3 year old being bullied.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2009
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Hi guys, it has been over a year since I posted anything, but today I am so upset and need other mums advice. My 3 year old (will be 4 at new year), has just started nursery attached to a school 5 mornings a week and also goes to a childminder who he's spent some time with since he was 15 months.

The school nursery seems fine, and he is happy there, he's made friends and he's not complained about anything. He has always been happy with the childminder, albeit he's not spent loads of time there until this September as my husband has just returned to work after being a stay at home dad.

However, at the childminder there is a few older children that do the before and after school sessions. One of these is bullying my son, each act seems not too bad on it's own but together it is horrible and my son is getting really upset (all came out at bedtime tonight!),

Things done include,
Shutting him in the Wendy house,
Teasing him about his voice (he does not have the local accent as my husband and I are not locals!).
Telling hi over and over he can't go to this boys party (the boy is 7 so an invite would not be appropriate but the teasing is still upsetting).
Today it came to a head as this boy got another boy to push my son over, my LO said "I tried to run away mummy",

Most these incidents happen in the garden when the childminder is changing one of the babies nappies so she does not see. This boy also drags another boy into the bullying as well.

I will be talking to her tomorrow obviously, but needed to vent and ask what anyone else has done in his situation.

I was bullied at school and don't want my happy little boy, who wants to play with everyone and anyone to become introverted and unhappy,
just like I did.

Any ideas?
You need to talk to the child minder and maybe she can change nappies out where the other children are playing. Or maybe he can go with the child minder for the nappie change so he is not left alone. Hopefully once the child minder knows this is happening she can be more diligent and have it stop.
If not perhaps you will need to talk to the other children's parents.
And maybe you should start looking for a new child minder in case this behaviour doesn't stop so that you have a backup plan
That is terrible that such young children behave like this.
Definitely agree with having a conversation with the childminder first and foremost, she may not be aware of what's going on? In regards to teasing, now that Charlie is at school I'm finding out lots of stories about teasing, name calling and such like! It's not very nice to think it's happening to your child though. I tell Charlie if he's not happy with the game to move and play elsewhere with someone else or if anything worse is happening then let the teacher or classroom assistance know. This has its downside as well as they will probably be called a tell tale! It's hard to know what to do for the best. I would also think that, at 7 yrs old, the other boy at the childminder should know better than to pick on a 3 yr old! Hope you get some answers from your cm :flow:
I would go straight to his mother.. My son is 14 now, but he was bullied in sixth grade.. It took him 6 months to tell us :cry: I was devastated and all I did was cry. He had scars all over his legs from the kid kicking him with his size 11 sneakers.. The kid was 5'8 over 170 pds and my son was barely 100 pds and about 5'2.. Soon my sadness turned into rage.. I went straight to the school ( They take bullying very serious, but i didn't know that at the time) And I told the principal if this is not taken care of TODAY if my son is touched ONE more time I am going to this kids house and I am going to beat the ever loving shit out of his mother ..:nope: I was so upset and I had googled the kid's address before I went to the school .. I t was taken care of and my son became friends with the bully :dohh: I know how you feel, your in Lioness Mode.. Talk to whoever is in charge and if you can get to the mom i would also speak to her also.. kids that bully ( Not all of them) seem to have an unhappy home, so I do feel compassion for them also, but our kids come first and if it means taking matters into my own hands to protect my boys, I will.. XO Good Luck :hugs:
:hugs: Stalking, my son is being bullied by a kid at nursery and I don't know what to do :nope:
Thanks for replies guys, had a chat with the childminder, she is keeping a close eye on things. Tomorrow is the first day they will be together since it all came out. Fingers crossed, will let you know.
Sorry I kink this is a really old thread but my three year old is being treated similarly at his childminder's by a 7 year old and I'm looking for opinions on how to deal with it. Similar to op, events in question are not altogether serious on their own but put together are nasty. The problem I have however, is that the 'bully' is the childminder's son. Other than this older child, who outside of term time my son is only with for an hour when the older child comes home from school, my son seems to really enjoy going and has a good friend there. But every time I drop my child off during school holidays when the older child is there I hear him saying things like 'oh no Harry (my child) is here' or 'Harry can't play' etc my childminder usually speaks over this and sort of pretends it's not happening. I'm thinking she thinks I may not have heard seeing as often the child is in another room and shouting out. What the hell do I do?

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