34w tomorrow and not got the nursery sorted!


1DD, 1 pup, WTT#2
Nov 11, 2012
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... Anyone else?

I'm totally a planner, I started gettin stuff sorted at the start of second tri and planned to have it all done by the start of third tri. My oh is the most laid back guy in the planet, his favourite time to get organised is "tomorrow" - we still have so much to do coz he just isn't pulling his weight!

It isn't that he isn't excited about baby - he is - he just thinks we have tonnes of time. We need to redecorate out kitchen (just paint and flooring, all of which we already have) regloss the house, put up some blinds, and do the whole nursery except flooring. We have bought everything, but I need his help to clear out the stuff which we had in the nursery when it was our study and spare room. He won't let me do the painting etc.

Both sets of grandparents-to-be have nagged him to pull his finger out but he just won't do it. When I ask him, I'm being a "nag" or "OCD" or I should "calm down" or whatever. Apparently I'm the one with the problem here?!

We are both out at work so I know it is hard to find time but he sees these last few weeks as his chance to enjoy his weekends relaxing. I'm so frustrated!

Any tips? I got him to help start clearing the bookcase today - great! Granted the books are mainly mines, but they are heavy. I was sorting a pile, turned round and he is sitting on the sofa with a bag of crisps and a can of juice!

Murder is possibly the only option now.
For what it's worth, we have nothing done/ready. No hospital bag packed. His clothes are washed, but they are still sitting in a laundry basket. The bassinet, swing, and baby tub are still sitting in the garage, collecting dust. Infant car seats aren't installed.

DH works two jobs. I've been miserable the last couple of months and have been a sloth. Then I started school a couple of weeks ago, which has been taking up all of my time. With a toddler. I was almost kind of hoping that our lack of preparedness would encourage baby to come :laugh2:

In all seriousness though, I felt like I was in the same boat as you with my first. I nagged and nagged and nagged. I was starting to get upset about the DD's room not being painted. To be a smart ass, he stayed up all night and painted it. Something he likes to remind me of still today :laugh2:

I wish I had some advice to get your OH on the ball. I don't feel like I had to do that much prodding, but I remember it being a pain still. I had to remind him that there's always a chance that around 37-38 weeks, baby could decide to come early! (It turned out I was 2 weeks over lol)

I absolutely get wanting to have those last few weeks to chill, but once baby is here, he's not going to be wanting to do that stuff! It's best if he gets it done now. Then it's done, no more nagging, and he can truly have some relaxing weekends.

Is there any way you can plan a "romantic" weekend or a nearby get away before baby is done? I would maybe try saying that if he gets this done now, you'll plan a nice weekend for the two of you or idk, maybe plan something that he would love to do? Not that it should take something like that to get him to do something he should be doing, but maybe an incentive?

I wish I had better advice, but I do understand and it is frustrating. Very. I don't think you're being naggy or OCD or that you're the one with the problem. The quicker it's done, the sooner you both can relax! You should be able to relax to, knowing that everything is done and ready.

I haven't done the nursery and don't intend to do it until after she's here. She will be in with us for 6 months anyway so her stuff will just be in a dresser in our room until she moves. We did the same with ds and it worked well. It will be fine but if you feel uncomfortable with it then it's not ok because it's adding to your stress. We've bought everything so feel prepared. I just need to wash everything, sort it and put it away.
Kill him with kindness! I know you won't feel like it but maybe try to treat him to his favorite dinner a couple times and maybe a special bedroom treat if he is ok with that (I know some men aren't) just cater to him for a little bit, even if men don't say it, sometimes especially with the first, they can be a stressed about feeling replaced which is understandable since sadly so many women kind of do that and men are not oblivious to that so he could be being extra selfish lately thinking he won't be able to ever do that again, I am not excusing that behavior as it it selfishness but you'll do yourself and marriage a favor if you "turn the other cheek" and treat him extra special, soon enough he won't be be able to hold back from wanting to help and please you too! Just my advice of course ;)
Mines not done either, I'm not stressing, I've got 6 more weeks! As long as we have everything the nursery doesn't matter that much as baby will be in with us anyway. As it happens my Mum is having our son next weekend while I'm at work so my OH has decided he's going To clear and do the room ready for the new arrival. But there's always a chance he'll decide to play Xbox all weekend instead 😂🙈
I'm a designer and my colleagues and I chose not to paint the nursury in baby colours. All of the accents we're using are super colourful along with the wall hangings, sheets, cube storage & pillows for the recliner/rocker. I also didn't want fumes off gassing from the walls when baby is sleeping in there so many hours. Neutral walls save you getting sick of the colour/pattern, while accessories are easy to refresh the design.

Our sleep consultation session did say to get black out blinds so we did this first. We just need a hospital bag ready now and then I'm finished. Can't wait to get off work and meet this baby!
Don't panic - I'm 38wks tomorrow and I've just today 100% completed my move into my mums house, locked the door for the last time on my old flat after 8 hours of cleaning it, and finished unpacking and sorting mine/baby room.

I've been lucky she's not decided to come early! Although she's definitely welcome any time now!
I'm 34wks tomorrow & currently staying with my parents as we are having damp work done on the downstairs of our house! It's a nightmare. The nursery will be decorated the week of the 14th, so still 2wks away! It's driving me mad. We have everything ready for baby, just not the house :haha: I'm trying to stay calm. I washed all of the baby clothes ready & packed them into boxes so if he comes early, we can just grab what we need without creating too much dust. And I've got our hospital bags in the car ready. My mum is being weird and is adamant that he will come in September, something I've had words with her about several times!! As long as I'm at term, and the house is ready! Then he can come any time. Haha
I managed to get him to help me clear a good bit yesterday which is good. We are going to get rid of 5 black bin bags of stuff tonight, it feels good that it is going!

We have purchased the paint already and it is fairly neutral, we have pale grey on almost all walls but we are doing one wall pink, with darker grey jungle animal silhouettes painted on. My cousin is an artist so he is doing the animals.

My main issue is that our nursery is friggin HUGE - it is 26 foot long and 14 foot wide - so there is a lot of painting! It also has two huge windows that need dressed. The room has an archway partition halfway up, we previously used it as a spare lounge, study, laundry and library and storage so it was very multi purpose. We had to sell tonnes of furniture to make space. The plan is to have one half of the room as her bedroom, and the other half her play room for when she is older. The playroom end isn't getting any pink on it, it will just be pale grey and we will decorate it with multicoloured accessories - we have got loads of storage going in there to keep it neat and tidy.

I'm feeling a bit less like I'm going to kill him today. Go me!

Frustratingly we need it ready before she arrives. Although she will be in with us in her crib at night, her bedroom is off the living room so she will be in her big cot for day naps from birth. Her changing station is also in the bedroom, as is the table with her bath etc. we have a dog so changing her on the floor isn't really an option, my dog is the kinda dog who would run off with the nappy lol.
Your nursery sounds amazing!
I don't think our nursery will be set up til I'm about 34wks or so either as a lot of things have to be moved out of it. However the baby will be in with us for a while anyway so it doesn't really matter in our case.
But I totally get wanting to get it all set up! I feel so frustrated having to wait!
Honestly, maybe if you start doing it he will be mad that you're doing it and take over. Like a little reverse psychology. Or at least maybe it will get him to help you.
Mines not done yet, prob doesn't help that DS is still in there waiting for his room to be done :). I would opt to go with killing him with love but my OH is the same (and I can't be bothered with being nice after a day of a naughty toddler). I tend to think men don't really understand how important it is esp with the first to feel organised - we've got tonnes of hormones driving us they don't :). My OH has just realised that bump is likely to be here in the next week n we don't have a car seat lol.

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