3.5years of trying...and...FINALLY!!!!


LT-TTC success 3.5yrs
Jan 14, 2009
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Hello ladies,

I am here to share my story and hope it provides some inspiration. Back in may 2005, I learned that I had a tilted uterus to which my gyno said it has been said that it is "nature's birth control" and I asked her "you mean I won't be able to have kids?" and she said that I would still be able to.

I got married in July and we started trying in september of 2005. Every month, I had hoped that it would be the month. I didn't stress OH out about it but knew he wanted a baby as we had agreed to try. I kept charting and tempting to no avail. I knew I was ovulating because I felt it! I had a friend that would spend upwards of 500 dollars a month on fertility drugs and I decided that I didn't want to do that. A year down the road we still had nothing. Two years, nothing. Three years, you guessed it, nothing.

I finally had a talk with myself about resolving the issue of me never being a mother. In fact, I stopped charting and tempting and turned my focus on to some family issues arising at the time

(TMI alert). I have chronic yeast infections but have been able to resolve them on my own. I started getting one the beginning of december and started taking measures of treating them. Fortunately, I didn't do a lot of medicines but tried the nature yogurt and probiotics. I finally went to the doctor dec 22nd and realized I was five days late. I became heartbroken as they knew I was trying and she didn't say anything so I assumed that they did a PT and it came back negative.

We then started making a "list of action" to figure out what was causing my infertility. (Keep in mind we had been trying for OVER three years!) It turned out that the yeast infection was BV and I was given antibiotics to treat and sent home with a plan of action. We were due to do some testing Jan 7th.

The next morning, I decided to take my temp. It was a little high for the beginning of a menstrual cycle but I still didn't think I was because I had thought they did a test. Wednesday (Christmas eve), I called them and asked and they informed me that they didn't do a preg test. I still was in denial as my temp was still hoovering borderline and I kept getting AF type cramps. My OH and I are Catholic and sang at midnight Mass that night. I suddenly got so dizzy that I couldn't stand for the remainder of the Mass. Keep in mind that I was approaching 8 days late, BUT that means nothing because I think back in March of 07, I had a chemical as I was ten days late but didn't test until I was a few days late and at that point it showed negative.

I told my OH on the way home from Mass those words that I thought I would never get to say: "I think I'm pregnant." Neither one of us slept much that night and on Christmas Day managed to find a pharmacy open, got a test and :bfp:!!!

I thought it was amazingly funny how I got to call my dr. four days after making our plan of action and telling them that I needed to confirm a positive HPT!!!

I know I didn't use any fertility treatments but I do consider us a LT-TTC success story as it took over three years. We are expecting a baby boy at the end of next month!!!!

Here's hoping you all get your much longed for :bfp:s!!
Hey hon I didn't know this, what a wonderful christmas present that was. :hugs:
That's a really lovely story and as Pippin says, a perfect Christmas present. So glad you got your happy ending x
What an amazing story :hug:
that is a great story

what's BV btw ?
Sorry i'm not great about knowing about all these types of things!
that is a great story

what's BV btw ?
Sorry i'm not great about knowing about all these types of things!

lovely story :) Congratulations.

And Sisterdisco BV is Bacteria Vaginosis, which is caused by an imbalance of the ph levels in the vagina - the bad and the good bacteria is out of balance. This can kill sperm as it can be too acidic to maintain sperm life, thus bad for fertility.
ohhh :) thanks haha.
how do they go about treating it, antibiotics?
i use to get water infections etc quite often & usually had to take antibiotics alot.
Then when I moved and went to family planning where I live now, the nurse told me to eat yoghurt regularly because it balances out the acids down there.
& I also drink cranberry juice, quite a lot.
ohhh :) thanks haha.
how do they go about treating it, antibiotics?
i use to get water infections etc quite often & usually had to take antibiotics alot.
Then when I moved and went to family planning where I live now, the nurse told me to eat yoghurt regularly because it balances out the acids down there.
& I also drink cranberry juice, quite a lot.

Yes, it's usually a course of antibiotics, although I have been given a one dose of liquid antibiotics before and that did the the trick!

BV is actually more common than thrush believe it or not. Just a lot of people don't actually know about it or notice. The one big sign is actually after bd'ing because the ph imbalance and semen don't mix and you will both smell a strong, strange smell from your lady bits!

Cranberry juice is great for keeping urinary infections at bay, just watch your intake! And a healthy gut always helps, as long as it's a natural yoghurt, or even activia.
Lovely story and hope for us all! I had an internal scan yesterday and the sonographer (not the regular one) said that my womb was tilted. She just mentioned it in passing and said that its just like the difference between blue eyes and green eyes but this may explain our problems....
Lovely story and hope for us all! I had an internal scan yesterday and the sonographer (not the regular one) said that my womb was tilted. She just mentioned it in passing and said that its just like the difference between blue eyes and green eyes but this may explain our problems....

Don't worry about it too much Millnsy, I have a friend who has it and nad no problem at all....

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