I got them bad before pregnancy, and initially (like, the first month I missed my period and found out I was PG) I didn't have any for a while and was thrilled! But I still get them every few weeks now that I'm further into the pregnancy, and they last several days usually.
Two weeks ago, the pain was so bad a few days into it and it was causing me to projectile vomit anything I ate or drank and just cry my eyes out, so I tried everything that I could think of without using my usual pre-pregnancy meds. I ended up getting rid of it by doing the following (some of you may have heard of it already, as I think I first read it on Facebook!)
Before bed, I put hot water into a foot tub (as hot as I could handle) and then put ice packs on the back of my neck and leaned forward like this (ice on neck, feet in hot water) for about 20 minutes. I then slowly drank a big glass of water and took Tylenol. Switched the ice to my forehead (I might have kept it on my neck, but I had it wrapped around my head with a dishtowel and couldn't get comfy with it behind me while I slept) and went to sleep on the side that was most comfortable for the migraine pain (I always find that one side puts more pressure on my head than the other when I have a migraine). When I woke up the next morning, the migraine felt gone, but I was only cautiously hopeful, as they sometimes don't kick in full force until I'm up and moving around a bit. But it stayed away! I also drank water before I got out of bed, and took one more Tylenol (when I have a migraine, I always set my alarm about 30 minutes before I intend to get up, take the pill and drink the water, and rest again). I was able to go to my teaching job that day without it flaring up again at all.
Then, last week, I could feel one coming on again, and I did the same trick and had a little caffeine, and the migraine never fully developed before disappearing altogether.
I know we have to be careful about raising our core body temperature too high, so that made me a little nervous, but I hoped that just having my feet in the hot water was okay for baby...
Follow it up by drinking lots of water (I use a straw when I'm feeling nauseous - it seems to help).
I don't know if this will work for anyone here, but it's worth a try. I know how awful it feels to have a migraine and how desperate we become for some relief