The nurse scheduled it for the wrong day! I'm on CD20 and should have had the scan done on CD 12. It was too late! She said a couple of things I don't understand thought, she said that there was a sac in one of the follicles or somewhere? whats this mean? She also said there was several follicles in each ovary and that some had burst. and there was alot of free fluid in the uterus. I'm am so confused and irritated that the woman scheduled it for the wrong day. Guess we will wait and see if were pregnant and go back again next month if i'm not!
Good luck with your sticky beans and bfps!
After traveling down the uterine tube, the early embryo embeds itself into the inner wall of the mother's uterus. This process, called implantation, begins 6 days and ends 10 to 12 days after fertilization, Could this mean that the sac she seen could be our baby it just hasn't traveled down to the uterus yet?