35 Day cycle TTC ladies


Jun 3, 2009
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Hi Ladies,

Anyone got a 35 day cycle on here? I have had 35 day cycles for the last 4 months and am TTC, last month didn't ovulate but I am temping etc this month and wandered what day others tend to ovulate on a 35 day cycle

Thanks ladies

hey :) my cycle is roughly 35 days, I'm still trying to figure out when I ovulate :( I'm still waiting for af to come for this month to start temping, I think the temperature rise or dips on the chart tell you if you're ovulating... I think. sorry I'm not much help :(
I will be interested on this one! I think last month was 31 days and the previous was 35,so I am in similar territory!

I tested with OV sticks on days 14, 15, 18, 19, 20 & 21 and I didnt get a smiley, so obviously didnt ovulate then. I then gave up testing, so dont know if I have ov'd at all! Big fat BFN for me I think this month!
My cycle had been 31 days, but for some reason last month it was 34. Last month was the first month I started temping and I think I Ovulated on day 16. This month I am going to temp and try OPK's. What CD are you on right now?
I have 34-35 cycle day and this past month my period AF came on Oct 12, online calculators said O should be Oct 31-Nov 3. Its a day past my period an got a BFN :( hopefully its too early.. i also tried OPK for a wk and they always came out without a surge altho i felt like i was O. Womans body can be soo tricky !
BabyLove, we are on the same cycle. AF came on October 12 and then again on November 15th. Hoping your :witch: doesn't come this month and you get a :bfp:
BabyLove, we are on the same cycle. AF came on October 12 and then again on November 15th. Hoping your :witch: doesn't come this month and you get a :bfp:

Ohh thats funny :lol: at least ur AF came and its not playing with u and u know where ur standing. I have no symptoms at all of AF coming and on top of that a BFN:shock: after weird early preg symptoms... :wacko: im thinking to test again in 3 days maybe i O late..I was also thinking about blood test..idk what to doo its so frustrating!
Have u been always on a 35 day cycle? I was on the pill for about a year and stopped it in February and ever since my cycle is 35 days..
I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.

I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.
I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.

I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.

Ohh i see.. Yeah I guess ill wait I have no other option. And especially that I don't work waiting is even more painful cuz I have nothing to do! lol
Well lets hope we xmas brings us babies!! [-o<
BabyLOVe my cycle is similar to yours. Last period was 10/16 and cycles have been between 36 and 32 days lately.

Today is day 33 and I've been spotting since 11/14 (day 30) but it just doesn't feel like AF. I don't have any cramps but feel twinges in my stomach. Spotting started brown, then got pink, then I passed a small piece of tissue (bright red) but the spotting has gone back to brown/pink. Never full on sticky red and pretty light.

I spotted for a few days before my last period, but prior to that cycle I never really had much spotting. I also had a cervical polyp removed about a week before I ovulated this cycle so that could have thrown things off.

I'm using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor and received a peak on 11/6 and 11/7 (days 22 and 23). I actually fear that my luteal phase could be too short so have started taking B6.

Most likely this is just going to be a 35 or 36 day cycle which would put my luteal phase at an average 12 or so (assuming I ovulated a day after 2nd peak).

I took a hpt and received a negative on 11/12 (day 28). I realize I took that test much too early but just had this feeling that I was preg. I had 2 miscarriages in the past 15 or so months that we've been trying, both ended relatively early at 8 weeks (didn't find out until 10 wks) and 6 weeks.

I know I'm lucky because I can get pregnant, but I'm just so scared that I'll never be able to keep a pregnancy for more than a few weeks.

Just feels better reading these posts and knowing that I'm not alone.

Here's wishing everyone baby dust and crazy glue.
BabyLOVe my cycle is similar to yours. Last period was 10/16 and cycles have been between 36 and 32 days lately.

Today is day 33 and I've been spotting since 11/14 (day 30) but it just doesn't feel like AF. I don't have any cramps but feel twinges in my stomach. Spotting started brown, then got pink, then I passed a small piece of tissue (bright red) but the spotting has gone back to brown/pink. Never full on sticky red and pretty light.

I spotted for a few days before my last period, but prior to that cycle I never really had much spotting. I also had a cervical polyp removed about a week before I ovulated this cycle so that could have thrown things off.

I'm using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor and received a peak on 11/6 and 11/7 (days 22 and 23). I actually fear that my luteal phase could be too short so have started taking B6.

Most likely this is just going to be a 35 or 36 day cycle which would put my luteal phase at an average 12 or so (assuming I ovulated a day after 2nd peak).

I took a hpt and received a negative on 11/12 (day 28). I realize I took that test much too early but just had this feeling that I was preg. I had 2 miscarriages in the past 15 or so months that we've been trying, both ended relatively early at 8 weeks (didn't find out until 10 wks) and 6 weeks.

I know I'm lucky because I can get pregnant, but I'm just so scared that I'll never be able to keep a pregnancy for more than a few weeks.

Just feels better reading these posts and knowing that I'm not alone.

Here's wishing everyone baby dust and crazy glue.

Wishing you best of luck! You will be fine I am sure just don't stress, relax and try not to think about it so hard, I know its hard I tell people but I should also tell myself. Haha. So from my understanding on 35 day cycle we count 12 days backwards from the next expected period and that's when O should occur? I tried bunch of online calculators and they said I should O Nov 1 somehwere there..at the same time did OPK and they never catch the surge?! It can be so frustrating sometimes ughh being a woman is not easy:wacko:
Hoping for :bfp: !!!
BabyLOVe my cycle is similar to yours. Last period was 10/16 and cycles have been between 36 and 32 days lately.

Today is day 33 and I've been spotting since 11/14 (day 30) but it just doesn't feel like AF. I don't have any cramps but feel twinges in my stomach. Spotting started brown, then got pink, then I passed a small piece of tissue (bright red) but the spotting has gone back to brown/pink. Never full on sticky red and pretty light.

I spotted for a few days before my last period, but prior to that cycle I never really had much spotting. I also had a cervical polyp removed about a week before I ovulated this cycle so that could have thrown things off.

I'm using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor and received a peak on 11/6 and 11/7 (days 22 and 23). I actually fear that my luteal phase could be too short so have started taking B6.

Most likely this is just going to be a 35 or 36 day cycle which would put my luteal phase at an average 12 or so (assuming I ovulated a day after 2nd peak).

I took a hpt and received a negative on 11/12 (day 28). I realize I took that test much too early but just had this feeling that I was preg. I had 2 miscarriages in the past 15 or so months that we've been trying, both ended relatively early at 8 weeks (didn't find out until 10 wks) and 6 weeks.

I know I'm lucky because I can get pregnant, but I'm just so scared that I'll never be able to keep a pregnancy for more than a few weeks.

Just feels better reading these posts and knowing that I'm not alone.

Here's wishing everyone baby dust and crazy glue.

If you have spotted that might be the implanting, my friend got pregnant recently and she got spotting and found out she was pregnant!
Thanks for the reply and encouragement BabyLOVe, it's just so nice to share with others.

I never received a positive with opk's. Only since using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor the past 2 cycles have I received a positive (or in the case of the monitor a Peak result).

My cycles have been irregular since the second miscarriage in August. Sept cycle was 36 and Oct cycle was 32 days (prior to mc I had been right around 28 days). The fertility monitor indicated that I ovulated 10 days prior to the start of AF on the 32 day cycle. I count the day I ovulated as 1 day after I receive the 2nd Peak result. Not sure if this is the correct way.

For this cycle counting the same way AF should be here today. This spotting thing has just really mixed up my counting. Just when you think mother nature can't throw anymore curve balls at you, bam even AF doesn't arrive on time or acts funny :)

Here's hoping AF stays away for us both and we get a BFP very soon.

When do you plan to test?
Hi everyone,

I have been trying to work my dates out, as i thouht my af was due tuesday but it seems i am all wrong.

I had my implant removed on the 8th June. I did not have my ist period till the 1st August- which is quite normall.
My next period was 12th september so that was 40 days
My second one was 20th october so that was 38 days

inbetween these periods i had brown spotting, and some light bleeding.

This month i have not had anything like that. I feel really different and have lots of cm

So looking at this month i should not be due for af till 27th november, so i am therfore testing to early

Hi Ladies,

I am too in the same situation. Normally I have a 30- 31 day cycle, but last month had a 34 day cycle. This is my first month using opk strips and hoping I can detect ovulation. I am on cd 12 right now, the o-calculator says I"m suppose to o around Nov. 22nd or 23rd. Just for kicks and giggles I had been using the opk strips since cd 2 just so I can see the progession to Ovulation, which i hope I get.
Thanks for the reply and encouragement BabyLOVe, it's just so nice to share with others.

I never received a positive with opk's. Only since using the Clear Blue Fertility Monitor the past 2 cycles have I received a positive (or in the case of the monitor a Peak result).

My cycles have been irregular since the second miscarriage in August. Sept cycle was 36 and Oct cycle was 32 days (prior to mc I had been right around 28 days). The fertility monitor indicated that I ovulated 10 days prior to the start of AF on the 32 day cycle. I count the day I ovulated as 1 day after I receive the 2nd Peak result. Not sure if this is the correct way.

For this cycle counting the same way AF should be here today. This spotting thing has just really mixed up my counting. Just when you think mother nature can't throw anymore curve balls at you, bam even AF doesn't arrive on time or acts funny :)

Here's hoping AF stays away for us both and we get a BFP very soon.

When do you plan to test?

Wanted to post my update.

Did the BD last night (purely for fun, def not a fertile time) and that seems to have given AF the kick start she needed. Woke up this morning to full on red bleeding so while I'm disappointed, it's actually nice to at least know what's going on. I had been spotting light for 5 days and that is very rare for me. I'm going to chock it up to having a small cervical polyp removed right before ovulation and hope this next cycle is more regular. I also think I'm going to start charting temp and cervical mucus this month. Just got the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility so once I get an accurate thermometer I should be good to start on cycle day 2.

Good luck to all those who are late, may you be surprised with a BFP very soon!!!!
I would give it a few days and then test again. I know it is so hard to wait. I was on a 31 day cycle and then this month I was late and made it a 34 day cycle and I was actually relieved and excited to tell my husband AF came. I tested and got a BFN so I was glad not to wait anymore.

I was on the pill for 8 years and stopped last February. I had a MC in July so at least I know I can get pregnant it's just getting pregnant is not easy.

Ohh i see.. Yeah I guess ill wait I have no other option. And especially that I don't work waiting is even more painful cuz I have nothing to do! lol
Well lets hope we xmas brings us babies!! [-o<

babylove I know what you mean, I'm in the same position, I'm not working either so I've got too much time on my hands that I feel like a mass conspirator! :haha::haha: I've probably thought up every possible symptom/cause for whats going on, my af is due in 2 days but I've had no sign of af and I'm getting :bfn:!!! grrrr I wish one or the other would just happen, all my symptoms dissapeared last week so I'm just hanging on a thin thread now, best of luck that af stays away :) :dust::dust:
may i join please? ive gone down and now im 35days cycle
Im on a 34 day cycle (on average) I have had a few cycles @ 36 days and one or 2 at 40-something days...

TTC #1. This is the 1st week that we made the decision official so I am EXCITED and hopeful! I am on CD18 today.. No idea when I O'd or if I did. I am looking into OPK's and preseed and prenatal vitamins and all that good stuff now! Fxd
hay i am between 32 and 34 days this would be good to know as well i tried to do opks but nothing ever showed, in january i am going to try doing temps and see if that gets me any where

good luck hun x

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