ok NEW ladies you have to put something in your avatar untill I can get the names down maybe a horse for dream and maybe an herb for Tbaby it always throws me off when someone changes there pic
Jo you sound very cranky today very good sign that Abby needs to get a move on
Kirstie is in trouble I was expecting pictures this am
HUGS Dream I have missed you loads
Tbaby very exciting i figured it was just baby settleing in YAY
Rach I am the queen of explosive up the back POO only Mason likes to wait untill we are in the car Ive had to shampoo my seats the formula he is on makes it all the worse lol
Ness poor Ava sure has had a hard time of it Mason seems to be doing better now that we have started some solids he weighed 22 pounds at his 5 month visit he only takes 4oz feeds so he still eats around every 2 hours at night but will go longer during the day
Oh Brandy the dreaded M/S all I can say is poor you I dont see how you can function with that and loss of sleep I think dh new I was ready for a meltdown and dragged his butt out of bed and got up with Mason so I could sleep for a few hours