16dpo no AF and BFN?!


Mar 8, 2014
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i posted yesterday on ttc #1 but got no replies :(

i did a test with FMU this morning and BFN :( i usually use pink dye test but didnt have any for this month as was certain AF was coming - the only unusual thing is that i get v.very sore boobs about 10 days before I'm due - i only have sensitive nipples as from yesterday afternoon - no cramps, no spots etc so i'm at a loss.

has anyone had or know of anyone who had a really late BFP? I O'd 22nd/23rd and DTD - another thing is that cm never dired up like it usually does - cervix is high - so high i cant even get it to.

thanks in advance ladies!! baby dust to you all xxx
Are you temping? If not, u probably had delayed O which makes AF due a little later. Ur time from O until AF is suppose to start again will always stay the same length (around 12-15 days) so even if u got a positive opk on 22nd or around there, O commonly delays and you could've oed for example, on the 26th making AF not even due yet. U get what I'm saying? If no BFP this cycle, id def look into temping. I had my O date completely wrong just going by all my other signs. Temping is truly the only way to know when you Oed and when AF is truly do. You can check out my fertility friend chart link in my SIG and they do a free trial so u can cancel if u do get ur BFP before u need it. There's DEF still time for a bfp if you aren't already temping. You may have oed even as late as a week ago. Its impossible to really tell u what's probably going in without a chart. But using ur info about the lack of TWW symptoms is you could have completely not oed yet or maybe u oed a wk ago. I wish I could help u more. :-\. Plz start charting if no bfp this cycle lol! The fertility friend app does all the work for u, u jus have to take ur temp every a.m at the same time and type it in :)
All & all, I wouldn't quite consider urself late yet. Id wait another few days to a week and if no AF or BFP at that point, maybe go for blood work. Its def a delayed O cycle or an annovulatory cycle for you..its prob delayed O but annovulatory cycles can randomly happen, even if ur usually very regular. That's another reason I always suggest charting temps. Anywhoo, I hope this helped ur confusion some and I hope u get ur bfp soon!
All and all, its prob just be too early for a bfp or AF at this point in ur cycle. More waiting, ugh!. Ill be keeping my fingers crossed for u! FX!
thank you for that!! Muchly appreciated :)

i'm not temping - i want too but its all a bit confusing lol!! i might download that app and see if that helps at all - its probably going to sound so stupid now but - temping, is it just a case of taking your normal temperature with a thermometer under tongue or whatever lol!! I must sound so stupid asking that!
Lol no u don't sound stupid. I had to ask at first too lol. Yes, u can take ur temp by mouth or vaginally (if ur an open mouth sleeper, vaginally would be more steady and easier to read but u can usually still make out a shift doing it orally, even if ur an open mouth sleeper) and you need to do it at the same time every a.m when u wake up before you get out of bed or drink or anything. I just set an alarm for 5a.m and keep my thermometer right on my night stand with a little piece of paper so that way if I want to fall right back to sleep I can :). Also you.need a BBT thermometer which u can find in the pregnancy test section at rite aid or WalMart or pretty much any pharm. It'll say "Basal body thermometer" and they have them for about $10. Its just a thermometer that can read the extra 1/10th of a degree because our shifts can be so small, using a regular thermometer that only reads say 98.6 doesn't work well where as a bbt thermometer would read 98.64 and when ur looking for a shift in temps, that .04 can make ALL the difference! I thought it sounded like a lot of work and too confusing as well but u get used to It FAST and now even when I try to not temp for a week, I still temp! Lol I'm addicted to temping now! I love it! It shows u what's going on with your body on paper. Its very cool. It can even help other than with just fertility. Like for me, if I'm about to get sick, my temp will spike up for a day or two randomly so I know to be prepared for some sort of illness to come my way lol. Ur temp will RANDOMLY rise to fight off illness' but if its a rise that stays up in the middle of ur cycle, that ones for O :). Your temps will only show you you oed the day AFTER O actually occurs but it at least confirms O happened for you and helps predict AF better and if no bfp the first cycle, ull know ur LP length for the next which is very helpful to know 99.9% when AF will show. For ur first cycle temping (if u even need to temp) id use opks along with it for BDing purposes and after ur first cycle charting ur temps, ull start to see a common day that you O on and that helps greatly for TTC since timing is key! :) plus if u ever want to see ur OB for help with ovulation or anything like that, alot of times they like to have some charts to look at. Sometimes u can diagnose problems thru BBT. Its very neat how it all works. If u need any other help I will b happy to answer ur questions. :)

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