4 Weeks since miscarriage still no period, unsure what to do??

Wishing all of you ladies the best of luck! Never under estimate the power of prayer, keep your heads up and your thoughts positive!
I say just test hun, then you know. If it's negative just leave it a little while longer. Tbh I don't know exactly how it's suppose to work we are all different I guess. I have my fingers crossed for you though. I didn't really have any symptoms as such I had been doing my bbt and ovultation tests though so I knew I had ovulated and started testing about 10dpo as I'm lil miss impatient lol. It was my first month of ovulation tests and bbt charting though so tbh I wasnt overly confident. Tbh though even now I haven't had many symptoms though and I'm nearly 9wks only sore boobs, mild cramping on and off, constipation, creamy discharge (sorry tmi) and occasional dizziness and light nausea no sickness whatsoever though.

What symptoms are you having?

It took me 5 weeks 5 days to get AF after my d&c and 31 days for the next "normal" cycle. I was 9 weeks along with the baby only measuring 6 and a half weeks with no heartbeat. My hormone levels were at 27,000 at the time of my procedure and it took about 3 weeks for me to get a negative pregnancy test so I probably o'd a few days after that. Hope this helps and good luck!
I say just test hun, then you know. If it's negative just leave it a little while longer. Tbh I don't know exactly how it's suppose to work we are all different I guess. I have my fingers crossed for you though. I didn't really have any symptoms as such I had been doing my bbt and ovultation tests though so I knew I had ovulated and started testing about 10dpo as I'm lil miss impatient lol. It was my first month of ovulation tests and bbt charting though so tbh I wasnt overly confident. Tbh though even now I haven't had many symptoms though and I'm nearly 9wks only sore boobs, mild cramping on and off, constipation, creamy discharge (sorry tmi) and occasional dizziness and light nausea no sickness whatsoever though.

What symptoms are you having?


I have been feelin sick alot and not sleepin which is a usualy a biggy for me (i already have a little boy), tiredness but then that could go with the not sleepin and i had some snot like discharge (sorry) and the only thing i ever found about that was early pregnancy, but it was only once and not much discharge since!! Today i have had niggles in my lower tummy and a bit of a sore back!

I am terrified to test!! :nope: with my miscarriage i didnt test positive till exactly 2weeks after my period was due, so instead of the two week wait, i had a 4 week wait and it was awful!!

i have never done eithe bbt or ovulation kits! maybe if im not pregnant this time, i will use them next time! i do remember havin strechy clear discharge about 2weeks ago so im guessing that was me ovulating!

i just really wish i was so i wouldnt have to constant worry about it! think ill bu a test 2moro and do it thursday mornin, that would make it 5 weeks since the day i started bleeding! do u think thats long enough??

Thanks for all ur help and advice its great!! :hugs:

Well thats good chick that ur not havin much sickness! wow 9weeks, ur really flyin through this! have u got ur scan appointment??
Hey TaraBay,

The symptoms all sound very positive hun, it is such a hard time though cos they can be very similar to af coming. Dont be too disheartened if it is negative though as your body may have just needed a little longer to settle down and next month may be your month.

I do reccomend the ovulation tests and bbt charting though as it is very interesting i got mine in a set for ebay for a few pounds so if you decide you want to give them a go i will get the item number for you :) although my fingers are crossed you wont need them.

Maybe you tested positive so late last time because the hcg levels were very low and not increasing quickly enough, this time round may be completely different.
Yeah our scan is exactly at 12wks on the 21st dec cant wait we have had early scan though at 6wks 1days and everything seemed good nice heartbeat so im very excited.

How early did you get a positive test with your little boy?

Sweet xx
hey sweet!
I am not sure about my little boy as he was a BIG surprise so i have no idea!

2day i keep thinkin af is comin, and go to the toilet and thers a bit of creamy discharge!????????????

more funny feelings in my belly yday but none 2day! tho i slept last nite and still im tired 2day and i have to go get ready for work right now!

Thats very nice of u, but i really hope i wont need them either, it wud just be great, think ill buy a test 2nite and do it in the mornin! i havent even told DH that im thinkin this as dont want him thinkin that im stressin about it, as he told me that was one thing he didnt want me to do after the miscarriage cuz i obsessed before it about gettin pregnant! Hopefully i will have good news for him 2moro, he wud be so shocked lol! and :cloud9:

Awh what a nice xmas present to have, ur scan! that was good u got an early scan too, did it help but ur mind at rest any??

Hey Tara,

What a fab surprise :)

Creamy discharge is a good sign i would say :) After you have done your test let me know how you got on :)

Whatever the outcome though you mustnt stress as its no good for your body either way.

The early scan really helped put our mind at ease, especially as we seen the heartbeat and the nurse that done it was fantastic explained everything zoomed in loads so we got a nice clear pic and she could explain what was what etc :)

I really recommend an early scan after m/c i think it depends what kind of person you are though Im a natural worrier anyway so would have been a wreck if we had waited.

I read somewhere (not sure how true it is) but 1 in 4 pregnancies ends in m/c so about 25% but that drops to 1% after you have seen a heartbeat :) so that has kept me sane too.

Sweet xx

PS - Good luck for the morning :)
:cry:Hey well :bfn: :cry:

I think im goin crazy! I used tesco own brand hpt and its :bfn: so im searchin and searchin and searchin it for a faint faint line but i really dont think ther is anythin there, but now im thinkin that their maybe not sensitive enough so im thinkin of goin and buyin FRER and using it!

What u reckon??

I just dot have the energy to deal with this anymore, cant understand y and how its so hard to get pregnant! I am in a 'ITS NOT FAIR' mood!!!:growlmad:

It also doesnt help that my hubby works away from home, so we cant even just :sex: every other day for a month!

I will probly go and buy the FRER! but i know that its goin to be another :bfn: then i will have to sitit out and wait on AF showing up and god knows how long that could take! I was really hoping for :BFP: before xmas, then i got it but then miscarried and now am i ever gona get it again!!!!

sorry for the rant im just lost as to y its so easy for some and sooooooooo hard for others!!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

Hope ur keepin well and sorry again for all the moaning!!!!

Hey Tarababy!!

The tesco tests aren't very sensitive I don't think when I was 5 weeks I did a test and didn't see a line with tesco ones but did a clear blue digi test a few days later and it was a BFP so I think they may just not be sensitive enough try another at least then you'll know for sure!!

Let us know how you get on I finally got my period after miscarriage so we can now officially start trying again and take this month one step at a time.

Hey bumblebee,

well i did, i spent a fortune on FRER the following day and was convinced i cud see a line, DH couldnt but i was convinced or maybe was just tryn to convince myself! but anyway, yesterday came and so did AF, first since miscarriage and it is awful, nearly worse than miscarriage!
So yes ur right now we can get down to tryn properly again and hopin that we catch our fertile peak!
Are u chartin ur ovulation or anythin??? im not sure whther to or not, i dont fully understand it all so im a bit wary of doin it!

hope this is our month!!!! :dust: for the both of us!!
Hey bumblebee,

well i did, i spent a fortune on FRER the following day and was convinced i cud see a line, DH couldnt but i was convinced or maybe was just tryn to convince myself! but anyway, yesterday came and so did AF, first since miscarriage and it is awful, nearly worse than miscarriage!
So yes ur right now we can get down to tryn properly again and hopin that we catch our fertile peak!
Are u chartin ur ovulation or anythin??? im not sure whther to or not, i dont fully understand it all so im a bit wary of doin it!

hope this is our month!!!! :dust: for the both of us!!

Hey :)
I'm not charting because I find I stress more all I do is use ovulation sticks and baby dance once every other day as that's apparently the best way to keep healthy sperm and not miss your fertile days it worked last time unfortunately Beanie just couldn't stick around so hoping this month will work just the same but only time will tell.

Keep in touch and let me know how you get on I'm just waiting for AF to stop so we can start properly again xxxxx
Hi :flower:

Yes i have just ordered some internet cheapie ovualtion sticks and i have been given advice to use them 3 times a day, morning noon and night! so i will try it! I am actually quite excited about AF ending and starting to try again! my only problem is that my hubby works away so what will happen if i ovulate and he is away!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

do u BD every other day over ovulation or every day???

Yes will keep in touch!

The second was at just 5 weeks and my period came after 5 weeks so I would say it'll probably be a few more days but everyone's different. Hope that helps.
Hi TaraBay,

Sorry I havent been around much, really sorry you got a BFN :( I see AF arrived though which is a positive and will hopefully mean your cycle is all back to normal now, fingers crossed for you and a BFP on the way :D

Im glad you got some ov tests I really do reccomend charting too I found the whole thing really confusing at first but as the month progresses and the more you do it the more you see a pattern and it starts to make sense. I charted using fertilityfriend.com online so all i did was enter my temp every day and fertility friend did all the hard work and created my chart for me. You can even input any day to day symptoms like sore boobs etc.

I know i only did it for one mont before getting my BFP but i do think especially if it takes you slightly longer to get your BFP you would start to see a pattern across the months and plus the ov tests can give a false positive across the month, (it never happened with me but i have heard of it with some other girls) so the bbt chart would help you see if it was a true positive or not.

Sorry for the long post but they were just a few things I wanted to make you aware of incase you didnt know especially the ov tests giving more than one positive across the month as not everyone knows that can happen.

Ive tried adding a link to my chart but i dont know how, so if you want to have a look if you pm me your email i will mail it across to you.

Good luck with your TTC journey hun hopefully it wont be too long till you get your BFP !!!

Sweet xx
Hi :flower:

Yes i have just ordered some internet cheapie ovualtion sticks and i have been given advice to use them 3 times a day, morning noon and night! so i will try it! I am actually quite excited about AF ending and starting to try again! my only problem is that my hubby works away so what will happen if i ovulate and he is away!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

do u BD every other day over ovulation or every day???

Yes will keep in touch!


Hey :)
I BD every other day throughout my cycle and then a few extra during ovulation week me and my partner keep it fresh and exciting and try new things whilst doing this so it doesn't get to boring after ovulation we relax a little more and just enjoy sex as and when and enjoy cuddles and being more affectionate those weeks so it varied and we enjoy it much more, and unfortunately if you partners away he is away but if you've BD-ed every other day then the egg will have sperm ready to meet it all going well :happydance:
My AF has just finished so I'm looking forward to getting back on track and trying again it feel exciting again now :)

and Sweetangel thanks for the advice I may try charting again but i always found it soooo stressful but it sounds easier than I thought doing it online

hi sweet1 i was wondering were u wer at! :flower: glad ur back!
yes i just recieved my OPK's 2day and i ordered a basal thermometer this morning, express delivery, hopefully it will arrive 2moro or friday which should be wen my AF is ending!

how have u been feeling??

I am excitedto start all this ovulation tests and temping and charting on fertilty friend! my hubby is gna think im goin crazy! do u think it really helps or is it something to just ease ur mind a bit??? i need some convincing?!

bumblebee how exciting that ur AF is finished! maybe mine will be finished shortly and we will be goin thorugh our cycles at similar stages!

keep in touch! :hugs:
Yeh fingers crossed hun!!

You never know we could end up bump buddies if all goes to plan this month!!

Babydust to you :dust:

fingers crossed its our month good luck with all the new regimes fingers crossed they work for you xxxxxx
ah how nice would that be bumblebee!!! bumpbuddies, i like it!

Is this ur 1st u are tryn for??

i have already poas twice, i just cant resist the urge! altho it confuses me that u have to wait 10mins for a def result, rather than dont read after 10mins!! thermometer should come 2moro, slightly scared of using that! lol
are u goin to poas and temp this cycle??

:dust: to us both! heres hopin we get a VERY nice xmas pressie!

Tara xxxxxxx
Hehe I know it'd be lovely!!

Fingers crossed for us both no not temping just yet either I'm just seeing how we get on this month and then if nothing will start temping at charting next month don't want to much pressure straight away after the miscarriage :)

It is our first we're trying for we're both secretly hoping for a girl but we've said as long as it has 2 of everything down the side and one of everything down the middle with 10 fingers and toes we'll be very happy :)

How about you is this your first??
how are you bumblebee and sweetangel?????

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