3rd tri next week, placenta/vasa previa, hernias oh my


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2010
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Hi ladies,

I don't post very much but wanted to post a little bit of an update. Don't know if anyone's interested but I like to have these posts to look back on anyway :)

I am 25 weeks and 5 days today and can't believe how fast this pregnancy is going, although some days I really just want it to be over due to all the complications I've experienced.

In the beginning I had bleeding and a subchorionic hematoma which made me worry all the time. Then at my 18 week scan I had a low lying placenta, 22 week scan placenta was still low lying and theres an accessory lobe with blood vessels going right over my cervix!

At my last appointment I brought up my fear that I have vasa previa (google it if you've never heard of it, it is very important to be screened for during pregnancy!) and my doctor basically said she is concerned about the previa too, but I'm not sure if she means the placenta previa, or vasa previa...the vasa previa is way more concerning to me since the mortality rate is so high for babies so I asked how she would manage it if I do have vasa previa and she said I would have an early c section around 37 weeks.

I am worried about that because for one it is only like 11 weeks away!!! I am also worried about it because she won't hospitalize me unless I bleed twice but I am so scared that it would already be too late for baby if I start bleeding and I would prefer to be hospitalized in case something goes wrong so they can get the baby out asap.

I originally planned to have a vbac, but at this point I don't even care about the vbac. I just want to have my healthy squishy baby in my arms.

Oh, and I have an extremely painful umbilical hernia, split abdominal muscles and of course all the pains that come along with being pregnant. I LOVE being pregnant but it is so hard sometimes, I can't even make a trip out to the store without being completely tired and sore after. I am so thankful that I'm not in school or working right now, but then of course that leads to my financial worries.

There is so much more I could go on about LOL but I will spare those reading this.

Thanks for reading, let me know if you have any questions, comments, experiences or anything!

awe I'm sorry to hear you've had such a hard, worrisome pregnancy. I did google vasa previa, hopefully your doctor makes a straight diagnosis over it so she can monitor you very carefully throughout the remainder of your pregnancy. If she suspects you have this, I would think you would require scans every few weeks, wouldn't you? Just to err on the side of caution. Sorry to hear about your hernia and it causing additional pain, my toddler just had his abdominal hernia repaired through surgery a week ago! Keep us updated!
Thanks for making me aware of vasa previa, I didn't even know that it existed! Eek.. scary stuff :/
It is very scary! And looked over by many doctors because it is so rare, a lot of doctors don't even seem to know what it is or how serious it can be. I am doing okay, I am very anxious for my upcoming ultrasound on the 25th, and I have an appointment with my OB to discuss results. If I get the diagnosis of VP I am going to insist that I need to be hospitalized by 32 weeks and deliver by 35-37 weeks. If my OB won't address my concerns I will be asking to be transferred to a high risk OB or perinatologist who has a better understanding of how serious vasa previa is. I'm glad I have raised awareness! It is important to check for vasa previa in every pregnancy I think but definitely those where there is placenta previa, low lying placenta, a multi lobe placenta or velamentous cord insertion.

Other than worrying a whole lot I am doing alright though, kind of uncomfortable from the hernia. I can't do a whole lot without it causing a lot of pain which really sucks.
Wow thankful for this post, I've never heard of this condition before. Glad I'm aware now
Thanks for posting this. I was just told last week I have a low lying placenta. 9mm from OS and put on pelvic rest and no heavy lifting or straining. They seemed surprised I've had no bleeding. I'm to scan again in 6 weeks to see if it's moved. Will be sure to ask to check about this Vasa. I ready have a high risk OB and would def recommend you switch to one for something like this. It's better to have a dr that deals with these kinds of complictions as I find they are much more reassuring and take your comfort level and opinions into consideration as well. A peri would do all of these things as well. I can't say I would trust a "regular" OB's opinion when it comes to complictions. Not to say they couldn't handle it, just that it's not their area of expertise.
I hope you get the care you need msq and feel better/ more comfortable soon. Also thank you so much for this post. I have a bi lobed placenta and I will be demanding the appropriate scans for vp at my next appointment. Scary stuff xx
Maisy & Moter - definitely ask to be screened for vasa previa because of the placental issues. The best way to do so is with transvaginal color doppler ultrasound.

I am SO anxious for my upcoming ultrasound and appointment, I will be sure to update when I have results and a plan for management. If I do have vasa previa I am most likely going to have to ask to be referred to a high risk OB or find one myself because I would need to be hospitalized in the next 4-6 weeks until delivery at 35-36 weeks which is very scary! I can't wait for this all to be over, I LOVE being pregnant but I just want my baby boy safe in my arms and I don't think I will stop worrying until he is.
Maisy & Moter - definitely ask to be screened for vasa previa because of the placental issues. The best way to do so is with transvaginal color doppler ultrasound.

I am SO anxious for my upcoming ultrasound and appointment, I will be sure to update when I have results and a plan for management. If I do have vasa previa I am most likely going to have to ask to be referred to a high risk OB or find one myself because I would need to be hospitalized in the next 4-6 weeks until delivery at 35-36 weeks which is very scary! I can't wait for this all to be over, I LOVE being pregnant but I just want my baby boy safe in my arms and I don't think I will stop worrying until he is.

Thank you. I will be sure to ask my Dr. Hope all goes well with you. Keep us updated how it goes!
Maisy & Moter - definitely ask to be screened for vasa previa because of the placental issues. The best way to do so is with transvaginal color doppler ultrasound.

I am SO anxious for my upcoming ultrasound and appointment, I will be sure to update when I have results and a plan for management. If I do have vasa previa I am most likely going to have to ask to be referred to a high risk OB or find one myself because I would need to be hospitalized in the next 4-6 weeks until delivery at 35-36 weeks which is very scary! I can't wait for this all to be over, I LOVE being pregnant but I just want my baby boy safe in my arms and I don't think I will stop worrying until he is.

Thank you, I'm waiting for a call from my high risk ob tomorrow about whether he will do a colour Doppler ultrasound. (I was already under him for hyperthyroidism and bi lobed placenta) If he won't I've already found a private clinic that will. I'm terrified now so I can't imagine how you must feel. I hope your scan goes well and it turns out that you don't have vasa previa at all. Stay strong :hugs: xx
I will be sure to update when I have more info.

Maisy- try not to worry! It is certainly possible to have a bi lobed placenta without vasa Previa, it just seems to be a risk factor so its good that you will be following up and taking the necessary precautions. I'm sorry if I have caused you worry. I am not 100% diagnosed yet either and while I hope I don't have it, I feel like I already know I do because of the visualized blood vessels over my cervix. Let me know how it goes for you.
Omg! I could have written your original post msq!

I don't have a hernia, but I also have sch, placenta previa and suspected vasa previa.

It is so terrifying and worrisome... I know EXACTLY how you feel!!

My mw said the same thing. They're going to do ultrasounds every 4 weeks and if the vasa previa is confirmed then they'll schedule a csection for 37-38 weeks.

I hope you feel a bit better knowing you're not alone! I sure do.
mrsjk - it is absolutely terrifying! There are some guidelines on how it should be managed, if you give me your email address I can send them to you. It seems like if you have vasa previa you should be hospitalized between 30-32 weeks and have a c section around 35 weeks. My ob said she would want to do the c section at 37 weeks, and that I wouldn't need to be hospitalized but I plan to bring these guidelines to her attention and tell her I literally will not stop worrying all day every day, and crying daily unless she manages it the proper way. I don't feel comfortable being at home until c section at 37 weeks, if your water breaks with vasa previa the babies life is in immediate danger. I don't mean to scare you but if I were you I would push for a hospital stay and earlier c section. Feel free to PM me if you have any questions at all!
I will be sure to update when I have more info.

Maisy- try not to worry! It is certainly possible to have a bi lobed placenta without vasa Previa, it just seems to be a risk factor so its good that you will be following up and taking the necessary precautions. I'm sorry if I have caused you worry. I am not 100% diagnosed yet either and while I hope I don't have it, I feel like I already know I do because of the visualized blood vessels over my cervix. Let me know how it goes for you.

Thanks msq, I heard back from the midwife with a msg from the consultant I'm under. He said he won't be doing anything until my appointment on July 4th. He doesn't feel there's any immediate danger and we "won't necessarily do a colour Doppler scan" either! I'm so upset, I'm going to fight for it more at the appointment, but bits not even guaranteed that I'll see the consultant then anyway. I might just see one of his registrars. Grrrr I think I'm just going to go a bit mad if they don't put a plan in place for the colour Doppler transvaginal at my next appointment :(.
Thanks again for all your help, I hope your consultant agrees hospitalisation and you don't have to battle for it xx
I wasn't able to get my transvaginal scan either. The radiology department canceled it for some reason and told me they dont typically do vaginal scans at my stage in pregnancy and acted like I was crazy. I did have my regular scan yesterday but the tech was awful. I do have some good news though. I requested my doctor who delivered my daughter to look over my last ultrasound and she called me to tell me she isn't concerned about vasa Previa but that I do have placenta Previa. While I am still a bit worried about it I do feel a lot better having a doctor I trust tell me it will be okay! Still waiting for results from my ultrasound yesterday but I will update when I know more. I hope that you end up finding out good news too that you don't have VP, keep pushing for more testing to be sure though!
I did read that they don't like to do the transvaginal scans with previa because it can upset things and cause bleeding so perhaps that's why they didn't for you msq. Glad to hear no vasa!

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