I had a 14w6d ultrasound yesterday and the tech says obvious boy! My question is is there any chance this is swollen girl parts or is it pretty accurate on it being a boy! Thanks!!!
I'd say that's a boy no doubt, I don't see any resemblance to the 3 lines for a girl! 15 weeks is still early, I'd wait for your 20 or so week scan before buying anything though Congrats
The boy vs girl ultrasounds from around this stage look way different from what I've seen. I'd say it's definitely a boy. But I agree with Meagan on waiting, just to be safe. Congrats =D
I was 14w when they told me mine was a boy. Looks just like his picture. But I held off just in case!Plus there was a part of me that hoped the ttech was wrong haha Congratulations though
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