I would really appreciate help. My cycle is always 28-30 days (occasionally 31) I am now on days 36 and still no period. I had no premenstrual symptoms (which I've had for the last 11 years, I'm 22y/o BTW), until today where my breast have just started becoming slightly sore. I knew I wasn't going to be getting my period on time, but I didn't think I would be 5 days late!! I took a hpt on day 33 and it showed negative. I feel occasional cramping (small ones though), I'm VERY constipated (which is nowhere near normal for me), I'm very irritated, tons of gas, tiny bloating and everytime I eat my stomach hurts. No vomitting, just pain. My doctor said its highly unlikely that I am pregnant bc the test (urine) came up negative, but my period has not shown her face. What is going on?? Someone please give me real advice.
Oh and my doc says he won't do bloodwork for another 2 weeks -.- I totally forgot to mention that I had unprotected sex 2-4 days before I ovulated. Clarification: I am not simply asking if I am pregnant, I am trying to find other reasons for my period being late as it has never happened,even when under tons of pressure and stress. Please help.. I am so confused.
Oh and my doc says he won't do bloodwork for another 2 weeks -.- I totally forgot to mention that I had unprotected sex 2-4 days before I ovulated. Clarification: I am not simply asking if I am pregnant, I am trying to find other reasons for my period being late as it has never happened,even when under tons of pressure and stress. Please help.. I am so confused.