27 weeks prem


Jan 20, 2012
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hi everyone im new to this.
but here goes.i had a beautifull baby girl 2weeks ago i was only 27 weeks.
she weighed 1lb 13ounces.has any body else been thro this.we are so scared at the mo.shes in scbu she was doing so well at first on bio and cpap by day 2.by day 6 she was being taken off cpap for an hour day.then she got an infection thay treated with antibiotics for 7 days.she was looking so well then last thursday she was realy ill again.shes back on meds again.she had a blood transfusion yesterday.its so scary at the mo.any advice on how to cope with it all plz thanks for letting me ramble.:hugs:
Didint want to read and run hun.Ive no advice sorry,just wanted to send you massive hugs of support and strenght to your lil princess and your family :D xoxox
:hugs: and congratulations on the birth of your LO.

My daughter was also born at 27 weeks, also weighing 1lb 13oz! She's now 22 months and doing great - walking, a little chatterbox and just full of energy!

It's terrifying in NICU, and a rollercoaster of emotions. It's a scary environment with all the alarms going all the time, and the worry about your baby.

Sounds as if she's doing well though, if she's had time off CPAP already - Sophie didn't manage any time off CPAP till she was 4 weeks old. She had to have a blood transfusion as well, and I remember really panicking about that, but the nurse looking after her that day told us that almost every baby in the unit ended up with one at some point. It really did perk her up a lot.

As for how to cope, I would say don't be too hard on yourself, just take each day as it comes and make sure you take time to rest. Do everything you're allowed to do for your LO - if they're letting you get involved in nappy changes, tube feeds etc, do all of that, and talk to her and stroke her. They also love it when they're lying on their tummy and you wrap one hand round their head and the other round their bum. Don't feel bad about taking time away from the hospital. I felt bad about it, but there's not all that much you can really do in the early days, and it's such an intense environment in there. There's a lot more you'll be able to do once she's into HDU and then SBCU, and it's important to get your rest too.

Don't be scared to ask questions as well, if you're not understanding any of the machines or the things they're saying to you. It's like a whole new language and it's everyday life for the nurses but all new for the parents.

I'm here if you need to talk to anyone who's been through it.

Congratulations on your lo. What is she called?

She is doing extremely well to be cycling of cpap after 6 days. Unfortunately infections are very common with extreme prems. Holly was ventilated for 4 days then due to an infection at 4 weeks was reventilated for 5 days. She didn't start cycling off cpap until she was 7 weeks old. She also had 3 blood transfusions which is another common thing with extreme prems, particularly as they regularly get blood gases taken.

Chocolate was my saviour at the time :rofl: it is important to take time for yourself. I was at the hospital for about 13 hours a day and in hindsight I should have taken some time out as I was exhausted when holly came home. While expressing I took a book to read or chatted to other mums which helped.

As well as kangaroo care do containment holding. This used to settle my lo and made me feel useful.

You do get into a routine and it starts becoming a weird sense of the norm.

Any questions please feel free to ask.

Good luck xx
Just looked at your profile name.

Hello baby girl Bethany :flower:
Congratulations on baby bethany ! She sounds like she has done amazing time off cpap already is fantastic. My little man was about 4 weeks old before he had time off , he was born at 27+5 weighting 2lb 9oz he was a twin but sadly my little girl died a day before I gave birth. He was vented for 6 days before moving on cpap and in his early days also treated for an infection during his time in NICU he had 3 blood transfusion its very scary coming In and seeing blood bag up but I must admit as the post above they really help ur little one and peck them up its amazing seeing the difference . My little man spent 9 weeks in NICU and yes it was very hard but now he is home it feels a million miles away u will have the strength too keep going every day u see ur little lady growing and getting stronger give u such a boost . The above posts give great advice be kind too urself anyone who goes thu this is truely amazing and prem babies r so special they are little fighters and miracles ..........have u had he chance too hold ur little one ? One thing I regret was not asking enough I felt nervous and stupid asking to he'll to hold but don't be she's ur baby ask away and try enjoy as much as u can. My little man came home after 9 weeks on oxygen he spend 4 weeks at home and came off h has just started smiling away and melts my heart every day. Xxxx I wish u the best of luck and an advice,help I cane give please ask. Xx
Hello :hugs:

congrats on your little girl.
I've a little girl named connie who's currently 4 weeks old and in high dependency unit. She was born at 26+2. We've had some pretty big problems so far but shes still fighting.

Take each day as it comes and allow your brain to rest by watching crap tv or something... you need to look after yourself too xx
Congratulations. She sounds like she is doing quite well, although I can see why you might think she isn't. NNICU is two steps forward, one step back. Abby was 29 weeks and did really well with breathing until she got an infection at 3 days old and had to be vented for a few days. They weaned her off it after a couple more days and from there she went on to grow and thrive.

Blood transfusions are really common in NNICU. Often the problem comes about because of anaemia. Premmies haven't had the chance to build up their iron stores in the womb ( that happens in the last couple of months). Abby was close to needing one, but just managed to avoid it.

Make sure you look after you. Try to find other mums to talk to. Visit the bliss website for loads of advice and remember we are all here for you of you need us.
thankyou so much guys for your support.you have all made me so much better just on my way up to the hospital now will let you all no how shes doing.xxxxxxxxxx
hi just got bk from the hospital bethanys doing realy well today.got to hold her for 2 hours i cried so much happy tears tho lol.she got weighed today shes 2pounds.im so proud of my little fighter.thanks for the advice you realy helped me get things straight in my head thanks again.xxx
Hello and welcome. Nicu is a scary place at first but u will get used to all the noises. I had a little boy who came at 25+6 and weighed 2lb 1oz, He was on vent for 12hrs after birth and then went onto cpap, he was doing well until 10days old when he contracted gbs which caused him to be re intubated, on the high oscillator for 5 days, he idnt start cycling cpap til day 84 (the gbs caused major chronic lung disease) he then came home on oxygen on day 102. He is now off oxygen and a happy thriving little boy almost 8 months, 19 weeks corrected. Take time for yourself, I didnt and spent 12-14 hrs a day at the hospital, in heinsight it would have benefited me and my oh to take a little time out from the hospital. xx
thanks for the update mumtobethany! Oh and congratulations!! There are quite a few of us 27 weekers here, it`s a great number really :thumbup:

That`s really good progress for such a little one - my son didn`t manage cpap until he was quite a few weeks old. Sounds like things are going well!

And I also remember the tears of joy at holding my little one for the first time :hugs:

1st congratulations on your new arrival. i had a beautiful baby girl Evie at 27 wks weighing 2lb 8 13 months ago. She had several blood transfusions, very common for prem babies, neo-puffed loads as she had continous brady's. She still has heart murmur but hoping to treat that this year.

its a long tiring, emotional scary journey so take each day as it comes and have as many cuddles as you can get. She will get home eventually. It sounds like she's doing brilliantly already and babies are alot stonger than we think.

keep us updated on her progress. hugs and kisses xx
Congratulations on Bethany. My little girl was born at 27+5 on 5th November & we are still in SCBU. Isabella did 6 weeks on the vent, 4 weeks on cpap & is now on nasal oxygen, so for your little one to be doing time off cpap already is AMAZING!!!!

Isabella has had 2 infections during her time (1 was e-coli sepsis) so has been dangerously ill but has come through both. As for blood transfusions I seem to think she's had 5 or 6 over our time. What you have to remember is the Dr's are constantly taking some from her for tests etc, so eventually this needs to be replaced.

I've probably had one of the more difficult journey's which involved over 70 days in NICU.

Should you need to talk, cry, rant or just to say hi, please feel free to contact me.

Hopefully my little girl will be home this weekend weighing around 5lb
oh forgot to say - my son had 3 blood transfusions in the first few hours of life, then a few regularly over the next few weeks - they`re perfectly safe and it really does help them along :hugs:

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