My son still hasn't learnt his alphabet and just turned 5 a few weeks ago. He used to know it around the age of 2 as we had an alphabet puzzle he loved to do. But as he got older and wasn't interested I stopped doing it with him. He knows a fair few of the letters but things like m and n, g and q get mixed up. Should I be pushing this with him? He's only just started to bring a reading book home and it's a picture book. We have things like flash cards, 2 alphabet puzzles and alphabet lotto we could do with him but I suspect he would feel it is a chore (as do I tbh but I would do it if necessary). I also think he gets bored doing tasks and doesn't try so then tells us the wrong answer. He may know more than he lets on.
Eta he has only just started school so has only done a few weeks of school
Eta he has only just started school so has only done a few weeks of school