37+1 and not a single sign of impending labor!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2014
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Like the headline and my ticker says, I'm 37+1. At my 36+4 doctor's appointment I hadn't started to dilate at all yet. I haven't lost any mucus plug. I don't have BH contractions. I do feel that baby is very low but she's always been very low! So I don't know if she's "dropped", sometimes I feel like she's about to fall out and other times not so much. I am so worried about going OVER 40 weeks and it's really common for that to happen to a FTM :/ I'm hoping for some beautiful stories from other FTM experiences that were similar but then at like 38 weeks all of a sudden things changed and baby was born at 39-ish weeks!! lol I'm begging my doctor at my next appointment to do a sweep!!!!!!!!!
Ah I know how you feel, as soon as I got to 37 weeks with all my pregnancies (this is my 4th) I was hoping and praying baby would arrive soon! I went overdue with all so far, and really have no signs that this one will come before due date. I know its hard but try to think past your due date, maybe plan a lunch with a friend, or a mani/pedi appointment, anything so you've got something to do if you go over! After my first was late, I made sure with other pregnancies to have a little some planned that would cheer me up a little about going over.
Don't be disheartened. My mother-in-law laughed when I said I thought DS would come late as I had no signs. She has 6 children so plenty of experience!! At 39+6 I had no Braxton hicks, didn't lose mucus plug, cervix totally closed and no effacement, had absolutely no desire to nest, I just ate a kebab at 40 weeks, and my waters broke and then I had a baby a few hours later
When I was a ftm I didn't lose or start losing my plug u til mayb a week before I went into labor well at 38-3 38-4 I started having contractions and was losing more of my plug eventually I started seeing some blood so I called my doc said to come in I was 5cm dilated and I didn't even know!!! At the hospital I ended up having a full bloody show and my little guy came hours later :) don't lose hope
Yaaaaaay thank you that's very encouraging!! ����������������
Baby will come when your body and its are both ready. I know that is not quite what you want to hear but you should remember that only about 50% of women have their baby by their due date; you're just as likely to go a little over, which only means your little one needs a little more time to develop. I agree with the gals above, things can change in an instant and right now you should just focus on one day at a time. Do something special for yourself every week until baby comes, while you have the chance!
This is coming from a gal who went over with her 1st and is also still worried about going over again, but with a better mindset that if I do go over, it is OK.
I never had any signs of labour, no dropping, baby never engaged, never had a single BH, nothing. I felt great and comfortable and was at the gym working out 12 hours before labour started. I had my daughter at 37+5 and there was really no sign at all as far as I know of that anything was about to start. I literally chucked the birth book I wanted my husband to read at him in bed that night and told him he needed to actually start reading it soon or I'd have the baby before he got around to it. He put on the bedside table and said he'd start it that weekend. I woke up to my waters going 4 hours later and my daughter arrived 11 hours after that. It really can just happen anytime and you don't need any 'signs' or to intervene or do anything to make it happen. Just relax. Enjoy some time to yourself. Take a nap. You won't be getting any more time to yourself for like the next 18 years! So soak it up. It's one of the things that really sucks about having an earlier baby with no sign of anything about to happen (besides the fact that babies born earlier can have other complications, my 37 weeker had lots of feeding and weight gain issues because she was on the earlier side and too sleepy still to eat), it means you don't get the time off to rest and relax that folks who go later do. I had all these plans to take myself out to leisurely lunches and read magazines and have spa days and sleep in. My daughter is 2.5 and I've not slept in since! So enjoy it and relax. It will happen. Probably when you least expect it.
I've always treated my due date as an indicator rather than a given. Basically I've told myself there is a two week window either side that baby will be ready to come and there's not a lot I can do to change that! I was 5 days late first time and don't feel like anything will be happening anytime soon here. What will be will be!
My first I didn't have any signs of impending labor until 36+6. I started having contractions every 6 minutes that slowly dwindled by bedtime. Husband and I DTD that night and a few hours later I woke up to contractions and went to use the bathroom. Water broke while on the toilet and lost mucus plug. I had my daughter 2 1/2 hours later at 37 weeks.
I'm feeling the same, wlovew!

Though, not a ftm. For what's it's worth, I started losing plug at 36 weeks with DD. I was induced at 41+6 (though managed to somehow dilate to 3-4 cm and 100% effaced). So losing plug doesn't really say when.

Even having said that, I'm still feeling really discouraged as I've not started losing plug (tiny bits around 33-34 weeks - like really tiny bits that likely regenerated). I'm a vbac hopeful where going spontaneously gives me a better shot at a vbac. I can't go past 41 with this one, so spontaneous by EDD will probably give me the best shot (not that vbacs after 40 weeks or are induced aren't successful, but there's a slightly higher UR risk).

Hopefully things will start for you soon! Even if you don't have signs or anything.
With my first I didn't have any signs I was going to go into labour. Didn't notice if I had lost my mucus plug at all. Wasn't till a Sunday morning I went to the bathroom and notice a large thing which I assumed was my mucus plug, shortly after my contractions began. 730pm got my show and went to the hospital as I thought my water broke. Next day my DS was in my arms! I had him at 38 +4.
This time I'm 37 +4 and still no signs and wondering if it's just going to happen the same way, just happen hahaha guess like they say, they came when they and/or both are ready. Good luck!!
Unless there are complications like high blood pressure or GD, 39-40 wks is optimal for baby's health post partum. They've changed the terminology, at least in the States, so that 37-38 is considered "early term" now.

Try to relax and be patient. It can take FTMs longer to efface, but from what I've been told, they're no more or less likely to have late babies.

I'm only 33 wks now, so I'm sure that I'll start getting really impatient in the next five weeks, but right now I keep telling myself that the longer kiddo bakes, the longer I'll be able to sleep at night. Every day in the oven is another day without diapers. :haha:
Wlovew, I feel the same as you. I'm 37 weeks today and feel completely normal, like not even pregnant. No cramps, no signs, nothing.

I guess it adds to the excitement of when will it all happen?!

I'm still in denial, to be honest. I won't believe it all til she's born and I can see her myself!
I never had any signs with my other two. Both came at 39+3/4. Just started labouring all of a sudden and had them a few hours later.
Going overdue isn't the end of the world. I was induced with as at 40+12. All that matters is you are both safe. Keep booking activities to keep busy. Good luck. I'm.not even sure what mucus plug looks like although I list a small amount of white jelly like stuff with old brown blood in last week. Obviously no desire to go into labour now though.
You have a lot of time to show signs before baby arrives - and some women never do. I am a day from my due date and have had 0 signs of labor nearing, but I am working to keep my chin up and my attitude positive. Keep yourself occupied, but not overly busy.
With my first, I was induced at 41+4, so I haven't experienced going into labor 100% naturally yet. I also have nerves that things may not change soon enough again, but I am trying to re-focus my energy.
Best wishes to you!

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