Ok, so I've made a really horrible mistake. This is my second pregnancy (I'm 6 weeks). My first ended in an early miscarriage. It took me more than a year to concieve again and the baby is desparately, deparately wanted. I did everything meticulously even while just trying to concieve- no alcohol, lots of fruit and veg, folic acid etc... but yesterday I started bleeding quite a lot.
I didn't know about "spotting" and thought blood meant gameover and I was miscarrying again.
I was devastated by my first loss, couldn't deal with experiencing a second and that evening drank an entire bottle of red. That night the bleeding stopped. Now the doctor thinks the baby is probably alive (pending scan). I didn't mention the alcohol because I was so bowled over by the news that baby might not be dead that I honestly didn't think about it straight away.
Now I am doubly terrified that even if it lives I've hurt my baby and I'm really furious with myself. Does anyone know the odds that I've given it foetal alcohol syndrome after this? Did anyone binge drink at this stage (like without knowing they were pregnant) and everything was ok?
I didn't know about "spotting" and thought blood meant gameover and I was miscarrying again.
I was devastated by my first loss, couldn't deal with experiencing a second and that evening drank an entire bottle of red. That night the bleeding stopped. Now the doctor thinks the baby is probably alive (pending scan). I didn't mention the alcohol because I was so bowled over by the news that baby might not be dead that I honestly didn't think about it straight away.
Now I am doubly terrified that even if it lives I've hurt my baby and I'm really furious with myself. Does anyone know the odds that I've given it foetal alcohol syndrome after this? Did anyone binge drink at this stage (like without knowing they were pregnant) and everything was ok?