36, 1st Pregnancy, Due 9 March 2011


Mum to a gorgeous boy.
Mar 8, 2010
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Hi there,

I'm seeking for bump buddies, preferably above 35, 1st pregnancy. Would love to share the excitement and new discoveries from a 1st pregnancy.

I've been through 3 ICSI attempts in the past two years and husband been through some operations prior to that.

Looking forward to hearing from you :)

Hi Janice

I'm 31 at the moment so a bit younger than what you're looking for but it's my first pregnancy and I'm due in March 11.

Hopefully my age won't be a problem but I won't be offended if it is!

Hello EllieB31,

Firstly, congratulations to you on your BFP! Don't worry, age isn't an issue to me. I just didn't know what to write on the profile LOL.

Would love it if we could be buddies, our EDDs are really close.

How are you feeling in your 5th week? Nausea, mood swings, all that kicking in?

Hi Janice

Congratulations to you too! - it sounds like you've had a really long journey getting to where you are today. You and your DH must be over the moon.

I can't wait to get to 7 weeks and have a heartbeat scan - I'm sure it must have been completely amazing.

I've had sore boobs basically since ovulation but it reminds me that I'm pregnant so I don't mind too much! The tiredness is starting to kick in now but over the last two days I seem to have shifted the insomnia which is a real relief. Last night I had cabbage with dinner and ended up massively bloated for hours which was really uncomfortable (no more cabbage for me!) I had a couple of days of being furious over nothing last week but that's subsided again now and I get cramps and back ache on and off which I know is nothing to worry about now but I was convinced my period was coming to start off with.

It's funny really, last week I thought I hadn't had many symptoms and now I've got a whole list of them! Fortunately they only last for a short while so other than the tiredness it's not debilitating or anything. I am dreading morning sickness now (I was hoping for it before just to prove I was pregnant) but I might be one of the lucky ones and avoid it.

What about you? Have you got many symptoms?

Hi Ellie, it's lovely to hear from you. Yes we are over the moon! It's been a very long struggle and that's why I really hope it's a sticky bean. The thought of having to try again is scary.

I was so nervous during my 7 week scan! Yes, it's a wonderful feeling that you will LOVE! It is truly an experience knowing that, the little baby is inside me an its little heartbeat is in my tummy. A miracle! When you go for your 7 week scan, you must tell me everything about it! Have you scheduled your next scan? Since I went through ICSI, my doc insist I go in every 2 weeks intil I hit the 2nd trimester. It only costs me less than 20 sterling pounds for a doctor consult + scan hence I've no qualms about going so often.

As for the symptoms, LOL I have everything you're facing right now! ... plus the gas haha! I've been burping and letting out gas down there (TMI) until my hubby is afraid of me. I have yet to vomit, which I'm hoping will not show its ugly face throughout this 9 months.

How is your other half coping? And family?

I hope you are feeling well today with minimal symptoms :) Do have loads of rest!
Hi Janice

Thanks for adding me as a friend! Will add you to my siggy soon.

We had quite a long journey to get to where we are although not as hard as yours. I've had endometriosis for the past 10 years on and off and I've had surgery for it 7 times during that period. I came off the pill in Jan 09 and it made the endo get really bad again. So bad that after 6 months I couldn't bear the pain of sex and we had to stop trying. I had surgery in Dec 09 and the endo had got so severe that they couldn't fix it then and I had to have a further op in March with a bowel specialist. They had to do a resection on my vagina so I might end up having to have a c-section - we'll see nearer the time. Sorry if this is TMI too quickly but I figure it's all going to come out over the course of the next 8 months! I was told five years ago that there's a high chance I can't have children due to the endo so to get pregnant 4 months after my last op still feels like a miracle. :cloud9:

Because of all the surgery etc, my family and close friends are well aware that we started ttc 18 months ago and I told them all as soon as I got my BFP. There was no way I could keep it secret from them when they've held my hand every step of the way. The response was amazing - particularly my aunt who burst into tears! My husband is being really lovely and stepping up to look after me and the house more while I'm struggling.

I went to see my doc as soon as I found out I was pregnant last week and he said to call him at the end of this week if I'm still getting positive test results. So assuming everything is ok I'm going to book a private scan after I've spoken to him at the end of this week. It costs about £60 but that's well worth it rather than having to wait until 10-12 weeks in my opinion.

Where in Asia are you and is that where you're originally from? Are your family in the same area?

How are you feeling today? Other than the usual tiredness, I'm having a pretty good day so far. :happydance: Long may it last!

Oh my goodness! The stress, pain and heartache you've had to go through to arrive at this stage is incredible! I do take my hat off to you. Your little one is truly a miracle! I too may elect for a C section, but that'll depend on a later conversation with my Doc. If all goes well, I hope to try for a 2nd child before my chances drop lower.

Sounds like you have an excellent support team around you! That's so important for the next 9 months and beyond. My parents seem to be more excited than I am! They already have 3 granschildren from my brother and his wife, but they want more! My husband has been absolutely wonderful, supporting me and not complaining about anything. I still need to do housework because he really is hopeless at it LOL

I live near Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Just a hop and a skip from Singapore and Thailand. It's summer all year long here. I lived in America for several years and truly miss the snow. My step children (husband's kids from 1st marriage) live in Sydney, and I'll be flying there in September for 2 weeks to see them. Most of my family live in Malaysia but I also have a few relatives in London. Where do you live?

Yes please go for a private scan! It is absolutely worth it! When you see your little baby's heartbeat, 60 pounds is worth every tiny bit! However, please wait till a little past 6 weeks...maybe 6.5 to 7 weeks to get your scan. It's because at 6 weeks + 1, I could see only a Sac and yolk. Couldn't see the heartbeat. Was so disappointed and had to wait until my next scan to see it.

Symptoms are much better now. Just a tad bit of nausea, no cravings. I'm starting to get my appetite back slowly. Tomorrow, I'll take a bump picture and post it. I am absolutely bloated.

BTW, if you are using MSN, my ID is [email protected] (I don't use it for email though, only for chat).

Lotsa love,
Morning Janice

How are you today?

I've had a go on MSN but I never really got into it to be honest. I'm on my work computer at the moment and I've only got MSN set up on my laptop. Sorry to be a pain!

I can't wait to see your bump picture! I'm a couple of stone overweight so I don't expect to see any difference for quite a while to be honest. I've never been bothered about my size before but now I really wish that I was stick thin so that I could see the bump quicker!

I don't plan on getting scanned until well into the 7th week at least - I'd be too upset to see an empty sac which was just scanned too early. I just meant that I don't want to book it until the end of this week. I'm a teeny bit paranoid about doing things like that, and shopping, in case I jinx things. I know it's silly but there you go!

I presume that your avatar is where you live? It looks absolutely stunning! I'd love to live somewhere that was hot all year round but I'm not sure I could drag myself away from my family and friends at this stage. We've lived in several bits of the UK and are currently in Southampton which is down on the coast but not a particularly nice bit of coast. We'd like to move somewhere in the countryside but with the housing market the way it is we won't be going anywhere for a while yet - especially with a baby on the way!

Ah thanks, it has been a tough road but, and I can't tell you why, I never wanted to go down the IVF route so I'm incredibly pleased that we didn't have to. The whole idea of it just seems so stressful and painful that I wasn't sure I'd be able to cope with it. So as far as I'm concerned, it's hats off to you! I really hope that I don't need to have a c-section, just because I don't like surgery and don't want the extended healing time at the end of it, but we'll have to see what the docs say as I'll do what they think is best. We may well try and have another a year or so after the first or we might stop at one. I'd always thought that I wanted to have two but I'm very aware of my age now and I'm worried enough about having an 18 year when I'm 50 nevermind a 15 or 16 year old!

Lots of love E xx
Don't worry too much about the MSN, we can keep in contact here. The last bump picture I took was at 4 weeks and 5 weeks so that I have something to compare to when I have a real bump. I'm waiting to get a real bump instead of this bloat. By the evenings, I'm feeling like a little whale. My OH really likes it though, he enjoys rubbing the bloat hah! It's odd, I only bloat on my belly instead of other parts of my body. I had checked with my mother, she bloated all over when she had me. Her nose was swollen like Rudolf the reindeer!

The avatar I have on was a recent holiday to Phuket in Thailand, not where I live. Although, we do have gorgeous beaches here too. I'll look for some pictures to post up for you. I'll also definitely need to Google where Southampton is. I've been to London a few times and Manchester twice and once to Gatwick where we have friends who run a B&B there...but didn't get a chance to travel around the beautiful countryside. DH has mentioned maybe we'll get to go again next year after the LO is born.

I wish I didn't have to go through the IVF route either but it was the only option we had after we tried to conceive naturally after DH's vasectomy reversal. I have had it up to here with the needles. I've tried getting DH to inject for me but he's more squirmish than most women!

Oooh I am so looking forward to hearing about your scan! It's really exciting to see a progression and growth in the baby. My next scan will be next Friday 6th Aug, I'll be a few days past week 9. I really hope to see more details.

You take care of yourself and get lots of rest! I was knackered and sleeping 12 hours + every day during week 3 to week 6 :)

Sorry I've been a rubbish bump buddy for the last couple of days. I've been really nauseous and tired and struggling to motivate myself to do anything. I've developed a massive aversion to the smell of cat food and couldn't eat at all yesterday (that's not to say that I normally eat cat food by the way!!). Today the nausea hasn't arrived yet but I'm still exhausted. How's your bloating and other symptoms?

At least it's Friday and I can spend a large part of the weekend in bed if I want to! Have you got any plans for the weekend? We're visiting my Aunt's new house tonight and having dinner but the rest of it is likely to be spent on the sofa or in bed.

Today I can call the doctor and get things moving (I saw him last week and he said to wait until the end of this week). I did my last test today and got a lovely strong line on it so that's a relief although I never really doubted that I am pregnant after all of the symptoms I've been having. I tried to call the doctor and the private clinic where I'm going to get the scan done and got answering machines at both so I'll just have to try again later.

Gosh, IVF sounds so hard so well done to you for going through with it. I'm sure I would have done in your position as well though. My brother wanted to get a vasectomy after having his second child and I'm pleased that I managed to talk him out of it. There are so many other, less final, methods of contraception and I was amazed that he saw it as the first option rather than the last. Don't get me wrong, I know there are plenty of good reasons for having it done but I didn't understand why they couldn't use the coil, pill, injection etc etc and in the end they did go for the coil.

I've not really been to anywhere in your part of the world - the closest is the Maldives where we went on honeymoon. It was definitely the best holiday we've ever had but you'd expect me to say that about my honeymoon! There is some lovely countryside around here - you have to drive for 15 minutes to get to it but it's a very green area. Plus we're only an hour from London and the beautiful beaches of Bournemouth so it's not a bad bit of the country.

I was thinking we should put a picture up so we can see what each other looks like. I'll put one up now but I'm going to take it down after the weekend because I want to remain anonymous other than to the people I'm actually talking to.

Ellie xxx
Hi dear, don't worry about taking time to write back. I can entirely understand. Even in my case, I was supposed to meet up with friends today and had to cancel because I was so tired. Thank goodness they understood because they have children and know what it was like to bei n the 1st Trimester. Everyone's just telling me to rest and go into hiding in bed until the 2nd Trimester.

I'm so sorry you felt so ill with the smells. I'm wondering why my smell still isn't turning sensitive? The only two major symptoms I have are nausea and fatigue. The rest aren't noticable. Hopefully, you managed to get some food into your tummy? I've had days when I really didn't feel like eating...so instead, I had light soup. It helps a little that way.

What a coincidence! My brother wanted to have a vasectomy too (he has 3 kids and don't wish for more) and our whole family talked him out of it. My husband had a vasectomy because his ex wife told him that the pills just weren't for her. He, believing that she's the one he'll grow old with, didn't think twice about vasectomy. Several years down the road, she left him. The stress and pain he's got to go through to start a family with me is incredible. I truly love him for being able to do all that for me. INitially, it was very difficult for him also because it hurt him so much to see me in such pain and stress from the ICSI. Now, he's a total sweetheart, rubbing my belly every night before bedtime.

Here's a picture of my OH and me in Phuket (same background picture as my avatar). Pardon the dark burned tan we got. Not a problem with taking the pic down, I entirely understand..will be doing the same too. LOL no wonder both our avatars are pee sticks and scenery :p
Your poor DH - that was exactly what I was worried would happen to my brother because you just never know how things are going to work out. His fiancee actually threatened to leave him recently as well (they've been having all sorts of problems) so I'm even more pleased that he didn't do something so final. It's amazing what modern technology can do though and I'm so pleased that they were able to help you. Do you think you'll try for a second baby quite quickly after the first or take a break?

Your DH sounds like a lovely man and it's great that you've got him to support you. That's so cute that he's rubbing your belly every night already. I'm not sure I'd want my DH to yet though because I don't think it would help with the nausea! My Aunt has said she's making roast beef for dinner tonight and I really fancy it - I so hope that I don't have nausea when we get there so that I can appreciate it properly. I'm managing to get some food down me each day although I've got some weight to spare so it doesn't matter too much if I don't. But I don't want to end up being sick when I have an empty tummy because that really hurts so I normally manage to get a little bit down just in case of that.

I think you have a lovely tan in the picture!! I tan really easily and I have to use a lot of suncream to not end up really dark. I don't mind the darkness but I really don't want to end up damaging my skin and getting really wrinkled.

oooh...that's pretty scary that your bro's fiance had already threatened to leave him in the past. As you said, there are so many non permanent ways to prevent pregnancy, compared to a vasectomy. Many times, men just don't think long-term. They think only for the instance and whatever the future is, they'll deal with it when the time comes...which sometimes may be filled with regret.

My OH and I aren't very cuddly so we make sure we have special moments each day that we share together. Normally, it's a kiss when we start the day and when we go to bed, with I Love You's. Now, it's an addition of a belly rub:)

Is nausea hitting you really badly now? Instead of letting your hubby rub your belly, he can always give you a head massage. Oh how I wih my OH knew how to.

Yes! I did notice you have a ttan too, in your picture! It looks great on you. Do you have tattoos like many other mothers-too-be or mums on this forum? I wanted one long ago but was fated never to get one.

Please get more rest and enjoy your wonderful dinner!

Hi Janice

How are you doing?

So sorry for neglecting you - you have been in my thoughts though. I've not been on here for ages because I've had a really rough week or so. The nausea and sickness has just been staggering. Smells set me off really badly so I'm not eating very much which really doesn't help with the fatigue (and I've lost 6lbs in the last few weeks). My work and relationships (other than DH) are really suffering because of it but I just keep telling myself that if I can get through August then September should be much better. I got some sea bands last week (they apply accupressure to your wrists) and they do seem to be really helping with the nausea now although I do still get caught out every now and then. I highly recommend then even though I would never have believed something like that could help so much.

How are you doing? I love your Avatar!! How many weeks were you when that was done? I've got my first scan today but we won't be able to see as much as on yours.

Oh, and no, I don't have any tattoos. I know too many people who have wanted them removed later on in life so I wouldn't risk doing something so permanent to my body although I do really like some of the ones which other people have.

Lots of love, Ellie xxx
Hi Ellie,

I hope you're coping with all the symptoms as we speak? I'm so sorry that it's been so hard for you. Don't worry about replying immediately, always take your time. I can understand it does take a toll on work and relationships, I've been experiencing the same here too. Only a few more weeks before the symptoms fade off.

Thank you :) My avatar is my scan from week 9+2 and I'm loving every moment of it :) You're just a couple of weeks away from a 9/10 week scan! I really want to see baby kick and move, maybe in week 12.

My nausea has been way better. Most of my symptoms have gone, other than fatigue. Hopefully within a week or two, the remnants of nausea will disappear too.

Remember to catch as much rest as possible, also let the hormones just work its way away. Can't stand how hormones makes me more proactive by putting my thoughts into action, sometimes for the wrong reasons Hehe... including snapping at people :)

You take care of yourself dear!

Hi ya Janice

I'm really pleased to hear that things are easing up for you a bit. You're so close to going into 2nd tri now - you must be really excited! I can't wait to reach that landmark too.

I definitely have good days and bad days with the nausea now. A couple of times a week it catches me out and I have to run to the bathroom but generally the sea bands have helped a lot. I'm still exhausted but I've cut right back on my work and I'm sleeping easily 12 hours a day plus the odd nap (I never thought it was possible to sleep that much!)

Those are definitely the two worst symptoms but the constipation is getting quite extreme now but it's not helped by the fact that I'm not eating or drinking very much to avoid the nausea. My DH has just gone to the chemist to see if he can get something to help me so fingers crossed.

We had our first scan on Monday and I was 7-3. We got to see the heartbeat which was a massive relief but (as you know) there's not much else to see at that stage. But it was great to have the reassurance and now I can stop worrying for a while. I've got my first midwife appointment in two weeks and I guess they'll book me for a scan at around 12 weeks since I'll be nearly 10 by the time I see them.

Scan 09.08.10 a.jpg Scan 09.08.10.jpg

It's really lovely to hear from someone who is feeling so positive about the whole experience. I do have some days when I'm really happy about it but it generally just feels like something which I have to survive at the moment since I've been feeling so sick. I really hope that changes in the 2nd tri and I can truely appreciate the miracle that is going on inside my body again. We waited so long to get to this point but I just had no idea that it would take so much out of me and then I feel guilty that I'm not bouncing off the walls with excitement. Even seeing the scan hasn't made it feel very real for some reason - I guess that'll come once we can start buying stuff and decorating the nursery. I'm really sorry for the moaning. It makes me feel so ungrateful when I'm really not.

Maybe I've just got some 'fed up' hormones going on which will pass soon - I certainly hope so!!

You take care of yourself too. xxxxxxxx
Hi Eliie!

I just saw your message and your scans. Your baby is growing beautifully! Congratulations to you! The presence of heartbeat is a truly welcomed blessing. One less worry for you!

You're sleeping 12 hours too? Hehe... so was I. I've decreased my sleep time to about 10 hours per day now. The annoying part of this fatigue is that no matter how much we sleep, we still feel utterly exhausted right after.

Since last week, my back has been acting up. I've started getting lower back aches and also at my hip/pelvic area. My muscles and ligaments have decided it was time to stretch. It's so painful that I have difficulty getting from a seated position to stand up. The pains are sometimes unbearable! Am refusing to take paracetamol, so will have to just live with the pain. Apparently, it goes off around week 20...so I'm hoping the pain doesn't get any worst.

I feel the same way as you do too, about seeing the scans but don't feel it to be very real as yet. All I feel now is a bloated belly and pregnancy pains. I think when the uterus starts popping forwards, we'll feel a lot different about this whole experience. I went to the baby store yesterday looking at essential items that need to be purchased... like the crib, pram, bottles, etc. They can get so expensive!! Ebay isn't a huge thing here in Malaysia so there's no point of me purchasing from there and have to pay tons for shipping overseas. Baby clothes are very cheap here, hence maybe that's the trade off.

I'm hoping that my baby will be a girl. There's just so much more to buy and more fun dressing up a girl. My hubby initially wanted a girl but now he's toying with the idea of having a son so that he can have a miniature 'him' to go play golf and remote control cars with. Either way, I can only pray every night that our baby grows heathily in every way.

Moan all you want! LOL because I do. For the pregnancy pains that we have to go through, moaning is one wonderful way to just let it out :)

Anyways, I will write again soon. Am waiting for my contractor to come by and measure some stuff.
Hi Janice

How are you doing? I hope your back and ligaments aren't too bad at the moment. I have a friend with the same problem and she's going for a pregnancy massage soon to see if that helps. Can you get anything like that in your area?

I had a big break from BnB because I was so tired and when I did get a few hours that I could do something I needed to get some work done. I'm still sleeping 12 hours a day but at least during the time that I am awake I am feeling a bit more capable now. So DH is finally getting a break from doing all of the cooking and cleaning and I can get some work done (and earn some money!)

I had my first midwife appointment on Wednesday and I should have a scan within the next couple of weeks. They found that my blood pressure is on the low side (but we have a family history of low blood pressure so it doesn't worry me) and I had protein in my urine sample. They've sent it off for proper analysis and if I do have an infection it'll just be some tablets to clear it up. I'm not worried about it because I'm not having any symptoms of a UTI and even if I have got one it can be fixed easily.

I'm a lot happier about everything this week. I think it's mainly because my energy levels are closer to normal. I've still got constipation, still get bloated and have bouts of nausea but none of them are debilitating and they just remind me that I am pregnant and make me happy at the moment.

Now that I've finally got some energy I'm looking forward to going out and doing something this weekend - it's been ages since we've done anything active or sociable! It won't be anything too stenuous but it's the season for maize mazes (do you have anything similar?) so that's a nice walk and the one we're going to you can pick your own fruit and veg and have a meal etc etc so it's a nice day out. We're also thinking of going to a local pool which has some slides and stuff which sounds childish but we like that kind of stuff and it's a good way to get a bit of exercise. It's a 3 day weekend for us in the UK and we're determined to take advantage until I get my next bout of pregnancy symptoms!!

When it comes to buying the baby stuff, we are quite lucky - my DH works in IT sales and his suppliers give him gift vouchers if he buys from them. So we're saving all of the gift vouchers to buy stuff for the baby (we've used them for holidays in the past). So far we've got enough to buy all of the nursery furniture so it's a good start. It's shocking how expensive all of that stuff is and how much there is to buy so we appreciate how lucky we are on that front.

I hope you're doing ok.

Take care, Ellie xxx

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