30+4 weeks doc saying going to deliver help


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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hi iam 30+4 weeks been in hosptial 2weks doc saying they goingto deiver baby hs anyne had aa baby this eairly and what helpwoulda baby need at this stage ? can anyone help
My LO was born 30+5 and had a 6 week stay in hospital. She only spent 4 days in Intensive care, and came off ventilator within 24 hours! She was then put in a heated cot and given a nasel canula.

Her main problem was weaning her off oxygen and her temp regulation. She fed really well from day 2 onwards, and gained weight pretty quick.

She came home on 26th of August weighing 5lb4oz :D

Good luck with everything!!!
My LO was born 30+5 and had a 6 week stay in hospital. She only spent 4 days in Intensive care, and came off ventilator within 24 hours! She was then put in a heated cot and given a nasel canula.

Her main problem was weaning her off oxygen and her temp regulation. She fed really well from day 2 onwards, and gained weight pretty quick.

She came home on 26th of August weighing 5lb4oz :D

Good luck with everything!!!

hi thank you for the reply and i am very glad to hear your lo iss home and well and thank as that has helped me relax a ;little they said last wwek of messurmments and scans they though he was about 3 lb then so i think that is good weight and bytime they deliver hope he is bigger
Many of us here had babies at that gestation and even earlier - in my case, our son was born at 29 weeks and weighed less than 2lb :D He spent his 11 weeks in NICU, and came home just two days after his original due date.
my lo was born at 25+6 weighing 945grams (2lb 1oz) and spent 102 days in neonatal he came home a day after his due date, on oxygen but he still home :) good luck x
Hi hun...

My boys were born at 32 weeks and were in the NICU for 4w5d and 5w1d. They were both intubated initially and given surfactant through the tube to help their lungs, although I did also get the steroids several days before their birth. Caleb needed a CPAP for a few days and both were on a nasal cannula for a while. Learning to eat normally was the most difficult part, which is generally the case around this gestation. 30-32 weekers generally do very well in the long run, but it does seem like a slow, frustrating process at the time.

I was terrified when the doctors told me we'd be delivering at 32 weeks, as I'm sure you are, but your baby has a very good outlook.

If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask. It's scary but having people to tell me what to expect helped a lot.

Here is a link to some pictures of my boys now :)

Sophie was born at 27 weeks and she was in neonatal for 12 weeks - she came home 6 days before her due date, weighing 5lbs 6oz. She was just 1lb 13oz when she was born, and her main issue was really her breathing - she needed to be on CPAP for 10 weeks. SHe had to have treatment for jaundice and she had a couple of small infections, but other than that, it was just a case of gaining weight and getting her breathing sorted out, and eventually learning to feed.

She's now 18 months old and a hyperactive toddler! I can completely understand how worried you are. We were told I wouldn't make it past 30 weeks at first, and that thought was terrifying. I got so much help by coming on here - I didn't know the first thing about preemies before Sophie was born.

My LO was 30 weeks exactly and had a 6 week stay in hospital. She was 2lb 13 and didnt need oxygen, she pretty much just had to grow we never had any major issues with her, so dont panic hun!! Good luck xxx
My lo was born at 28+2 no intubation at all, a small blast of oxygen with CPAP and then a tiny amount pumped into her incubator, but she basically was all about growing!
wwel i am still in hospital with they have sai i have to stay tilll i have my lo but i am now 31+3 weks an every day counts so still trying to hold on to him for a littlee longer havin a feew problems with my self but my little boy seams to be doing just fine with is the main thing i am happy aabout that just would help if they could find ouut why i am bleeding but thaank you every one for there ssupport
Every day does count, especially at this stage. Making it to 32 weeks is a big milestone. Still thinking of you and wishing you the best of luck for a few more days or even weeks! Hugs!
Hi baby magic. I might have missed it, but why are you having LO early? Did you just go into labor early on your own? or are you having other complications and they are thinking of inducing? I was just given steroid injections today (and injection 2 scheduled for tomorrow) for high bp and possible preeclampsia and i'm 30+6 today. Just curious what your story is...
my first son was born at 35 weeks he was in an incubator for a couple days cause he could not breath our oxygen he grew up and now 7 years old and all was fine. My 2nd son was born at 37 weeks as i had placenta previa/acreeta my dr. wanted to wait till i was over 36 eweeks so the lungs were developed. unfortunately the next day his lung burst and he stayed in the hospital for 10 days with tube in his chest he came home weighing 5 lbs 13 oz .. he is now 8 months and doing well.. its not easy having a child have to stay at the hospital when u are at home or having to be in an incubator but dr's will do there best for your child... and when he /she comes home its the best thing in the world.
hi i had my little boy at 29+5 and he was 3 pound 13 and stayed in nicu for 4 weeks his main issue was trying to keep his temp and needing a little top up of oxygen also finding a formula that agreed wiht him but on the hole he did great keep positive and good luck they are so prepared these days xxxxx

I had my little boy at 30+4 last January and he spent 4 weeks in hospital. Once he was out he went from strength to strength and didn't look back. Our biggest milestone was for him to stay awake long enough for full feeds, but he soon managed to do that! All the best to you and your little one!
Hi well I have made it to .36 weeks and my waters have now gone but no labour yet they are going to start me of on Sunday if the labour dos not start by itself
But they are talking about sending me home tomo if u have not started labour by myself by tomo and then have to come back in on Sunday to get started of but I am still bleeding and also my waters have broke dos anyone now if any thing I can do to try and start my labour of now instaed of me having to be sent home ????
Hi baby magic. I might have missed it, but why are you having LO early? Did you just go into labor early on your own? or are you having other complications and they are thinking of inducing? I was just given steroid injections today (and injection 2 scheduled for tomorrow) for high bp and possible preeclampsia and i'm 30+6 today. Just curious what your story is...

Hi I have had a lot of problems with bleeding with is the pleaenta comin away from the wall but I have don't good I am 36 weeks now and my waters have just gone so he has a very good chance now
Hi baby magic. I might have missed it, but why are you having LO early? Did you just go into labor early on your own? or are you having other complications and they are thinking of inducing? I was just given steroid injections today (and injection 2 scheduled for tomorrow) for high bp and possible preeclampsia and i'm 30+6 today. Just curious what your story is...

And yes I had the injections when I was 27 or 28 weeks I think it was I hooe every thing is going good for you and the baby ??
That's fantastic you've made it to 36wks :happydance:

Sunday seems a very long time to wait to induce if your waters have broken, I'd be querying that due to the infection risk. I thought 48hrs was the maximum they left you now. Are they checking your temp etc regularly to make sure you are showing no signs of infection?
That's fantastic you've made it to 36wks :happydance:

Sunday seems a very long time to wait to induce if your waters have broken, I'd be querying that due to the infection risk. I thought 48hrs was the maximum they left you now. Are they checking your temp etc regularly to make sure you are showing no signs of infection?

They have checked my temp and that twice today and give me a course of antidiotics they are saying.its so long because they are busy and thats the first slot they have bevause that had said tomo in the first place then changed it saying they can not till sunday and yes u am now at a highroad risk ofgetting infection and so is my baby and on top of that i am also still bleeding as wellmy waters broke on Tuesday so tomo would of been the 48 hours

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