14 weeks PG - MW and GP still offering seasonal flu vaccine... WWYD?


Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2010
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I am really worried about catching flu/swine flu when DS starts nursery in September and I will be about 8 months PG. DH says I should wait until the next seasonal flu vaccine is dished out as it will be for the upcoming flu outbreak which might be different to the ones covered by the 2010 seasonal flu vaccine. MW on the other hand is really recommending just getting it now as she has heard of some PG women getting quite ill with flu over the past 2 years in particular.

Not sure what to do. As my mate (who refused the vaccine) says "damned if you do, damned if you don't"...

I would do the same as I did in January when offered the jab...thanks but no thanks.
For me it is too new and unproven to risk on my unborn. I understand there are risks either way...but as it is April tomorrow the flu season is all but over...I think the risk would now be minimal.

If you do decide to decline the jab, just be sensible and make sure you keep away from friends and family you know with colds and bugs, keep some alcoholic hand rub in your bag for when your out and about and get plenty of fresh air.

X x
Thanks very much for replying. It's so worrying but I have been thinking it's the end of flu season just now and what my other half says makes sense but you end up thinking you are the only one to blame if something goes wrong so it's just another worry you don't need when you're pregnant.

At the moment I think I will leave it for now. Thanks again.
I got mine last week, my mum is a nurse and knows what happens if you catch swine flu. So many pregnant woman have died after contracting it, and thats not a risk I'm wiling to take lol x
its hard one, because its not very well researched, due to it not being ethical to do so, if there are any known adverse effects on the baby.

HOWEVER, the nhs wouldnt offer it if they thought it wasnt worth the risk. women have died from swine flu and babies have been born prematurely because of it.

i had the flu jab at christmas, this was when i was about 6 weeks i think so it was during the time when things are most likely to go wrong. my baby is perfectly healthy, iv jsut had my 20 week scan and theres absolutely nothing wrong with him :)

i was in two minds about having it too, but because my OH is a secondary school teacher i thought it would be a lot safer for me to have the flu vaccine then for me not to have it...
Argh!! I really don't know what to do! Thing is if I get it just now, will I need the new seasonal vaccine again in September or will this one cover me and the baby?
I am anti-flu shot. I won't get it, nor will my kids and/or family. Those chemicals and ingredients are just too harsh, and in some case, toxic.

Good luck with whatever you chose!:hugs:
I'm refusing to have it - and I've told them this several times. I have asthma and M.E so I really am supposed to have it normally, but I'm not in contact with many people anyway, not like when I used to work in a bank, and I'd just rather not take the risk.

Everyone who I know got really ill after the new combined flu/swine flu jab because they reacted to it. I've already had swine flu though, so I can't get it again apparently....
i think the only thing you can do is weigh it up in your head. Heres some articles that might help:


i think this is one of the cases i was thinking of:

hope i dont scare you!!
I'm refusing to have it - and I've told them this several times. I have asthma and M.E so I really am supposed to have it normally, but I'm not in contact with many people anyway, not like when I used to work in a bank, and I'd just rather not take the risk.

Everyone who I know got really ill after the new combined flu/swine flu jab because they reacted to it. I've already had swine flu though, so I can't get it again apparently....

i didnt get ill i was fine, not even a cold :)
I would get it. Flu peaks again in springtime so it would be a good time, then you could always get the new shot in fall. I got it last fall and had no effects. My job field is vaccine clinical research, so this background makes me comfortable in getting vaccines personally, but whatever your decision is just has to be right for you. It is about whatever makes you comfortable.
Flu/swine flu is not a lvie vaccine so you can't catch flu from it.

My pregnancy is extremely high risk, I have already lost 5 babies, including my twin girls at 23+5 last year and there is no way I was taking any chances with this baby. I had the vaccine, didn't have any reaction to it at all, not even a lump at the vaccine site. My baby is fine.
Thank you so much for all the replies. I know it is a very difficult subject but there are quite a lot of people I know who have had the flu vaccine with no adverse effects and also some who got quite ill after it so I am not sure about it def not having any live elements although it is meant to be inert (or whatever the phrase is).

Strange thing is that I got really ill with a terrible cold that took me weeks and weeks to get over at around the time I was advised to have the flu vaccine so I am worried how actual flu would affect me. Also, had I been given the flu vaccine I would have totally blamed it for the cold I would have developed anyway and having the vaccine when I was already ill would likely have been a bad idea. It is just impossible but now I am thinking of getting it so I can stop worrying about it.

Thanks again for your replies. Gives me some comfort that I am not alone.
I'm refusing to have it - and I've told them this several times. I have asthma and M.E so I really am supposed to have it normally, but I'm not in contact with many people anyway, not like when I used to work in a bank, and I'd just rather not take the risk.

Everyone who I know got really ill after the new combined flu/swine flu jab because they reacted to it. I've already had swine flu though, so I can't get it again apparently....

I have M.E too and had the jab as was fine o normally get flu alot so thought I would get really I'll after the jab but wasn't :) OH got so worried for me cause he knows how Ill I get and didn't want me or the baby getting seriously I'll just cause I didn't have it so decided to go for it.So glad I did

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