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25 weeks 3 days .2mm cervix left!!!


New Member
Oct 16, 2015
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So at 22 weeks I discovered my cervix being 1.3 right there and then they prescribe me progesterone 200mg and bed rest. I am so far 25 weeks 3 days and my cervix is .2 mm i was admitted to the hospital yesterday for an evaluation. So far they gave me the first does of steroids shot, they will do an ffn test today 10/16/2015 and later on my second does of steroids. I haven't had any contractions just mild cramps i will say not sure if that counts as a contraction. This is my first pregnancy and i dont really know what a contraction is exactly but the mild cramps are very minimal and they go away and i drink plenty of water. No leak fluid, no backpain, no bleeding, no spotting. Also they might out a cervical pessary. A cercleage is no longer in question because i am passed 24 weeks and my doctor felt the progesterone was gonna be enough and bedrest too. But apparently it is not working. My cervix keeps getting short for no reason.

As you girls can imagine i am freakig out badly i need to good stories!!! I want my baby to be fine and healthy. I feel i am just so far away from 37 weeks let alone 40!!!! What would be a good week to give birth? 32? 34? 36? Or even 28? Which thats in 3 weeks for me!! I am desperate i want my baby girl to be 100% fine and the thought of something going wrong makes me sick to my stomach!!!

Thank you for in advance for all your answers and support!!!
Hello. It sounds like you are going through a stressful time. I also had a complicated pregnancy and ended up in hospital for 5'weeks of monitoring before my planned cesarean delivery at 35 weeks. My issue was different than yours, but I too was very worried about the potential complications of delivering a preterm infant. I wanted to share some personal stories of some women I met while in hospital as well as my cousins to help put your mind at ease. My friend experienced a similar situation to yourself with a shortening cervix and no stitch at 23-24 weeks. Her water broke (small leak) a few weeks later but was able to keep baby in for a natural delivery at 31 weeks. I also have a cousin who also delivered at 31 weeks by emergency c section for premature labor. I have a friend who delivered also via emergency c section at 29 weeks for pre eclampsia. And I have a cousin who's water broke (small leak) at 23 weeks who delivered via emergency c section at 26 weeks. I have met many babies who were born at varying stages of prematurity and all of these babies seem to be doing well. The youngest one is 10 months old and the oldest is 2 yrs. the risks of prematurity decrease the less premature they are. You can google survival and prematurity, but from what I remember survival starts to really improve around 26 weeks and complications start to decrease from there. Every week your baby stays in is helpful from there in terms of decreasing any potential complications. The most important thing at this point you are in the right place to give your baby the best odds. My delivery was planned for 35 weeks as this was explained to me as the gestational age where the risks of prematurity are quite low (more at risk for what they call soft markers like difficulty with speech, learning, attention etc). With a premie be prepared for a long hospital stay and lots of pumping if you choose to breastfeed. Good luck to you! I hope your baby stays in as long as possible, but know you are in the right place if they choose to meet you sooner. There is a gestational complications and a premature baby forum which may be helpful for you to look at.
I have no advice I'm afraid but hope all is going well and lo is staying put! My first son was 5 weeks early and had two weeks in special care he is now 3 yrs old and no one would know he had a rocky start!
:hugs: Keeping my fingers crossed for you and your LO - stay safely inside mummy a bit longer LO :hugs:
My cervix opened and was gone at 28 + 5. Like you I was put in hospital for 4 days, after those few days it closed and came back to 16 mm! Also I don't want to tell you something your dr hasn't, but they told me to start putting the pressaries up the back instead of you know where they go now. Sorry if tmi, but may have made a difference ? :blush: I have been on the progesterone pressaries since 24 weeks when my cervix was 15 mm, down from 28 mm at 20 weeks. Anyway so my doctor said this, your next target should be 28 (when things are ok, still risks of lungs, brain development, and long stay in NICU), then 32, (which is "pretty good", lungs and brain further developed, shorter NICU) and then 34 + you're pretty much in the clear. 37 is considered full term.
There is an incompetent cervix thread which has given me a lot of hope/advice.
Positive story here
With both my pregnancies (2014 and 2015) i was diagnosed a shortening cervix from week 25 on
Measurements where between 200 and .5 mm , i did house rest but no bed rest as my midwife and doctor said it didnt make a difference , i did light yoga both pregnancies.
It was very stressy specially the second time as i had a 1 year old and couldnt really take care of him ..luckily i have a great husband and support from family plus insurance paid for 4 hours a day of care to avoid going pre term.

Both times I did progesterone , both times my cervix was growing and shrinking on and off then staying the same length around 32 weeks (1.3 mm)
I started my "normal" life again at 35 weeks , doing heavier yoga and walking to places ect.

I delivered my first son at 39 plus 6 and my second at 38 weeks , my labours where short , first one 6 hours , second one 3 hours .

My cervix just happened to be shorter than the average but stays strong till full term , progesterone might have helped but i didnt take it every day as it was making me sick and I had a strong gut feeling there wasn't going to be a problem of pre term. I was right .

anyway not saying you shouldnt do bed rest or progesterone but not all short cervixes lead to pre term labour .
good luck !
I know someone who has just had a 34 weeker, born by c section, she was 3 lbs 13, not a bad weight, she is doing fine, she is obviously in neo natal, but she is growing and so far infection free.... Its not ideal by a long shot, but her chances of being healthy are great at that stage.... I hope this is helpful xxxx i am so sorry you are going through this, its horrible!

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