25+1, 1lb3oz! advice?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2009
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Our baby girl was delivered at 22.54 on saturday by emergency section.

I went for my first weekly BP check on friday, and it was high, so they sent me to maternity at the local hospital and took bloods. OH went back to work because it was going to be a good few hours until the results came back.
They didn't come back good and the consultant scared the crap out of me by pretty much telling me I had to get transfered to glasgow or edinburgh, saying ''your baby will get delivered tonight'' and my local cant look after babies before 32 weeks. I was in tears.

OH arrived back and we had to wait for an ambulance to drive me and the MW to edinburgh and OH would follow up in the car.

When I got there I was hooked up to the BP machine, and more blood was taken (and my veins are not so good!).

They took blood again sat morning and lunch and the results were the same, I was given an ultrasound that showed the blod in the cord was reduced but the doctor said ''its unlikely we will do anything tonight'' so OH went home to get some things sorted and some more clothes as my mum and sister were on there way.

They took bloods again and the results were bad, they showed my kidney function was going right down and would be taking me to theatre because I was just going to get worse.

My mum had left, but luckily sister wanted mcds so they were back in no time- OH had just got to bed when I called him crying and he came straight back but missed me going into theatre by 10mins!

My mum was there and she was fantastic, but I couln't stop crying, I wanted OH and every time I thought about it I just burst into tears. Even though the scan earlier showed our baby moving around loads and her heart was good I was terrified at the thought of her being born so early but as they pulled her out she cried a little, and I cried alot. She was rushed off to make sure she didn't get cold.

She only needed the ventilator for 2 hours, but they said it was dangerous to keep it on as she was doing so well by herself they had to keep turning it down until it was off.

OH got to see her at 6am and I had an agonising wait until about 1.30!

I expected her to be small, but I didn't imagine her being so tiny!!



I wasn't having any luck hand expressing, felt so uncomfy! And I was getting nothing atall, so I tried on the electric pump and it was much much better so that meant she could then be given milk.

She has now been increased gradually up to 1.1ml an hour :) Have had to have the uv lights on to keep the jaundice levels low and the oxygen % has since only been up to 24% (21% being in the air already) a couple of times.

She is so strong, all the nurses and doctors are so pleased with how she is doing.

I have come home for one day, hospital was driving me mad but its the most horrible feeling in the world being so many miles away from our daughter its a 2hr drive.

I don't really know how to feel or what to think, or of anything I particularly want to ask, apart from when will her eyes open??

I guess I still feel a bit numb but if anyone has any similar experiences or advice they can give me it would be a great help.
I have been going out with OH when he goes for a smoke at the hospital because he always seems to find people in a similar situation to talk to and apart from the fact its a truly horrible situation to be in, I find comfort in talking to people who know what we are going through.
Have you met Katherine? She is there with baby Sophie just now?

I think she is two incubators behind you tbh! :)

Dona and myself had our 27 weekers in ERI, and they are doing great. Feel free to chat to us!!!

my facebook is www.facebook.com/sexyback86 , if you want anyone to chat too im here!

Alex was on a vent for a few days because of a suspected infection, but she opened her eyes about a week or so later.

To start with I didnt ask a lot of questions, to be honest I hadnt a clue what to expect. It will come to you, once you become more aware and familar with the situation!

Alexs story is below on the right.
Hey Congratulations!

I had my little Alfie at 26 weeks and he was 1lb 5oz, he is now 7 months and 10lb 11oz and doing so well.

He had a heart opand laser eye surgery and was in hospial for 15 weeks, they are amazing in these units!

Feel free to PM me at any time for and info you need! we've certainly been through it all.

Be strong and give your little one loads of love and cuddles!

Oh forgot to say Alfie opened his eyes soon after he was born.

i am Emma Buckle was Presslee on facebook if you wanted to add me and see some of our journey.

Have no advice on prem babies, but just wanted to say congrats! She sounds like shes doing really well for being so early. Shes a lil fighter, and very strong and i home shes able to come home soon! :D x
she is beautiful, congratulations, so tiny but looks like a little fighter xxxxx

She looks so precious.

The whole thing is rather scary isn't it? But you'll find the NNICU is excellent and they will talk you through every step of the journey.

Abby was born at 29 weeks. I can't remember when Abby opened her eyes but I think it was fairly soon after she was born. She didn't do it often but as I was always told "while they are sleeping they are growing"

If I was to give you one piece of advice it would be - take care of you. Recovering from a C-section isn't easy, and you need to give yourself time to heal both physically and emotionally. It is easy to become overwhelmed and forget about yourself, with all the worry that is going on. Don't feel you "have" to do anything at all. Visit when YOU want to, when you feel comfortable and don't let anyone pressure you into doing more than you feel able to. Will you be able to stay nearby or will you have to travel to see her? 2 hours is a long drive, that must be so difficult.

Keep us informed of progress and feel free to ask us anything. Someone will be able to give an answer!
Hello - first of all congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! - do you have a name for her yet? Secondly - welcome to the forum xx

My son Archie was born at 27 weeks in ERI last year. I know your 2hrs away from home but it's the best unit in the UK and have the best survival rates.

When Archie was three weeks old, he got a new neighbour in the next bay to him - she was called Lily and was born at 23 weeks weighing the same as your little girl. Her eyes opened two weeks later but remember she was a 23 weeker. You little ones eyes might open sooner than that - speak to the nurses as they might have a better idea due to their experience. Lily is doing just fine now and is truly a little inspiration to others!

Your little girl is doing so well, I can't believe she's off the ventilator and breathing 24% - she is already showing signs of being a fighter. All you need now is for her to feed and grow - a feeder and a grower as one nurse put it.

Try and talk to Mum's who are on the unit as your gonna need people to speak to and they will understand how your feeling the best. As Sandi said, Katy is in the unit with baby Sophie - she's a dab hand in there now and could show you the ropes LOL!

If you want to ask me anything, just PM me x

Dona xx
Hi love - congratulations on the birth of your beautiful baby, despite the traumatic circumstances - she is gorgeous :hugs:

I had a 24 weeker who was 1Ib 7ozs, and she is now perfectly fine - despite being ventilated for 6wks. Her pic is on the left. That extra week your daughter had in the womb really does make the world of difference hun, you actually did really well given how obviously poorly you were.

Take heart from our success story, and try to remain positive. It is amazing that Anna hasn't needed prolonged ventilation - a very good sign, and so much better that she hasn't got high pressure air blasting into her delicate lungs.

Get in touch any time hun, the ICU journey is a stressful one, but so far you are all doing incredibley well :hugs::hugs:
No advice, but she is beautiful you must be so proud.


V xxxx
No advice either but congratulations, shes beautiful x

I also had a 25+2 baby in January weighing 1lb 7oz. She was originally born in Bristol but was transferred to Edinburgh hospital (my hometown) after 9 weeks. Holly came home on Tuesday 2 days before her due date weighing 5lb.

I think Holly opened her eyes about a week after being born and then it was only 1 eye for a few days and then the other. (CPAP had made the other one a bit puffy) It is very exciting the first time they open their eyes as I had thought it would be a lot longer than it was.

Holly seemed to take ages to reach 1kilo and at one point I thought she would only be about 3lb when she reached term!

If you ever want to ask anything or want somemore information about Holly's journey let me know. In Bristol we stayed in a Ronald McDonald House and another couple had a 25 weeker about 6 weeks before Holly was born and it was very helpful speaking to them about what was happening with Holly and they were able to reassure us that their baby went through the same thing.
thank you so much for all the messages

i have met katherine and her other half and we have been texting. Her girl is in the same room. We are also talking to a couuple in the next room who have been there a few weeks their baby had surgery to remove part of the intestine.

I am so shattered. Home for tonight and back in the day tomorrow because im not getting enough milk to last any longer yet shes up to 2ml/hr already.
you could try asking for brewers yeast from the nurses, or see your GP and ask for Domperidone. They are both known to boost milk hun x domeperidone was a saver for me.

I also had problems with my milk but we had a breastfeeding advisor who was dedicated to NICU full time which helped a lot. Some of the advise I was given is different to what ERI advises but it did work for me as I am now breastfeeding my daughter.

1 - Increase expressing to 10-12 times a day for a couple of days. This sounds a lot but I was told it wasn't the time between expressing that was important but the number of times so I would express once through the night around 3am and then the rest were done during the day. For a few hours I was expressing every hour but it allowed me to get some sleep at night.
2 - Hand expressing a couple of times. As your milk comes in you may find this easier. Make sure and do a lot of massaging beforehand to stimulate.
3 - Dual Pumping. This increases the hormones and produces more milk. Unfortunately you may struggle to get a second pump from the hospital to do this. Some people also found alternating it so they dual pumped for one express and then single pumped the next increased it. I never done this as dual pumping cut the time expressing in half!
4 - If you get to do Kangeroo Care then express straight afterwards.

Unfortunately stress contributes as well and with everything going on trying to relax is an impossible task!

Another girl I spoke to said she couldn't get any milk from the electric pumps so she bought the Philips Avent hand pump and used it the whole time so it may be worth trying this.

Your little one is beautiful and doing brilliantly. Only needing ventilated for 2 hours is amazing.
My milk is coming back in again. :) so feeling better about that I bet they will be glad at the amount I take back after 24 hours lol!
I am doing it every 2 hours in the day, at 3 am and then again at 8/9 (had planned at 8 but just could not wake up!)

I find that expressing from each breast until it slows down then swapping to the other and back again (so doing each twice) works better lol
Congratulations! She is doing so well! She is in the best place, and you are doing amazingly well too :hugs:
Only just saw this post - congratulations! She's a beautiful little thing and am so glad you are both doing well. There are so many girls on here who can give you lots of support and advice, you're in the right place :) xx

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