So, I have a "complicated" baby to put it nicely.
He has always had some sort of issue for one reason or another.
I used to be able to put him down for bed and walk away and he would put himself to sleep quietly. He did this from like 8 weeks till about 13 weeks. He was also sleeping through the night 10-11 hours. However he has always had crap naps and only sleeps for like 30 minutes. He is still swaddled arms down - any time I've tried to transition him it has gone horribly...he just isn't ready yet.
He is also 21.5 pounds and will be 17 weeks old tomorrow. So, right on queue, he started the 4 month sleep regression and now my nights are no longer peaceful. In fact, he HATES sleeping now. If you even walk near his bedroom he starts to cry cause he thinks you're gonna put him to sleep.
I now have to swaddle him and sit down in a rocking chair and rock him to sleep. He usually screams for 3-5 minutes and then settles down and goes to sleep. I then put him in his crib. Naps are usually pretty easy. Bedtime... is a struggle. He will squirm and fight sleep and scream more sometimes. Or I'll think he's asleep and when I put him down he'll wake up 10 minutes later screaming again. He is also waking up constantly at night and I have to give him a pacifier in his crib and pray he goes back to sleep. If he wakes up at like 3 or 4 AM I really can't get him back to sleep and I have to feed him.
It is this 1 feeding that he will go back to sleep on his own. I can feed him, reswaddle him and put him back in the crib and within a few minutes he will put himself out. Why can he do this at 3AM and not any other time???!?
I'm also having issues with bedtime "times". Since he naps for 30 minutes - I am having a difficult time with not putting him down for naps after 5 or 5:30. I have tried to get him to go to bed around 7-7:30 but it goes horribly. Last night I tried it and it was hours and hours of wake ups and tears. It seems he does best with a 8 - 8:30 bedtime but he usually pitches a fit if I try to put him down for a nap between 6-8.
I am totally lost in this baby thing and I feel like I'm creating all these bad habits by having him rock to sleep on me now and putting him back to sleep at night with the pacifier and now this middle of the night feeding that wasn't there before!
Do I just ride this out or is there something I can do to help or get him to go to sleep on his own again? And does anybody else suffer with 30 minute nappers? When is bedtime and how do you get over the hump so they aren't overtired by bedtime?

I used to be able to put him down for bed and walk away and he would put himself to sleep quietly. He did this from like 8 weeks till about 13 weeks. He was also sleeping through the night 10-11 hours. However he has always had crap naps and only sleeps for like 30 minutes. He is still swaddled arms down - any time I've tried to transition him it has gone horribly...he just isn't ready yet.
He is also 21.5 pounds and will be 17 weeks old tomorrow. So, right on queue, he started the 4 month sleep regression and now my nights are no longer peaceful. In fact, he HATES sleeping now. If you even walk near his bedroom he starts to cry cause he thinks you're gonna put him to sleep.
I now have to swaddle him and sit down in a rocking chair and rock him to sleep. He usually screams for 3-5 minutes and then settles down and goes to sleep. I then put him in his crib. Naps are usually pretty easy. Bedtime... is a struggle. He will squirm and fight sleep and scream more sometimes. Or I'll think he's asleep and when I put him down he'll wake up 10 minutes later screaming again. He is also waking up constantly at night and I have to give him a pacifier in his crib and pray he goes back to sleep. If he wakes up at like 3 or 4 AM I really can't get him back to sleep and I have to feed him.
It is this 1 feeding that he will go back to sleep on his own. I can feed him, reswaddle him and put him back in the crib and within a few minutes he will put himself out. Why can he do this at 3AM and not any other time???!?
I'm also having issues with bedtime "times". Since he naps for 30 minutes - I am having a difficult time with not putting him down for naps after 5 or 5:30. I have tried to get him to go to bed around 7-7:30 but it goes horribly. Last night I tried it and it was hours and hours of wake ups and tears. It seems he does best with a 8 - 8:30 bedtime but he usually pitches a fit if I try to put him down for a nap between 6-8.
I am totally lost in this baby thing and I feel like I'm creating all these bad habits by having him rock to sleep on me now and putting him back to sleep at night with the pacifier and now this middle of the night feeding that wasn't there before!
Do I just ride this out or is there something I can do to help or get him to go to sleep on his own again? And does anybody else suffer with 30 minute nappers? When is bedtime and how do you get over the hump so they aren't overtired by bedtime?