My daughter is NOT wanting to drink her bottle during the day and only wants solids. For example today.
She refused her morning bottle for her daddy and he dumped it and fed her solids.
I got up later and a few hours around 11 I made her a bottle and she drank 2 ounces out of 6 ounces, so fed her lunch early.
IN the afternoon I made her another bottle and she ate 4 ounces out 6 ounces then at solid.
At 5 she had her solid dinner (she eats solids four times a day on a sch) Anyway she not drinking like normal and she a little bit under weight so I'm a little worried she not getting enough formula. At 11 pm at night we go in there and feed her bottle and she eats all of it and then sometimes in the middle of the night she eat another bottle. ITs a bit of a huge train stop on the bottles so its a tad worrisome for us.
Any advice is this normal or should we be doing something else?
She refused her morning bottle for her daddy and he dumped it and fed her solids.
I got up later and a few hours around 11 I made her a bottle and she drank 2 ounces out of 6 ounces, so fed her lunch early.
IN the afternoon I made her another bottle and she ate 4 ounces out 6 ounces then at solid.
At 5 she had her solid dinner (she eats solids four times a day on a sch) Anyway she not drinking like normal and she a little bit under weight so I'm a little worried she not getting enough formula. At 11 pm at night we go in there and feed her bottle and she eats all of it and then sometimes in the middle of the night she eat another bottle. ITs a bit of a huge train stop on the bottles so its a tad worrisome for us.
Any advice is this normal or should we be doing something else?