40+ TTC and Weight!


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Kinda of a Touchy subject but are most of you TTC over 40 a little slighty overweight, underweight, or have little more cushion. I was wondering because some of my friends over 40 have been told to lose weight then they get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy...I have a bit of weight to lose.
I am more than a little overweight and am currently losing a little (about 1lb per week) but I'm not really trying I've just changed my eating habits and increased my quantity of moderate exercise for TTC.

Whenever I've seen my doctor my weight is never mentioned and only once was it mentioned with regard to TTC. We were advised we may not get a BFP without IVF and to get IVF on the NHS I would need to lose approx 56lb.

I know some doctors will mention weight lose but I think it depends on the individual lady as to whether their weight really is a negative effect on TTC or not.
we started ttc in jul 08 when I was 38 and no BFP until Sept 09 but unfortunately had MMC a few months later. I joined Weight Watchers in Sept 08 and lost about 18 lbs. We started trying again in April 10 and I joined Slimming World in May 10 and again lost about 18 lbs. I'm still doing slimming world now and have had chemicals in Oct 10 and Mar 11.

I'm not sure if the slimming world was actually stopping me from getting pregnant tho as conception would have been during the 3 weeks I was on holiday and just eating whatever I fancied. Might be pure coincidence but it is something I've been thinking about.

Having said that, I wasn't massively overweight. I think at my heaviest I went to 13 stone and I'm now between 11 2 and 11 7. I'm 5ft 9 ish.

I think diet and exercise can definately contribute to getting a BFP but there are always exceptions to the rule. x
I'm 37 but very definitely overweight (I'm 5'4" and weigh about 198 on a good day :dohh:)... I've asked a couple of drs about weight loss and ttc (we moved cross-country in between my mc's, so I've seen a couple) and have gotten the same answers from all three - a) if you're still ovulating regularly, your weight is not impacting your ability to get pregnant, and b) they all said that even at my age it was not wise to wait to ttc while trying to lose weight.
:::raising my hand::: I'm pretty fluffy too. When I saw the RE, he totally tried to tiptoe around my weight, but he did mention it.
Hi ladies ,just wanted to say I am a size 18 and was bigger wen I had all my children,it never affected my cycle and have always ovulated on the same day.have just lost 34 pound thru walking and slimming world and my gynae in the hospital never even mentioned it,so my experience is it's never been a big deal,:hugs::hugs:
I also am fluffy lol, i ovulate every cycle, my cycles are always like clockwork, and if your ovulating you can get pg. I was in an Organic Vit shop last week and i asked her about Royal Jelly and C0Q10 for getting pg, then i asked her about something to lose weight, and she said "Oh you dont want to lose weight if your TTC, if your losing weight your body says not to get pg because its losing fat and it thinks it cannot support a pg" I think if your ovulating, dont worry about it, just eat healthy and keep trying, if your not ovulating, then you might need to lose some weight in order to ovulate. Good luck!!
Thanks ladies for the answer cause 2 of my friends lost weight. My one friend was 42 and lost 15 pounds on WW and thought she was going into menopause so didn't bother with BC because when she was heavier she never got pregnant. Well 15 pounds lighter she got a suprise. The other lady was 41 and her RE told her to lose weight and she lost at least 30 pounds and she got pregnant too. Just wondering?? I need to lose about 20 pounds but 10 will do.
well, i'm the opposite (slightly underweight) but was also concerned it might be a problem! i did try and put on a bit of weight the last month or so. don't know if that helped.
she said "Oh you dont want to lose weight if your TTC, if your losing weight your body says not to get pg because its losing fat and it thinks it cannot support a pg"

hmmm thats interesting, I wonder if its true. Im trying to lose weight, im not really dieting but stepping up my exercise and I dont want to stop as I think its important. Im overweight for my height, my BMI is 28 I think. Ive heard that its only when its over 30 that they tell you to lose weight. My FS never mentioned my weight, I like to think its because I dont look overweight :rofl:
Interesting thread. Like Kosh, I would probably have been classified as underweight, until recently. I am 5' 4" and for most of my adult life have always hovered around 7 - 7 and a half stone. I believe this is my natural weight as I am a very small frame. I managed to conceive my son at the age of 39 successfully and always felt my weight was not a problem because I had regular cycles. They even continued while heavy marathon training (around 70 miles a week) and my belief that I was at my natural weight was backed up (in my mind) by the fact that I had training partners who were a stone heavier than I was and experienced amenorrhea. All changed when, at the age of 42, we decided that we would like to give our little boy a sibling. Realising time was short we paid to see a consultant obstetrician (outside NHS) and I was incensed, not because she commented that I could probably do with putting a few pounds on to enhance my chances (fair enough, possibly good advice), but because when I told her I ate a full and balanced diet, ate till I was full and also had a sweet tooth too, her response was, 'That's what they all say'!!! How patronising is that?! Unless someone presents as seriously over or underweight to a point where it will have implications for their fertility and their ability to carry a baby successfully surely it is right that a Dr should not pass judgement? I felt very smug when I fell pregnant a month later with no help from her :) Sadly I mc at 12+ weeks last November and subsequently decided to gain some weight to see if she was right. I am now 8st 2 but after 5 months ttc again without success I started exercising again and will be happy to lose some of the weight again. My body just did not feel as though it functioned properly on eating my usual diet plus extra helpings of cakes, ice cream etc (loved it all though!) and not exercising, just so that I could say I was a few pounds heavier.

Forgive my rant, I am wound up whenever I think of the Dr and her impact on me! What I really wanted to say is that I believe we all know what feels right for our own body and that is different for everyone. Unless you're abusing it in the process, it will function best where you are happy and feel 'well'. Who cares if you are 'curvy' or 'fluffy' or 'skinny as a rake'? If your body is working and you have evidence it is ovulating, how much difference can a few pounds either way really make......?
Interesting thread. Like Kosh, I would probably have been classified as underweight, until recently. I am 5' 4" and for most of my adult life have always hovered around 7 - 7 and a half stone. I believe this is my natural weight as I am a very small frame. I managed to conceive my son at the age of 39 successfully and always felt my weight was not a problem because I had regular cycles. They even continued while heavy marathon training (around 70 miles a week) and my belief that I was at my natural weight was backed up (in my mind) by the fact that I had training partners who were a stone heavier than I was and experienced amenorrhea. All changed when, at the age of 42, we decided that we would like to give our little boy a sibling. Realising time was short we paid to see a consultant obstetrician (outside NHS) and I was incensed, not because she commented that I could probably do with putting a few pounds on to enhance my chances (fair enough, possibly good advice), but because when I told her I ate a full and balanced diet, ate till I was full and also had a sweet tooth too, her response was, 'That's what they all say'!!! How patronising is that?! Unless someone presents as seriously over or underweight to a point where it will have implications for their fertility and their ability to carry a baby successfully surely it is right that a Dr should not pass judgement? I felt very smug when I fell pregnant a month later with no help from her :) Sadly I mc at 12+ weeks last November and subsequently decided to gain some weight to see if she was right. I am now 8st 2 but after 5 months ttc again without success I started exercising again and will be happy to lose some of the weight again. My body just did not feel as though it functioned properly on eating my usual diet plus extra helpings of cakes, ice cream etc (loved it all though!) and not exercising, just so that I could say I was a few pounds heavier.

Forgive my rant, I am wound up whenever I think of the Dr and her impact on me! What I really wanted to say is that I believe we all know what feels right for our own body and that is different for everyone. Unless you're abusing it in the process, it will function best where you are happy and feel 'well'. Who cares if you are 'curvy' or 'fluffy' or 'skinny as a rake'? If your body is working and you have evidence it is ovulating, how much difference can a few pounds either way really make......?

Wow! That was so unprofessional of her! Sorry about your m/c :hugs: I think you're right, you should be where you feel comfortable. A healthy diet and exercise has to count more than being the perfect weight!

I'm definitely "fluffy" :haha: these days but I'm still regular as a clock. I haven't missed a period since I started at age 11 and my weight has gone from "skinny as a rake" to "fluffy" (just on the obese side per all the charts for my height of 5'4") over the last 10 years. I developed fibroids a couple of years ago and that made my periods heavier but still super regular. I worry that when I go to a Dr they will tell me to lose weight.
I'm 5'8" and 10 and 1/2 stone (147 pounds) which puts me in the healthy BMI range of 23(UK size 12, USA size 10) - having said that I've been bigger a few years ago during a major life crisis, so I do understand that when life is throwing you curve balls we don't reach for the fruit bowl.

The doctor I saw last week said I was in really good condition in general and didn't need to do anything special for TTC except folic acid, but I remember seeing a doctor last year who suggested I lose a stone (14 pounds) for my asthma. I was a bit gobsmacked by this. Anyway I didn't, I don't believe in dieting and I'm a country girl, I like my big dinners and my 5 fruit and veg a day.

So, I think it depends on the doctor to a certain extent, they are only human and take their own preconceived notions and ideas of "normal" into their judegements.
Well......I was never told to lose weight but knowing that I wanted to TTC it was the incentive I needed to shift two and half stone on WW last year and I do feel a hell of a lot better for it, but no BFP yet so I dunno whether it's helped in that department or not. My Dr never mentioned it when I saw her at the beginning of the year, maybe she would have done had I been heavier?! :shrug:
she said "Oh you dont want to lose weight if your TTC, if your losing weight your body says not to get pg because its losing fat and it thinks it cannot support a pg"

This actually makes sense based on something I read years ago about weight in general. Our body stores excess fat so that during lean times we'll have stores to survive on. Therefore when we are dipping in to those fat stores we're telling our body that we're in a famine situation. It's logical (or biological :haha:) that our bodies would not want us to be pregnant during a time in which there is not enough food to support us, let alone a baby.

I just discovered that my BMI is 34 the night before last and according to all the weight charts I'm obese. DH started looking up info on being obese and pregnancy and he was worried about all the complications he read about. Since he also wants to lose some weight, we're going to take the next 10 weeks off of TTC and work on getting in better shape. I don't feel like myself these days and I definitely can't do the physical activities that I used to just a few years ago. I figure I can lose 20 lbs by then and get my BMI down to 29! It's good timing as my bday is next month and I'd really like to have a few drinks and I have a huge charity event I'm planning for the end of July so some major stress coming up for the next 2 months. Of course this all depends on the results this month, If it turns out I'm pg now then it all goes out the window! :winkwink:
she said "Oh you dont want to lose weight if your TTC, if your losing weight your body says not to get pg because its losing fat and it thinks it cannot support a pg"

This actually makes sense based on something I read years ago about weight in general. Our body stores excess fat so that during lean times we'll have stores to survive on. Therefore when we are dipping in to those fat stores we're telling our body that we're in a famine situation. It's logical (or biological :haha:) that our bodies would not want us to be pregnant during a time in which there is not enough food to support us, let alone a baby.

I just discovered that my BMI is 34 the night before last and according to all the weight charts I'm obese. DH started looking up info on being obese and pregnancy and he was worried about all the complications he read about. Since he also wants to lose some weight, we're going to take the next 10 weeks off of TTC and work on getting in better shape. I don't feel like myself these days and I definitely can't do the physical activities that I used to just a few years ago. I figure I can lose 20 lbs by then and get my BMI down to 29! It's good timing as my bday is next month and I'd really like to have a few drinks and I have a huge charity event I'm planning for the end of July so some major stress coming up for the next 2 months. Of course this all depends on the results this month, If it turns out I'm pg now then it all goes out the window! :winkwink:

yes I really want to lose some weight and am trying and TTC. I am not dieting, more stepping up my exercise so we will see what happens. If I dont get pregnant as my body is loosing weight then so be it, at least I will be healthier when I do get pregnant :thumbup:
My cycles were 30 days long, I lost 3.5 stone and now i am regular 30 day girl :) AF is lighter and not so many days :)
This is all very interesting and confusing. I am 5'4 and currently about 25lbs overweight with a BMI of 28.3.

I used to be (almost 10 years ago) about 20 MORE lbs overweight than I am now. At that time, I had completely clockwork 28 day cycles and they always had been normal. I had NEVER been on BC.

Now that I've just gotten off BC six months ago after being on it for six years, my cycles are CRAZY and I'm not nearly as overweight as I was when I had normal cycles.

So for me:

THEN = REALLY overweight (pushing 200lbs), no BC and completely normal cycles.

NOW = A little overweight, just off BC and cycles that can't even be explained.

I don't know what to think about my weight and whether it's a factor at this point.
This is all very interesting and confusing. I am 5'4 and currently about 25lbs overweight with a BMI of 28.3.

I used to be (almost 10 years ago) about 20 MORE lbs overweight than I am now. At that time, I had completely clockwork 28 day cycles and they always had been normal. I had NEVER been on BC.

Now that I've just gotten off BC six months ago after being on it for six years, my cycles are CRAZY and I'm not nearly as overweight as I was when I had normal cycles.

So for me:

THEN = REALLY overweight (pushing 200lbs), no BC and completely normal cycles.

NOW = A little overweight, just off BC and cycles that can't even be explained.
I don't know what to think about my weight and whether it's a factor at this point.

don't under estimate how coming off the BC pill can screw up your own natural cycle. It can take some women a year for there ow body's hormones to get back to normal to create a regular cycle

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