Baby b's looks very much like my little boys scan I'm going to say boy and girl xx
Baby b's looks very much like my little boys scan I'm going to say boy and girl xx
Thanx for the response! I've looked online & not once have I seen any scans like mine! Boy scans at this gestation(from what I've seen online) are very noticeable, so I'm thinking just a swollen labia(sp?). Can you possibly post a pic of your scan(if possible), just so I can see at least one other scan that looks like mine,lol.
Your welcome hun xx
Your welcome hun xx
Hey tdog, I had a look at your scan, but I'm not seeing the resemblance between the 2,lol. Maybe I'm not looking at it right,idk. Now I'm confused as to how girl/boy parts are suppose to look at 22week gestation, coz mine don't look like any of them, haha.