hi My First Noodle - i am also being referred to Northwick Park Hospital, living in Harrow
my doctor is GP Direct - i went on 28th Dec when i was told they would write a referral letter - phoned to chase today and she forgot to write.........
anyway moving on from that, how long did you wait for your appointment????
we have had bloods, SA and i am waiting for an internal scan
Hiya Hun. I live in Harrow too. I was told on the 30th of December the day I got the results for my hormone test from my GP (Grove medical centre in Northolt) She would write a referral for me. I had my appointment for 17th of January...so didnt wait that long.
I had an internal scan in novemeber because I had an abnormal smear in July as I had bleeding after sex which showed I had the HPV virus so had colposcopy done. Didn't show cancerous cells though as it was caught early thank god. I had colposcopy done in northwick park and an internal scan in central middlesex (As it hurt to have sex so was being checked out b two hospitals) whilst having my internal in central middlesex they checked my ovaries to which was handy because now my FS doesnt need to send me for those test.
After my internal at central middlesex hospital I went back to my doctors and told her now my smear is sorted I want to start on fertility treatment...so in December she done hormone bloods for me which showed ok and advised my DF to have a sperm analysis done. When the results came back for my hormones thats when she reffered me.
So its happened quite quickly. I see DR PRIDDY in Northwick park....I saw him on Tuesday and he was lovely. My next appointment with him is in April...unless I get my HSG test (xray of my womb and tubes) done sooner, then I can pull forward my appointment. Just praying for my period now so I can book my xray!!
I wish you lots of luck hun, let me know how you get on