Hello there!
My husband and I hve been TTC for over 2 years now too and I can understand just how frustrating, depressing, overwhelming etc. this all is.

I haven't been on here long but this is a great place for support and information.
I'm not sure where you are from but I'm from Canada and I can tell you how it's been going for us so far.
Around a year and a half ago I went to my family doctor and told her we were having trouble conceiving so she referred me to an OBGYN who I saw 2 months later and then the OBGYN sent me to a fertility clinic called One Fertility and I got in there about a year ago.
We started with a very detailed discussion about both me and my husbands medical history and how long we had been TTC. We then both had bloodwork done to check for diseases and genetic abnormalities. (They took around 12 vials of blood for me and 6 for my husband.)
It took about a month for the blood work to come back and everything was fine there, so we sat down with a fertility doctor that we were assigned to (there are around 9 that work at the clinic I go to). The Dr. basically went over ALL of the options that were available to us. She broke it down into "levels" based on complexity and cost associated them.
The very first test they did on me after that meeting was a sonohistogram. This is how they check for blocked tubes, polyps, scarring etc in the uterus by injecting saline and watching on an ultrasound. Not painful at all and they told us right away what the results were. (everything was fine). That same day my husband gave a sample so they could check his sperm, those results came back in a week. (Also fine) it was at that point we moved forward with just Clomid (the cheapest and usually the first step they go for). Clomid thinned out my lining too much so we immediatley moved to injections for the next cycle. (They have a pharmacy on site and they stock everything you could need.) We started using Puregon (really easy to use with a tiny,tiny needle in a pen-like device and they showed me how to use it) that cycle we also started IUI as well just to increase our odds.
we took a break from January-June of this year because I don't think I was really mentally prepared and it totally overwhelmed me and I needed some time, but now we are back on board and committed to this until it works!
Sorry it's such a long story but I know I always feel better when I have lots of information.
The hardest part is waiting for results but just try not to let it consume you...way easier said than done, I know. And come on here lots and talk to all these wonderful women because everyone is so supportive here

Good luck and lots of sticky

to you.
Keep us posted, I hope everything goes well!