36 - trying for first time


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May 21, 2012
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Hi all.

New to this forum, this looks likes somewhere I can find likeminded ladies 'of a certain age'...

36 years old, try for 3 months now for 1st (partner age 28 already has one child)

Currently 9 dpo and dreading 'the usual'. Not wanting to look for symptoms as I know it'd drive me crazy!!
Welcome Devongirl :)

I am 38 and we are trying for our first aswell. This is also our 3rd cycle.

I understand what you mean about symptoms driving you crazy. I am hoping that this month I will be calmer than the previous two. I have been learning alot about conception and my own body which hopefully will keep me somewhat sane this time around :)
Hi I will be 36 in 3 weeks and also TTC our first. This is our first month TTC. Welcome to B&B.
Hi Shellvz and chickenchaser - good luck to you both, I hope none of us will be waiting too long for good news!! I am not too hopeful this month to be honest, the next day or two may tell...but there's always next month :)
I'm not that hopeful this month either only got to BD either side of Ov. But never mind it is only month one. Baby dust to you.
Hi Girls (Hi Chicken! :D) I'm 36 and ttc #1 using donor sperm, clomid and Ovidrel. On my 3rd cycle of IUI and will be testing June 3. Wanted to say hello!
CC - you too, if this isn't our lucky month, next month isn't far away to try again!

Hello HTJ - not long to wait for testing then!! What a wonderfully supportive place this is, it makes the wait feel less lonely :) Fingers crossed for 3rd June!

I am trying my best to be patient - AF due today and not here yet...not feeling crampy, but even though I have a reasonably regular 30 day cycle atm, it's not unusual to have a stray 25 or even 3 day one. If nothing has happened by Saturday, I may give in to the lure of the test too ;) Just doesn't feel like 'my lucky month' though lol
Thanks DevonGirl! Any news for us yet?? :D

You are far more patient than I am! If you were 9dpo on May 20th, then that makes you... 19 dpo TODAY! Good lord girl, I would have tested last Thursday! ahahahah :D

Keep us updated!
hi I'm new to thei and i'm 37 years a few ago and started my 1 clomid cycle a day after my b/day. I am ready for this challenge and by the grace of GOD our prayers will be answered
Hi guys, I'm 36 and trying for baby #1. My husband has four kids from prev marriage and had a vasectomy reversalIf in Nov of last year so we could try. Not going so well. I have an appt Thur for a sonohystogram and blood work to see what the problem might be. We know there are swimmers and we think the count is high(we did our on sort of investigation) but still aren't successful. Our next step is probably IUI and Clomid.

Good luck with everyone else too!!!!
Hello ladies!!! This seems like a thread made just for me. I am in the same boat as a lot of you. I'm about to turn 35. DH and I are trying for OUR first. He has 3 kids from a previous marriage (we have them on weekends. twin girls in grade 4 and a son in grade 2). Great kids :)

Today is CD1 of our 3rd cycle TTC. With my first cycle, I was hardcore doing research online and thinking I had all of these pregnancy symptoms, did HPTs from 11dpo until 15dpo (basically until AF arrived), etc. I drove myself nutso, lol!

So, this past month (our 2nd month TTC) I decided to do the opposite. I didn't do any HPTs but instead just waited to see if AF arrived. And I didn't over think every little symptom I had. I found I was much more relaxed this month :) Both months I charted my BBT and my CM and used an OPK (so I know when I O'd).

I was on BC pill for 14 years, and came off in November, 2011. Luckily my cycles were regular right after coming off the pill (I know for many women, coming off BC makes their cycles wonky or even absent for months or longer).

I am so glad I found this forum, and this group and thread. Looks like many of us have recently started TTC. Baby dust and sticky vibes to us all!!

Ella_E you sound like me!! We've been trying since November and I researched just about everything you can find on pregnancy and how to get pregnant. For me it had a lot to do with my husband's reversal. I wanted to make sure what he went thru wasn't going to be for nothing. He went thru a lot of pain and recovery so we could try for another baby. The first few months we monitored everything but lately we decided to back off. Nothing seems to be working so stressing over it all was a waste. I have an appt Thur for my sonohystergram so that should tell us what the issue is and how to fix it.
Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!!
Ella_E you sound like me!! We've been trying since November and I researched just about everything you can find on pregnancy and how to get pregnant. For me it had a lot to do with my husband's reversal. I wanted to make sure what he went thru wasn't going to be for nothing. He went thru a lot of pain and recovery so we could try for another baby. The first few months we monitored everything but lately we decided to back off. Nothing seems to be working so stressing over it all was a waste. I have an appt Thur for my sonohystergram so that should tell us what the issue is and how to fix it.
Good luck and baby dust to everyone!!!

Hello Texas!

KMFX for you and your hubby :thumbup: What is a sonohystergram? Is that a sonogram of your uterus?

Even though this month I decided not to test until AF arrive (last month I was heartbroken by all of the BFNs), I still shed some tears. I love to worry, so it's hard for me not to overreact and immediately think the worst (e.g. that it'll take us years to conceive). I have to work hard on just trying to relax (as we all know, much easier said than done :)) and enjoy the other wonderful things life is bringing our way :happydance:

I thought yesterday was CD1, but since it was still just spotting, I realized that today is in fact my CD1. Another cycle, another chance :)

Good luck at your appointment this week!
Ella_E a sonohystergram is basically a look at the uterus and fallopian tubes using a small catheter with ultrasound. This is a pre-test to doing an IUI. They want to make sure my uterus and fallopian tubes are healthy and capable of handling an IUI.
My appt was today..let me tell ya, the blood work was a pain. Found out my veins are pretty much non-existent. Took the nurse three holes to find a vein and she kept loosing it (not her fault). She was really nice and understood that I have a phobia about needles so she was very gentle. Now as for the sono..that hurt!! The doc was really wonderful but when he had to insert the catheter into the uterus, my uterus certainly made sure I knew it was pissed off. I cramped real bad for a couple of mins, but after a while it got better and didn't hurt. The doc let me look while he was checking.
I am happy to report that my uterus is completely smooth with no fybroids or polpys and my tubes are open and working!!! I was so excited and the pain was worth it to hear him say that!! We have a follow up appt next thur to find out the blood work results and my husband's sperm anaylsis. I was just such a relief to hear that everything looked good. Now let's hope all is well with the blood work and the SA.
Ella_E a sonohystergram is basically a look at the uterus and fallopian tubes using a small catheter with ultrasound. This is a pre-test to doing an IUI. They want to make sure my uterus and fallopian tubes are healthy and capable of handling an IUI.
My appt was today..let me tell ya, the blood work was a pain. Found out my veins are pretty much non-existent. Took the nurse three holes to find a vein and she kept loosing it (not her fault). She was really nice and understood that I have a phobia about needles so she was very gentle. Now as for the sono..that hurt!! The doc was really wonderful but when he had to insert the catheter into the uterus, my uterus certainly made sure I knew it was pissed off. I cramped real bad for a couple of mins, but after a while it got better and didn't hurt. The doc let me look while he was checking.
I am happy to report that my uterus is completely smooth with no fybroids or polpys and my tubes are open and working!!! I was so excited and the pain was worth it to hear him say that!! We have a follow up appt next thur to find out the blood work results and my husband's sperm anaylsis. I was just such a relief to hear that everything looked good. Now let's hope all is well with the blood work and the SA.

Hi Texas,

Ouch! Sorry you went through pain yesterday. I hate getting blood drawn (or getting an IV). My veins are small, and the blood sometimes trickles out (one nurse once said it's coming out as slow as molasses on a cold day, lol). And once or twice I've had to have it drawn from my hand (closed fist) because not enough blood was coming out, and not fast enough, when they tried a vein on my arm. It wasn't super painful, but I just haaaated it.

That's great that everything looks good with you internally. Yay!!

So, they don't give you any sort of medicine to help ease the pain before they put in the catheder? I'm a worrier, so even though I'm not at that stage, I began worrying about it last night. Worrying about what it would feel like. I'm a big suck when it comes to pain, lol. How long did the procedure last?

I'm sure that the SA and bloodwork will also come back positive. KMFX for you :happydance:
I made sure to take two aspirin's about 30 mins before so they did help afterwards. I completely understand your worry about the pain aspect of it all. I won't tell you it was a walk in the park, it hurt something similar to really bad cramping before AF. When I came home, I spent the rest of the day in bed because I was sore and slightly cramping. The doctor doesn't need to give you any medicine before putting the catheter in, it just slides in. The part that hurt was going into the uterus. Your uterus doesn't like to be messed with but I can tell you the overall pain subsided. My doctor was real nice and waited for a min so that my uterus would calm down. The catheter is very narrow so I didn't feel it until the uterus part. But once he started showing me the monitor of my uterus and everything else, I kinda forgot about the pain. I promise you, it may hurt, but I've had to deal with much worse. And the cramping is only temporary. As for how long it lasted, maybe five to seven mins. He was just in there long enough to inspect certain areas and then it was over. For me it was all worth it...
Thanks for clarifying. And for caring enough to do so. Here I am worrying for something that I might or might not have to go through (in a few months.....September will be our 6-month TTC mark). Ok it doesn't sound excruciating (now that you described it in more detail).

I continue to KMFX for you that your other results come back positive :) And more importantly, that you get your :bfp: asap :happydance: Have a great weekend!
No problem!! I'm a huge researcher so when I can share my experiences to help someone else, I will. We've been trying to get pregnant since Dec 2011, and just like everyone else out there, when AF arrives each month, it's hurts. After my appointment yesterday, I feel we have more knowledge and a fighting chance.

Thanks for the positive thoughts and I'll certainly post next week what the outcome is!!
Ella_E a sonohystergram is basically a look at the uterus and fallopian tubes using a small catheter with ultrasound. This is a pre-test to doing an IUI. They want to make sure my uterus and fallopian tubes are healthy and capable of handling an IUI.
My appt was today..let me tell ya, the blood work was a pain. Found out my veins are pretty much non-existent. Took the nurse three holes to find a vein and she kept loosing it (not her fault). She was really nice and understood that I have a phobia about needles so she was very gentle. Now as for the sono..that hurt!! The doc was really wonderful but when he had to insert the catheter into the uterus, my uterus certainly made sure I knew it was pissed off. I cramped real bad for a couple of mins, but after a while it got better and didn't hurt. The doc let me look while he was checking.
I am happy to report that my uterus is completely smooth with no fybroids or polpys and my tubes are open and working!!! I was so excited and the pain was worth it to hear him say that!! We have a follow up appt next thur to find out the blood work results and my husband's sperm anaylsis. I was just such a relief to hear that everything looked good. Now let's hope all is well with the blood work and the SA.

Hi ladies, I too am 36, nice to meet you. Have been trying since last June, been referred to the FC and started with the tests to check tubes, hormone levels, & u/s. The diagnosis was high fsh & estrogen (fsh 16 so no out of time yet but I can HEAR the clock ticking away). Doc said she saw only 1 follie on the u/s when most women my age have 9-29-eek! I'm responding well to chlomid, I'm on cycle 3 and did IUI with massage + acupuncture this time around because I know they'll likely cut me off chlomid at 4 months to rest. o'd on cd19 and it's cd22 for me! Tracking temps to try to get better reading of what's happening this long tww. :coffee:

Texas I just wanted to empathise with you on the pain of your bloodwork. I have it seems the same tiny deeply buried veins in both arms. My best friend is a nurse and she told me to guzzle water 24 hours prior to blood tests and just before you go in, do some moderate exercise to get the circulation system working-run up and down the stairs a few times, walk around the block briskly etc. It's really helped me... and you can have coffee but only right before, it's a dialator but dehydrates terribly. And I've been doing so much blood work lately it's insane!:dohh:

Hopig this IUI works. To counter the chlomid bunging effect on cm and lining I'm staying as hydrated as i can, taking baby asprin, Robitussin and a bunch more supplements (EPO, Royal jelly, CoQ10) also to help lining and egg health(CoQ10 may help prevent mc as it rejuvinates old eggs) . I'm also on progesterone cream to help with the lining.

Here's to some seriously sticky babies this spring for all of us. :happydance::happydance::happydance::happydance:

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