38 weeks - Unusual Contractions


Aug 19, 2017
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Hi all!

I've got the usual FTM worry of wondering how I will know I'm in labor. I've read and discussed a lot of these issues with my mom/friends/doctor, and the problem is I just can't relate to what they are saying... I feel like my experience with contractions so far has been unusual.

I know that I must be having real labor contractions, because at my 37 week appointment I was 1cm dilated, 80% effaced, and a -2 station. (Unless its possible as a FTM to get that far without them?)

Here's the problem:

1) On days when I *think* I'm having contractions, my stomach feels constantly tight most of the time. Unless I push a finger into my stomach relatively hard, there's honestly no way that I could tell you when the contraction started or ended. I wouldn't even call them uncomfortable either - 99% of what I think are contractions are just extremely mild sensations of what I think is a muscle tightening. There's no moment when I feel it let up either, it just kind of fizzles out really really slowly. They are not accompanied by any sort of aches or pains in the abdomen, legs, or back.

2) 99% of the time I think I am having having contractions, I get them at consistent intervals of around 3-5 minutes apart, lasting about 1 minute. This has been happening since I first started getting them at 34 weeks or so. Again, since they are so mild and completely comfortable, I figured they are probably just Braxton hicks and ignore them. My doctor is not concerned and says that I don't need to worry about timing them or minding them at all if they are not painful.

3) The remaining 1% of the time feels like gas pains or a mild stomach ache. The problem is when I get these pains, my stomach doesn't get that same tightening feeling. They also do not come in regular intervals like the mild tightening do - so it could just be gas/stomach aches.

While I am happy to not be in pain, I am just worried that since I am familiar with getting tightenings at regular intervals, that I will not recognize when to go to the hospital. I live an hour away without traffic, and it could be up to 2 hours in the absolute worst case scenario.

Did anyone have a similar experience? ...Or in the very least, can you convince me that they will get painful at some point early enough that i'll have time to get to the hospital?
With ds3 my doctors where convinced my 'contractions' where the real deal from 28 weeks but honestly you will kno when its time honestly you can be in slow labour for weeks only ever dialating a small amount but once that babys head is -5 or however it is and baby isnt free you will feel a complet different sensation having titenings are 100 % fine but my midwive wanted me to not come into hospital untill they were spontanius and increasing in pain to the point you cant consontrait on anything other then the tightening ds3 was my third live birth and i can honestly say the pain was crazy but it was so quike as when i got to hospital i was already 5 cm and within 15 minuits he was out im hopeing to go into labour naturally with dd1 and im hopeing it will take the same amount of time or have a quiker one and have her at home but waters breaking are a big indication but they wont always break on there own if your concerened phone the unit and they will advise you xx
I use to worry about this with my first two. I kept saying to my mum but how will I know.

Trust me you will know. You can't talk and it's like pain you have never experienced before. I'm 38 weeks and not had a single thing. I've got a sweep on Wednesday so I'm keeping everything crossed xx
All the contractions you just described sound like Braxton Hicks. It’s sounds funny, but you will know when you have a real contraction.

Even when I was 4cm dialated with my daughter when I had a contraction it would stop me in my tracks, I’d breathe through it, then I’d feel completely normal. It’s crazy, but you can tell the difference.

Don’t ever hesitate to call your doctor if you are worried though.
I remember having tightenings with no pain, but it wasn't as often as yours, just happened for a few hours at random.

Apparently you can have mild contractions in the run up to birth, which is getting everything ready for birth, and not really feel anything.

I only experienced pain once my waters went. It was almost straight after I had the pains.

I'd maybe mention it again, and that youre worried you won't know, but more than likely you will start to feel pains when its really happening, or you'll get a show/waters breaking.
This will be my second baby and I am feeling all the things you are describing. I had my 1st LO 6 years ago and I'm worried I have forgotten what it was like! Others have said I will remember once it starts.

I was 2-3cm dilated for 5 days before she came, with contractions that were very uncomfortable but irregular.

As others have said though, you must get checked if you are worried

All the contractions you just described sound like Braxton Hicks. It’s sounds funny, but you will know when you have a real contraction.

Even when I was 4cm dialated with my daughter when I had a contraction it would stop me in my tracks, I’d breathe through it, then I’d feel completely normal. It’s crazy, but you can tell the difference.

Don’t ever hesitate to call your doctor if you are worried though.

Thanks! It is reassuring to hear that they sound like Braxton hicks. I was assuming they are, but I just really don't want to overlook anything.

My mom got BH a lot apparently, but they were never patterned like mine are - her labors apparently all started with just those small painless tightenings. Once they became regular, she went to the hospital and it ended up as real labor.
Thanks everyone!

I haven't been concerned by them, and it sounds like I really shouldn't be until they get painful, just like the doctor and everyone on here has been saying. I guess I will just wait and hope for the pain, lol.

...and if it never comes and I spontaneously end up having this baby either at home or the side of the road, at least it would be in exchange for a painless labor, lol.

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