7w 6d morning sickness gone!?


Active Member
Sep 4, 2014
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Morning everyone..

im currently 7weeks and 6days, i normally have morning sickness every day. As soon as i wake up im ill, i found that its usually caused from hunger..

I was sick most of yesterday and ive woken up this morning with nothing! I feel fine!!!

i had a scan just 2 days ago and jelly bean was there with a strong heartbeat of 144bpm..

Is this normal? I know everyone is different, just worried!! :(
Yep, totally normal! It might be gone for good, or it might just be tricking you, and will come back in a day or two! Lol... Morning sickness is mean that way.
Enjoy the break whilst it may last!! :D Like LittleLala said, it may come back to bite you on the butt.. or you may just not have any more... great! :)
I never imagined saying this, but i hope some sort comes back!
Im such a worry wart, i wish i could just peep inside to make sure jelly bean is okay! Haha.. :(

Thanks ladies! What are your experiences with morning sickness??
If your having a break then enjoy it! Will probably re appear within the next few days worse than ever! Lol. I have hypermesis. Had one day where I woke up feeling not sick, spent the few hours worrying only for it to come back full force by the afternoon and end up needing iv fluids the next day. Now wish id made the most of that time and enjoyed a meal. Haven't eaten more than dry crackers in weeks. So happy to have a healthy pregnancy but wish the sickness would do one! I'm sure your little one is a a absolutely fine :)
I've had mine pretty much from 4 weeks! It did go away for a day at about the same as you-- man do I regret wishing it would come back hahaha. I just want it gone, it has made me miserable. Every morning after I brush my teeth I am sick for about half an hour, I dread it everyday. Then I have all day nausea, which includes gagging, and sometimes vomiting too. The only thing that has helped is laying down, but obviously I can't lay down all the time. I am sick at work on a regular basis, and I work in retail :/ It is embarrassing. Smells really trigger it too.
If I could give my morning sickness to my DH, I would do it in a heartbeat!!
ughh my morning sickness has been horrible 4 the last week or so. I wake up & a few minutes later gagging && having 2 run 2 the bathroom. & then when I try 2 brush my teeth it makes me throw up even more! before I started getting sick I was a little nervous ... because I read that morning sickness can actually b a good sign! don't worry about it stopping especially just for one day!
Well it has only just been this morning that i have felt fine.. ill get up for work in the morning and feel sick i bet! Haha..

Ive been eating and trying to enjoy it! I guess if i start cramping then i will start to panic.. So far no cramps and havent seen a spot of blood since my last period.. :)

I think im pretty lucky considering my morning sickness is only feeling sick and not actually being sick!! Haha!

Thanks ladies you have put my mind at ease!! Ill keep you all up to date :)

I agree with others, good chance it will be back soon enough. I have heard of people who stop having morning sickness about 8 weeks. If it doesn't come back it's also normal. Since you had your scan and all looks good I wouldn't not to worry, at least try not to.
With my DD it subsided a lot for 2 days at 6.5 weeks and I panicked!! Then it came back full force! This time round is exactly the same-all day nausea and starting to be sick (once so far). Smells are awful especially those room diffusers, and I only want bland food. But don't underestimate all day nausea-it's exhausting! When I was actually sick last night I felt a lot better so being sick *may* provide a break from nausea for 30 minutes afterwards! Today I went retail shopping and really enjoyed it! My nausea was a lot less which worried me slightly but now back home my nausea is back. It's definitely worse when im not totally distracted. And on a good note yes I've read nausea/sickness is a great sign for a strong pregnancy. I was sick with DD, sick now and saw a hb on scan last week :) With my mc before DD I felt sick mildly for about an hour a day so nothing like the two since

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