gp if you are still worrying

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