2 years TTC #3, i belong in here now *long thread*


expecting #4
Nov 22, 2008
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ok so as much as I don’t want to admit it to myself I belong in here now :cry:, so id like to introduce myself to any of u who don’t know me yet. :winkwink:

im 26 with 2 children, Charlie 8 and Marina 2 and half, we live in London UK and have been trying for baby 3 for nearly 2 years now :shrug:

here’s my story...........
when I was just 15 I was told due to a medical reason when young that I wouldn’t be able to CARRY babies, this turned out to be very untrue when at 16 I found out I was pregnant with my son at 15 weeks, yes 15 weeks due to af type bleeds for first 3 months, I was elated :cloud9:, had every test and check done and they said he would and should do fine….he did and is now 8 years of age, after he was born (via c-section) they said that to scrap what I was told clearly I CAN have babies :happydance:

Then in year 2007 I fell preg with my daughter and after only 3 months trying and she was also born big and healthy on time like her brother was (c-section also) :thumbup:

Then in nov 09 I found out I was pregnant again but this time it was not planned but we were very very happy and knew this was what we wanted….this happiness was short lived sadly as at 6-7 weeks I had my first ever MC :cry:

After this we knew we wanted another baby so started to actively try.
Then about 2-3 cycles after that I got preg again we were so happy, this time everything felt right I mean I was sick as a dog, we got our 12 weeks scan date and ran to the hosp we were so excited to see bean….but again this was short lived…..we found our baby had stopped growing at 7 weeks but had failed to detach from me :nope:, I was offered a medical way via pills to expel my baby but I just couldn’t face that….well if im honest I wish I had now….I opted for the D&C….it went totally wrong and made me very sick, im not going to go into the whole scary story for simple reason I do not want to scare anyone out of having one done there normally VERY good ops and what happened to me is VERY rare and also this thread would be twice the essay it already is :wacko:

So I had the D&C done and was sent home to recover…BUT for the next 6 weeks things would just go from bad to worse, lets just say I ended up being rushed into hops 6 weeks after the D&C to be given an ERPC to save my life and womb :cry:

So since then it’s been a year and a half, iv suffered another 2 MC (both natural and early) and 2 chemical pregnancies last one being 2 cycles ago.

I’m now being tested for PCOS (mild) as I have late ov and sporadic cycles as well as the MC’s to look into……..

Ok so that’s me and my crappy life right now, I ov’ed cd19 this cycle and am now 6dpo so fingers crossed ay…ha ha yeah right :wacko:

I cannot wait to get to know u girls and hope u don’t mind me coming into ur space, if any of u feel I shouldn’t be here please do tell me and I will buzz back off to TTCAL its just if im honest TTCAL is no diff from TTC section. I need reality not people testing at 4dpo and asking if there preg , sorry that must sound so harsh but I just cant take all that anymore its not realistic.

Thanks for listening girls
Hi Charliemarina,
Nice to meet you:flower:
I totally empathise with you I have also been trying to conceive #3 18months+. I have 2 children who were easily conceived but delivered by c section due to them both being breech, I always knew i wanted a big family so we tried for our 3rd and fell pregnant again however at the 12wk scan i was told that the baby had never developed and i had suffered a delayed miscarriage (blighted ovum):cry:. I had a d+c only because we were due to go on holidaya few days later. to cut a long story short i have not been able to conceive since. We have been through some major stress stuff the past couple of years but its only now im starting to come to terms with the fact that there may be something wrong and we need to see someone.
Am thinking of you and hope we both ge what we want really soon.:hugs:
oh hunny im so sorry u going through this too :hugs: its so hard to come to terms with it not happening wen u have already done it twice isnt it??, i think the fact i already have 2 kids is what put me off asking for help or even thinking i NEEDED help....but sadly 2 years later i cannot deny something is going on now and it killing me more every cycle its not happening or it happens but is short lived :(
so what methods are u using hunny for TTC now?? are u on meds??

docs are sending me for bloods for PCOS which i do think i may have mildly but i have a gut feeling its a little more than just that :shrug:

we use OPK and BBT charting i find it works very well for me but after so long its now becoming repetitive and obsessive which i hate, we are trying to take things easy and we have purchased a baby macaw (see ticker for pic :)) for me to focus on bringing home, he is too young to come here still but knowing he is coming and i can mummy him, is just keeping my mind off the TTC for now, in another 9 weeks he will be home, im finding its working also :)
Iv always wanted one and just felt now would be the time to do it im very excited.

please keep in touch hun im aslo on facebook if you are and we can keep in touch there via private messaging and chat if u dnt want anything written on your wall :winkwink:
if u are find and add me, my real name is Patsy Thompson or email search [email protected] and im holding my baby bird in my pic he is blue and yellow cant miss me , if u somehow cnt find me then send me ur details and i will add you :)
oh hunny im so sorry u going through this too :hugs: its so hard to come to terms with it not happening wen u have already done it twice isnt it??, i think the fact i already have 2 kids is what put me off asking for help or even thinking i NEEDED help....but sadly 2 years later i cannot deny something is going on now and it killing me more every cycle its not happening or it happens but is short lived :(
so what methods are u using hunny for TTC now?? are u on meds??

docs are sending me for bloods for PCOS which i do think i may have mildly but i have a gut feeling its a little more than just that :shrug:

we use OPK and BBT charting i find it works very well for me but after so long its now becoming repetitive and obsessive which i hate, we are trying to take things easy and we have purchased a baby macaw (see ticker for pic :)) for me to focus on bringing home, he is too young to come here still but knowing he is coming and i can mummy him, is just keeping my mind off the TTC for now, in another 9 weeks he will be home, im finding its working also :)
Iv always wanted one and just felt now would be the time to do it im very excited.

please keep in touch hun im aslo on facebook if you are and we can keep in touch there via private messaging and chat if u dnt want anything written on your wall :winkwink:
if u are find and add me, my real name is Patsy Thompson or email search [email protected] and im holding my baby bird in my pic he is blue and yellow cant miss me , if u somehow cnt find me then send me ur details and i will add you :)

Hi ya, nice to hear from you yep I am on facebook so will look you up- Im Nicola (nicky) Banfield.:hugs:
Am not on any meds yet as i have been denying this as long as poss- willring docs next week and who knows what they will find!!:dohh: I have done alot of research and at mo me and hubby have been taking Maca root-its supposed to promote fertility and im on the usual pre conception vits i also use conceive plus or pre seed!
After my miscarriage 2 years ago we bought a puppy and he became my third baby his name is Harvey and it really helped me having him to look after so i know what you mean by having a pet to mother.
Hope you ok apart from the obvious talk soon :kiss:xxx
hey patsy :hugs:
welcome to this end of the forum, everyone is lovely hun. big hugs and chat soon xxx
Nice to meet you :] I have two children from a previous marriage, and also a daughter I gave up for adoption.

Me and DBF have been trying for 11 months to get pregnant now, and with my horribly unpredictable ovulation and his MFI, we're screwed. :(

I hope your stay is short!
Hiya Charliemarina,

Just wanted to say that the sticky recurrent miscarriage thread at the top of the mc section can be helpful - a number of ladies on there (including me) have children and everyone is really friendly and supportive, sharing information on testing etc.

Best wishes.

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