I can totally understand your worry. My daughter is almost 4, she has no official diagnosis yet but we have been told by so many health professionals and doctors that she's autistic that we are now certain she is. I was bullied very bad at school and so was my husband, we will not have our daughter go through the same, it's our biggest fear and always at the back of my mind. I know some kids can be cruel but I also know that sometimes it's not all the kids fault as I believe that some responsibility can lie with the parents not explaining why some children are different to others. Hard to say I know but this was just one incident so don't let it upset you. When my daughter started nursery I thought the other children will laugh at her as she isn't potty trained, talks mostly in her own language, doesn't know how to interact or play and likes to wonder round in a world of her own. Plus as for reasons I've just said, she can in no way stand up for herself. I've never been so happy to say how wrong I was, her teacher told me she is one of the most popular kids there, the children really help her with everything. When they want to play they catch hold my daughter's hand and take her out to play, when she has to hang coat up or put coat on they take my daughter to her peg to help her. They won't make any loud noises around her and they take her to a quiet corner to play. When I pick her up they all jump up and shout bye see you soon. I was walking down the street the other day and a little girl cone up to her and started jumping up and down and calling her name. What I'm saying is that for every child that says something horrible or nasty there are lots of others who will help and look after your son and they will be his real friends. Did the teacher not say anything to this little girl?, I think the reason my daughter has friends is because her teachers explained my daughter's problems to them which made them want to help. As I said this is a one off incident that could have happened to any child weather they were special needs or not. Your son will be fine and make lots of special worthwhile friends